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Western Carolinian Volume 71 Number 12

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  • Other Campus Events Resident Hall Council Elections Change the Way You Live Nominations due: April 17th, by 8pm. Online Elections & Survey: April 23 - 24 Positions available in each building: -President -Vice President -Secretary/Treasurer -Public Relations Coordinator Resident Hall Council Retreat: August 15 - 16 WCU Relay for Life WCU Relay for Life is quickly approaching! When: Friday, April 13 Where: University Center Lawn Time: 7pm This years theme is Walk Without Fear, and our goal is $20,000. The Relay team would love for you to come and join us at the event and purchase luminaria in honor of someone who has had cancer. For more information about the event, please contact Kathleen Cummins, WCU Chairperson, at or Lisa Duff, Senior Community Manager, at or 828-994-0431. SAGLA Presents: Spring Semester Debate When: April 12 Where: University Center Theater Time: 7pm Theme: Issues that Affect You. Please join us for an exciting evening of political debate! We also invite you to bring your questions to address the panel. Formoreinformation, pleasecontact SAGLA president Patrick Kelly at PK33297@wcu. edu We look forward to seeing you there! Dear Editor, Recently the campus Republicans held a Morals Week. Like many of my classmates and friends | was disgusted by this event for many reasons. First of all | understand freedom of speech and Im a strong advocate for it. What Im not an advocate for is an entire week dedicated to poking fun at others and being rude and ignorant. First of all, calling their week Morals Week, would signify that they believe the only people who have morals are them, the Republicans...this leaves out all of us who are moderate, Democratic, or represent a third party. And is it true that they really feel this way, or do they just consider what they did funny. Im genuinely interested to know, because Im just baffled by the purposed the entire week. The idea that only they possess any morals is absolutely the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. Their flyers that were all over Campus were so rude and ill-thought out that | cant believe there wasn't more of an outcry. Second | have no clue why they named the days the way they did. For instance P.E.T.A. day....! understand that they probably just thought that they were being clever, but weather or not someone is a vegan/ vegetarian/carnivore has NOTHING to do with political stance and | dont understand how being a vegan/vegetarian is anti- morals. Then there was pro-life day, which | found particularly offense, as | feel you cant clump all liberals together and say that they all believe in pro-choice. Thats like saying that all republicans support Bush (and we all know thats not true). And last but not least, theyre whole week poked fun at the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transexual/etc movement on campus. BGLAD is active and amazing on our campus. Some of the most kind hearted, funny, and amazing people | know on Campus, participate in BGLAD and | dont understand why the Republicans chose to antagonize them with their Coming Out Day or the Republican Pride Parade. BGLAD is an amazing organization that is only trying to teach tolerance and equality. The whole thing was in bad taste and Im ashamed to be in school with these people. Many of us came to college to get new view points, learn and grow, become more tolerant and aware, but it is obvious that all the republicans on campus are interested in is alienating and criticizing. It makes me sad to see this on our campus, which previously | felt was moving toward a more progressive stance. So next year | urge the Republicans to think before they speak, because while they obviously didnt this year, hopefully in the next year they'll grow as people and realize there is a right and a wrong way to express your opinions. One in which you can be free to say whatever it is you feel, without intentionally attacking others and their lifestyles. Teresa Shadroui Communications Major, Junior AOFIPZ Syz OF 4193307] newsmagazine [5 |

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).