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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 07

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  • May 27th, 2011 t From Staff Reports Western Carolina Uni- versity has announced the lineup for its 2011 Summer a Series. The concerts, sponsored 4 A.K. Hinds University Center, will be held on the University Center lawn at 7 p.m. on Thursdays in gune and July. The events are free and open to the Bublic. = A full schedule follows: on June 2, Katharine Wha- fen and Chimney Choir. A Chapel Hill-area vocal- TESTRISGTR IETS ist for 1990s band Squir- tel Nut Zippers, Whalen and her current band, The Fascinators, combine jazz with. modern electronic effects and percolating thythms. Also, musicians of the Colorado-based band Chimney Choir, who play instruments including mandolin, harmonica, ac- cordion, guitar, flute, piano and banjo, will combine vocal harmonies, epic ar- _. Yangements and imagina- tive lyrics. is June 9, The Back Pag- es, This Western North Carolina group performs rock, as well as classic and : eR, Southern rock. June 16, Brandon Kirk- -ley and the Firecrackers. With a vocalist and gui- tar and bass players from | Charlotte and Raleigh, -pop-savvy BKTF mixes catchy lyrics, melodies, ~. guitar solos and rhythm to inspire fans to pump their fists and sing along. (dune. 23, Lionz . of Zion. The Lionz of Zion fuse funk and reggae for a unique sound that gets people dancing. Appeal- ke ing to music lovers of all ages and backgrounds, this Greenville, $.C.- based bands fresh style includes bass riffs with groovy guitar, soulful vocals and roots-rock backbeat. June 30, Luke Webb. A singer-songwriter and gui- tarist from Sylva, Webb, formerly of the folk rock group Shiner Miners, re- cently formed The Impera- tive, which features an un- usual brand of alternative folk. July 7, The Buchanan Boys. This Western North Carolina progressive coun- try group blends high-en- ergy country, ballads and three-part harmony. July 14, Beau Bristow. A native of rural Ala- bama, Bristow is a singer- songwriter who seeks to connect with his audience through candid, powerful lyrics and guitar poner mance. July 21, Serious Clark. The folk-fusion trio from Brevard incorporates ele- ments of alternative rock, improv and country with its looped acoustic guitar grooves and soul-influ- enced vocals. The group has been compared to the Dave Matthews Band and Barenaked Ladies. . July 28, Arnold Hill and the Medicine Man. From Sylva and WCU, the four- piece band strives to pro- vide a healing experience to the ears with three-part harmony and unexpected turhs from one genre to an- other, from indie alterna- tive to singer-songwriter to Americana to folk. The peabiion Boe a ropresive ie commas group B hot Pohas Biche ee s 4, WESTERN, CAROLINIAN ARES: AND ENTER LAINMEN Page 6 Lineup set for free 201 1 Summer Concert Series at WCU Katharine Whalen and Chimney Choir eh-of the 2011 Summer Concert meee on ee . PHOTO ) SUBMITTED energy conte hallads ant threes part harmony, will perform. a free outdoor ct concert at Be, on ndilty & a YOUR LOCAL ANIMAL Luke Webb, a singer-songwriter and guitarist from Sylva and formerly of the folk rock group Shiner Miners, will perform on June 30. 4. Reach: No other advertising vehicle has the reach of newspapers. Nationally, 104 million adults read a newspaper on an average weekday and more than 115 million on an average Sunday. More than three out of four (75.2%) read a newspaper or visit a newspaper website in an average week (Scarborough Research). 2, Quality: Your very best prospects are newspaper readers, People who are typically labeled upscale meaning upper income, higher education, professional! managerial occupations all count themselves as newspaper readers. In 2008, 82.5%of adults with $100,000 or more income read a newspaper or visited a newspaper website in the past week, as did 82.8% of college graduates and 81% of those employed in professions or in management roles. 3. Targeted: From targeting ad placement by section readership to post it notes, to a few residential blocks, newspapers can fine tun your message. 4, Immediate: Newspaper advertising is among the fastest forms of advertising with extremely short deadlines that allow ads to be created and run in a matter of days. 5. Flexibility: Newspapers, unlike most other media allow the advertiser to build an ad in any size. 6, Credibility/Trust: More than any other medium, consumers believe in newspaper advertising, Forty percent of adults surveyed find newspapers are trustworthy or believable, a large gap when compared to television (23 percent), radio (18 percent) or the Internet (16 percent). (2006 Scarborough Engagement Study). THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Advertise Today! PHOTO SUBMIT 7. Selective vs. intrusive: Shoppers are less willing today to accept advertising that is spooned out to them. They seek out advertising on their own. Newspapers are the medium shoppers use most for shopping in an average week. Nearly six in 10 (59%) use newspapers, exceeding others like television (38%), ad appearing in search engines (18%) or ads on general interest websites (15%) (MORI Research 2009), 8, Environment: The newspaper editorial environment typically adds credibility and legitimacy to the brand being advertised. To readers, the advertising in a newspaper is every bit as important as the news. 9, Relied Upon: Newspaper advertising is a valuable commodity to readers. A recent research study surveyed shoppers attitudes about which type of media they preferred for retail advertising. In terms of media used to check out ads, the most valuable media in planning shopping, used for comparing prices, most convenient, most up to date, most trustworthy, believable and preferred, newspapers out distance all other forms combined. 10. Results: Newspaper advertising works! While this point should go without saying, the fact remains -_ that newspapers are frequently thought of as a results medium. Newspaper ads create traffic, move merchandise and yes, establish brands. We cannot lose track of the notion that, in a world of thousands of messages a day, advertising in newspapers are one sur thing when it comes to producing results. ; Research Scarborough 2008 How America Shops and Spends/ MORI Research 2009 Newspaper advertising. A destination, not a distraction.

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