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Western Carolinian Volume 71 Number 12

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  • sweet Dreams By Rachel Mitchell WCnewsmagazine : Oneirology is known as the study of dreams. People have all types of dreams, in all types of places with all types of subjects. There are many interpretations of dreams like some believing that they have hidden meanings while others think they are just random images. The world of dreams can have unnerving sites while at the same time leave someone thinking, how in the world did that get in there. Dreams are generally associated with REM orrapid eye movement sleep. Itis considered to be the time when people have the most brain activity and are more likely to remember what they have dreamed. It is not precisely known what part of the brain dreams come from or why dreams occur at all. Ancient empires such as Egypt and Greece were some of the first to interpret dreams with supernatural communication or meaning. Only those with special powers could unravel and understand what dreams truly meant. In todays world people interpret their dreams to mean various things such as access to their spirit, reflections of the subconscious, messages from God or experiencing deja vu. It was from the 1940s to 1985 that Calvin S. Hall reported on more than 50,000 dreams. He found that the most common emotion in dreams was anxiety and that negative emotions were more common than positive. There is also a difference in the characters that the different genders dream. Hall reported that men dream more about men because of their more aggressive emotions while women have about an equal amount of men and women in their dreams. The most common themes of dreams are falling, being late, being cased, something relating to work or school and failing an examination. A common side affects of dreaming intense, emotional dreams are talking, moaning or the occasional leg jerk that is so hard that people wake themselves up. Since people generally forget what they can only be brought out of this state by a sudden or surprising stimulus. People generally regard daydreaming as lazy but some believe it to be an important part of creativity or the development of new ideas. Whether it is the occasional nightmare or the relaxing daydream, dreaming is a part of peoples everyday life. Dreaming is considered more of an art than science to some people but it is up to the dreamer to interpret what they see. dream very quickly after waking up, many people keep a dream diary. Author Stephen LaBerge recommends that when people wake up they should lay in bed and try to remember what they dreamed that night and not about the day ahead. When someone cant go to sleep at the moment, daydreaming is a_ popular distraction from what is going on around them. There are so many different types of daydreams that psychologist do not have a solid definition for it. The daydream begins with a train of thought that leads people farther and farther away from the present surroundings while observers notice the person has a blank stare. The daydreamer Yoga: Stretch Away Tension and Bulge By: Lacey Martinez * WCnewsmagazine Downward Facing Dog, Half Lord of the Fishes, and the Happy Baby. No, this is not some strange fairytale; these are all unique poses to the ancient yet ever so popular exercise of yoga. Yoga began over 5,000 years ago as a Hindu spiritual practice. In India, Yoga is seen as a means to both physiological and spiritual mastery. In all branches of yoga, the ultimate goal is the attainment of an eternal state of perfect consciousness. Within the monist schools of Advaita Vedanta this perfection takes the form of Moksha, which is a liberation from all worldly suffering and the cycle of birth and death. When this state is obtained there is said to be a cessation of thought and an experience of blissful union with the Supreme Brahman, Hinduisms godhead. Yoga was first introduced to American society in the late nineteenth century by Swami Vivekananda. He believed that India had an abundance of spiritual wealth and that yoga is a method that could help those who were bound by the materialism of capitalist societies to achieve spiritual well-being. Little did Vivekananda know that yoga its self could be commercialized. American yoga has been transformed into a form of relaxation and exercise. The lucrative business yields nearly $3 billion annually from classes and products. While yoga was originally done bare foot, Nike has capitalized on the growing popularity by selling the first yoga shoe. Gucci has its own signature mat, Mark Jacobs crated a canvas and leather yoga-inspired handbag and Stella McCartney, a prominent trendsetter, has a line of yoga apparel. The list goes on. Despite the commercialization of yoga some see it has a positive addition to American culture. The acculturation of yoga in America can be viewed as a welcome celebration of multiculturalism, promoting more open and tolerant cultural dispositions, said John Tomlinson in his book Globalization and Culture. WCU itself sees the benefits of yoga for students and faculty as an exercise routine to supplement athletes and get others involved in physical activity. Weekly yoga sessions are held at Reid Gym Racquet Studio. Power Yoga classes are held every Wednesday for those experienced with yoga. Yoga Fit meets every Monday. Both classes gather from 4:45 5:45 p.m. and a valid ID with gym dues are required. Reid Gym does provide mats and props for class participants. Someone may do yoga to feel the meditative benefits of mind, body, and soul connection. Others may enjoy the additional flexibility it provides in their fitness routine. | enjoy the muscular strength and endurance benefits that | achieve in my practice, said WCU yoga director Kellie Monteith. Reid Gyms yoga class will continue through the last week in April, and anyone is able to join. Classes have progressed through out the semester so Monteith suggests, if someone is new to yoga, they should inform the instructor so that additional education and a more watchful eye Occurs. newsmagazine ee ee ee

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