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Western Carolinian Volume 71 Number 12

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  • Health and healing at WCU By Teresa Shadroui WCnewsmagazine The topics of health and healing are increasingly important in todays fast-paced society. Even though medical technology is increasing every day, it cannot cure all aspects of disease in our culture. For instance, obesity rates are at an all-time high, and while the rate of gastric bypass surgery is increasing, the surgery itself cant cure the root of the problem. Aside from a genetic disposition to obesity, the problem is often the result of a lack of exercise and poor dietary decisions; the surgery can only temporarily aid in weight loss, and even then, the surgery itself is risky and has many negative side effects. In Westerns Recreational Therapy course, Health and Healing, topics of this nature are regularly discussed and dissected by Peg Connelly, who currently teaches the 300-level course. The course fulfills the liberal studies upper-level perspective requirement. The course's textbook is a supplemental text written by Dr. Andrew Weil, titted Health and Healing. The course brings to light many of todays worst medical problems and looks to both research on allopathic medicine, (traditional medicine) as well as alternative medicine in lectures. Junior Jessica Nelms, a parks and recreation major says that her favorite part of the course is talking everything through. I really like the in-class debates and discussions when we talk about different medical problems and sometimes debate about where the problem comes from and how to fix it in todays health care system, Nelms said. Each week, Professor Connelly discusses alternative health care methods as discussed in Weil's book. The topics range from laughter in medicine, to prayer and the healing process. The class will then usually throw out questions and comments, creating a soundboard to promote discussion. Sometimes How can you think better? By Keri Dixon * WCnewsmagazine We walk around school, we do our work and sometimes we the discussions can stray from the original topic entirely; for instance, in one class, the students were discussing the belief system in which some people believe to be able to see the positive or negative vibrations around someone (or their aura) and how through these vibrations they can heal. One student in turn commented that she had heard of autistic children who said they could see similar things around people, and the class began a whole new conversation about autism in children. While the discussions can stray, they usually have valid reasoning to do so, and a broad array of cultural issues and topics are taught in the end. Jessica Nelms also had this to say, At the beginning of the course, | didnt know that any of these alternative medical practices, like Naturopathy and Homeopathy, existed. Now | know so much about them and regular medicine, too. complain. But is complaining really good for us? If we go through every day and we are sad and looking for the bad things that happen, then we are only focusing our energy on the bad. This type of behavior is no good. Instead, it is important to start looking on the bright side. You think the old saying, When life gives you lemons, then make lemonade is just said for entertainment. However, there is truth behind that saying and many others. Positive thinking is age-old common sense that has now become a new fad in the United States. It is the idea that thinking good thoughts can lead to a better life. While much of the writing out there may sound hokey, there are a few things that the positive thinking wave got right. Keeping a positive attitude can better your life. It has been known to reduce stress, increases self-esteem and can even increase productivity. And if positive thinking cannot better your whole life immediately, at least it can better your day. Here are a few pointers that can help to move things in a more positive direction: o Dont say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to someone else. Oo Set short-term goals that you can remember and reach easily. Oo. Try new activities and meet new people. Oo Inclass, ask questions and find interesting facts to focus on. o Don't put yourself down or say, I cant. Start to look for alternative sayings like, Ive never done that before, but | will try. oO _ Listen to uplifting music. o Surround yourself with positive people. The idea is to create an environment around yourself that is enlightening. That means not focusing on things that are bad, and instead, looking at the good things. There are theories about the energy of positive thinking, but the sheer truth is that by changing the way you think, you are changing yourself. If you chose to think positively, then you will chose to act positively. Changes in your thoughts can help to change the way you do things and the way that people perceive you. If you dont have that confidence in yourself, then how can anyone else have it? By changing the way you think, you can change the way you act. By not looking at something that happened as bad, and by seeing the good that will come out of it, you begin to make the best of a situation. Days no longer consist of bad experiences piled up on one another, but they begin to be adventures that you learned from. And who doesnt love a good adventure? AAPA PBI SH eg a a a 2 ow aw 2. FA a a a es eli Ds cee ee a = i or a i eS Oe ee

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).