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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 15

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  • 20 WCnewsmagazine Health & Wellness Cincinnati Chili by Ryan Fussell * WCnewsmagazine This is a very basic recipe as its been asked several times to try and put something up that requires little preparation and can be whipped together quickly. The majority of the recipe is basic and can be picked up pre-made or extremely close to it. What You'll Need: 1. Angel Hair pasta- You can also get what are called Angel Hair Nests which is angel hair pasta formed to work and look like a birds nest. These would work equally as well to hold chili, and may work better if you have to use a microwave to cook pasta. 2. Chili & Beans- Any store bought variety that you would prefer to use will work just fine. Recommendation would be to get something with more meat than beans, but thats mainly just a preference. The multitude of Yoga postures evolved from the ancient Yogis observing the natural world and mimicking what they saw. This is why the postures have the names of mountains, dogs, birds etc. The neat thing about doing Yoga postures is that you place your body in the shape of the animal and, as a result, take on the characteristics of that animal. Doing this repeatedly gives the practitioner a new respect for nature and all its creation. So doing Yoga not only gives you grace, strength, flexibility and peace of mind, but it also allows you to have a greater connection with the natural world. You can be certain, however, that if you dont practice you will not receive any of these results. So why delay? In this article we will be discussing two postures that resemble a crow and an antelope. Great care should be taken when practicing these postures because they require intense focus of mind, strength and tenacity. You will gain many benefits from these two postures such as flexibility, strength in the wrists and whole body strength, concentration of mind and balance. Another benefit is that you cultivate iron determination with consistent practice. Yoga does not require fancy equipment, a gym membership, expensive shoes or a field to play in. It does require, however, the things that most people dont have like determination, perseverance and will power. These are the things that money cant buy but are only developed through extraordinary practice. Crow Pose: To begin this posture, come down to a squatting position and place your hands down on the floor about shoulder width apart. Place the knees just . above the elbows and then very carefully transfer the weight onto the hands. Start by lifting only one leg up off the ground and then when that is easy for you try both legs. If you can only get one leg up in the beginning this is wonderful too. The effort at this point is good enough. Soon, with practice, you will be able to lift both of them up. If you can get both up, hold the posture and imagine that you are soaring through the air effortlessly. Feel the strength in your body and the concentration in your mind. Antelope Pose: For the super-advanced Yogis you can attempt this posture. From the Crow, transfer the weight to one side and simultaneously lift one leg up and off the supporting elbow and straighten it out. This resembles an antelope gracefully jumping and flying through the air. To be safe you might want to put a pillow or soft blanket in front of you so that you dont bump the nose on the ground. When you finish with these two poses, give your wrists a little massage and roll them around to release the tension from the exercises. Remember, have fun and explore your capabilities. You will not be an expert with a few months practice. It takes steady dedication to become proficient in Yoga. Begin now and reap the benefits. Namaste!

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