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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 15

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  • newsmagazine 5 S Anti-abortion group leaves y BUTCHERED CHILDREN impression on Western 1 by Jennifer Scism * WCnewsmagazine IN RWANDA tN AMERICA Last week the majority of students and faculty saw or heard about the graphic bulletin board-sized poster displays on the UC lawn protesting abortion and correlating abortion with genocide. This collection of posters was brought to WCU by the southeastern regional sector of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, a group based out of California. Dr. Fletcher Armstrong, president of the southeastern affiliation of CBR, stated that his organization desires to get two points across to the people who view their project: an unborn child is a human being, even in the first trimester, and that abortion is an act of violence. We visit college campuses and set up when it is nice weather outside and when students are here, said Armstrong. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform makes an attempt to connect abortion to genocide. Armstrong stated that both genocide and abortion are forms of mass killing. Most people agree that killing six million Jews is wrong, but people found ways to justify it. He also stated that the reasons we have for killing a fetus are very similar to the reasons Hitler and white supremacy groups used in their justification for the murder of innocent people. Armstrong said that such excuses include : it [The unborn child] does not deserve rights because it is | underdeveloped and its not a real human being. The CBR also believes that the victim class in genocide | and abortion are seen as diseases on society. Also, the CBR claims that the excuse of a shortage of resources is used to justify abortion for unwanted children today. They compare this | to 18th and 19th century pro-slavery advocates in the United States who said there were not enough resources available to aid slaves if they were freed. On a handout, the CBR also makes the claim that the victim class tends to be people who | have what we want or get in our way. The CBR claims the - Jews had material wealth the Germans wanted and the African- American slaves owned the work product that slave owners desired for themselves. Without this uncompensated work product . . . the slave owners would be deprived of material wealth they desired to maintain. Armstrong said that the group was approached by many passers-by who objected to the display and argued their viewpoint. Zachary Davies, president of the College Republicans, said, We sponsored this event because we believe in the cause. Davies also said that there was a bit of debate in the College Republicans about whether or not to sponsor the CBR because a few individuals were concerned about the use of the images on the lawn, but the group finally unanimously decided to participate. Because the College Republicans sponsored the display, the CBR was allowed to set up their campaign on the UC lawn instead of at the free speech area in front of Dodson cafeteria. Davies said, The graphic images are effective because we are such a visual society. The stance of the Republican Party is that abortion is wrong and the laws concerning abortion should be changed. Davies made a comparison between the display and the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. If the issue stays hidden within an abortion clinic the injustice can continue. It takes certain things to make people realize the injustice is there, Davies stated. College is all about open exchange of ideas. This is what college is all about. Davies said. Center for Bio-Ethical Reform from California shows it support against abortion on the UC lawn. Photos by Jennifer Scism WARNING GENOCIDE PHOTOS THE CHANGING FACE OF CHOHLE 27 4 93

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