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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

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  • WCnewsmagazine 17 Presidential Election, opportunity to vote between two Evils 1y serio oniz If someone asked me today who | would vote for president in November, | would first of all have to say that | am not a U.S Citizen, and thus, | cannot vote even if | wanted too. But in away, | am glad because to me voting between these two candidates would be a burden. | think both candidates have gone from a political campaign to a smear campaign in order to damage the reputation of the other. This makes me question their ethics in regard to what they are willing to do in order to win the presidential election. Just recently the Bush-Cheney team released the Debate Briefing Book for Senator Kerry Debate 1: Foreign Policy. In this book, which can be found at http :/, Bush and Cheney signal out all the instances when Kerry has changed sides on certain issues, such as when Kerry at first supported the Patriot act but later changed his mind simply because many democrats did not agree with it. What does Bush want to accomplish with this? He wants the people to see that Kerry is the type of person who goes along with the herd. Personally, | think this tactic is totally unnecessary; while it does show that Kerry is indecisive, it also makes Bush Who deserves my vote? If you had to make a decision right now on who you're going to vote for in the 2004 Presidential Election, who would it be and why? Would it be bad Bush and good Kerry or bad Kerry and good Bush? Most of the time when Im around different groups of people, especially being in this region, | hear either, Bush all the way or theres no difference between them; tell me which one is the lesser of two evils? | cant do that because | can't make a decision for you, but what | can do is tell you who I'm voting for in this election and why. My vote will go to Sen. John Kerry, and I'm an avid believer that President Bush shouldnt win this election and shouldn't have won the 2000 election. Why do | support Kerry? | support his views on a lot of things. | agree with his position on abortion, that it is a woman's right to choose because it's her body. Bush disagrees with abortion and thinks that it is morally wrong. If Bush wins this election, laws will tighten on abortion. If this happens then women will just go back to the old methods of having an abortion, either using a clothes hanger or a sketchy doctor in a hospital. | also agree with Kerry on his views with education. | think that vouchers drain resources out of public look like he is superior in character. My question to this is do we want to re-elect a president who comes off as arrogant and superior? | personally dont think so. We need a president who is humble. Kerry, on the other hand, has dedicated a lot of time and money to portray Bush as someone who is not trustworthy and is a liar. In the beginning, Kerry focused on attacking Bush by talking about all the things that Bush promised to do but never did. One of the main things was how Bush was going to have more jobs and improve our economy, something that Kerry sees as a broken promise and hopes to correct if he is elected. Now as of late, Kerry has tried to tarnish Bushs military career by stating that Bush avoided serving his country in the Vietnam War by using family connections to get into the National Guard. With Kerry | again see someone who comes off as being better than someone else. Coverage on Kerrys successful military career has flooded the headlines of news channels, and, when possible, something is thrown in to question Bushs military duty. Maybe Kerry has done more for this country militarily, but so what? If elected, will he do more for this country than Bush? | really dont think so because he will be following a president who has taken certain actions after 9/11 and therefore will have to finish what someone else has started. Maybe | am being idealistic in what | wish for in an election campaign, but when | obtain the right to vote, | want to be informed on what each candidate has to offer to me and my fellow American citizens. | want to make a prudent decision when | vote, going by what the candidates have to offer and not what they say about the other. | am very glad that | cannot vote in these upcoming elections because both candidates are egomaniacs out to destroy each other. So | leave you with this: are you voting for Bush or Kerry on what each has to offer this country, or on what each has said about the other? Do you want this to ultimately be nothing more than a popularity contest? Be wise, be informed, and also remember there is a third candidate who could be what you are looking for. by Mallary Wamer schools. Both Bush and Kerry believe that a good education creates a good future. Environmental issues are important in this election because of our resource problem. | concur with Kerry on his policies about the environment. | think that oil exploration in the Arctic Refuge would be a bad idea in the end for America. | also agree with Kerry that we should set higher goals and incentives about our dependence on fossil fuels. Kerrys views on foreign policy include that America should be extending out a helping hand, not a fist. America is one of the most hated countries in the world. Theres nothing wrong with having a great sense of patriotism, but when we start to hate people who are actual citizens of this country because they are of a different descent, thats when the line should be drawn. Mostly because of Sept. 11 and the war, Americans hatred has grown towards hating other Americans because of their heritage, culture and religion. | didnt really see Bush extending a helping hand to those people, unless of course you are a member of the Osama bin Laden family and he helped you flee the country on Sept. 11. | believe in Kerrys health care ideas. He plans to aid Africa in a multiyear commitment for food and medicine. Also, one of Kerrys views that is very | important to me is that he plans on providing every | child in America with health care. 7 Personally, one of the biggest reasons Im > supporting Kerry is his stance on civil rights. We all know that Bush does not want gay people to marry, and thats appalling. The fact that this man has the right to tell people that they cannot be married, adopt children or even be a leader of a boy scout troop is stripping away a persons right to be truly happy. Dont get me wrong; | know that Kerry does not support gay marriage either, but unlike Bush he believes that gays should have rights like every other human being and minority group in this nation. Kerry believes that the Marriage Act that Bush wants signed is fundamentally ugly. My opinion of Sen. Kerry is that he is a smart, charismatic and honest man who would make a better president than President Bush, who is an over righteous, homophobic, god-fearing lying blockhead who shouldnt have been elected in 2000. Though it's important that you get out and exercise your right to vote, its more important that you know who you're voting for and why you think that theyre the best candidate for the well-being of this country. Do you wish to respond to any of our opinion pieces? Email us:

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