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Western Carolinian Volume 65 (66) Number 23 (24)

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  • 18 WESTERN CAROLINIAN SPORTS March 21, 2001 VfoofHer one Kfes fhe Dosf' Infro Promo comes True (or wcW By Servo Well ladies and gentlemen it has finally happened. After two years of mediocre shows and lackluster ratings, Turner Broadcasting is pulling the plug on the World Championship Wrestling shows. Both Nitro and Thunder will no longer be seen on Turner stations (TNT and TBS) after next week. That's not the only piece of bad news for WCW. Fusient Media Ventures had agreed that they would buy WCW only if Turner continued to run the two WCW programs. Now that Turner is dumping the promotion, WCW may be going out of business. Turner spokespersons state that there are many buyers waiting in the wings to purchase WCW, including the WWF. I can understand why Ted Turner would want to kill WCW programming on his channels, but I do have a big problem with it. I know that WWF hasn't had much competition as of late, but what competition it had was good for WWF. In fact, it was the huge popularity of WCW a few years back that made WWF the powerhouse it is today. I'm just hoping that WWF doesn't get stagnant and stale without the competition of WCW. And I am sorry to see WCW go as well. I know that I harp on how much WCW sucks in my reports, but I still watch it. I may not have anything very good to say about it, but I still enjoy some of the aspects that set WCW apart from WWF. WCW has some amazing talent, especially in the tag team and cruiserweight divisions. I always love to see these guys wrestle because I know that I will enjoy at least 90 percent of them. The Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship was a great idea, and I would have loved to see it become more. Of course, don't count WCW out just yet. There is still a good chance that they will be back sometime down the road. There are plenty of stations that would run the shows. We may be seeing the "season finale," which was billed by Bischoff as a "night of champions," next week on Nitro, but I'm sure that the finale will be more like a hiatus, and WCW will reemerge on the WB or something. Now for some good news. Wrestlemania 17 (or X-Seven) is coming up on April Fools Day, and I am very excited about the card so far. Currently three titles will be up for grabs in the Super Bowl of professional wrestling including The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the world title. This marks the second time the two faces will compete in the main event of Wrestlemania since Hulk Hogan took on The Ultimate Warrior back in Wrestlemania VI. Test will also defend his European title against Eddie Guerrero, and Ivory will defend her women's title against Chyna. There will be more matches scheduled, one of which will hopefully be a tag titles match between The Dudleys, Hardys, and Edge & Christian. Maybe we'll see another tables, ladders, and chairs match. In short, Wrestlemania X-Seven will be the PPV to watch in April (and with WCW goin' bye-bye for a while, there may not be anymore wrestling PPVs in April). The Panuniversal Wrestling Federation hasn't been in the sand for a while due to illness two weeks ago and Spring Break last week. And judging by the weather this week, the PWF may not be in the sand this week. Hopefully the weather will dry up a bit Wednesday and allow the wrestlers of WCU to take each other apart in dryness. We really need an indoor venue. The New Violent Society has had some internal strife despite holding the heavyweight, lightweight, and hardcore titles. The self-proclaimed commissioner, Pure Talent, has ruffled a few feathers among his VS buddies. Servo Says: "Please join us next Monday for our season finale," Tony Schiavone stated last Monday. I didn't know wrestling had seasons. CO-ED SOFTBALL TEAM SIGN-UPS will end Tuesday, March 27 in IM office 130, Reid Gym. Five gals and five guys constitute a team. Participants need to bring back her or his softball glove after spring break. The co-ed softball rules clinic will occur Tuesday, March 27 at 4:00 p.m. in RM. 132 of Reid Gym. 8- White Bass 9- Brook Trout 10- Catfish For more information call 227-7477 or stop by the Intramural Office 130 Reid Gym. Winners will have a picture taken and receive an IM t-shirt or shorts. Runner-ups receive a WCU IM hat. WEEKEND TEAM SIGN-UPS FOR 4 FLAG FOOTBALL (M & W) will end Thursday, March 22 at 4:00 p.m. in IM office 130, Reid Gym. The 4-on-4 flag football tournament will occur Friday evening, March 23 and Saturday, March 24. THE INTRAMURAL FISHING DERBY begins Thursday, March 29 and ends Monday, April 30 at 3:00 p.m. All fish are measured at the Reid Gym Equipment Cage. The longest fish will be posted on the intramural bulletin board at the front of Reid Gym. The following classifications are included in the Derby: 1- Brown Trout 2- Rainbow Trout 3- Small Mouth Bass 4- Large Mouth Bass 5- Crappie 6- Bream 7- Walleye ON-4 MEN'S DART TOURNAMENT occurs for Fraternity Gold and Fraternity Purple participants on Monday, March 26 and for independent participants on Wednesday March 28 at 6:00 p.m.; and for All- Campus Finals on Thursday, March 29 at 4:00 p.m. in the Reid Gym Table Tennis Activity Area. There should be one participant per team. IM Soccer Polls DID YOU KNOW??? Five Million Americans (1/20 adolescent females) have an eating disorder. Caffeine consumption increases excretion of calcium. Yogurt contains more calcium than a cup of milk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that every U.S. adult accumulate 30 minutes or more per day of moderate intensity physical activity on five or more days a week. Doctors advocate a diet high in beans and legumes for cholesterol control. Vegetarian women are less likely to develop gallstones, and it seems their diet plays a role in preventing Osteoporosis. *The Intramural Sports, Fitness, Health Services, and Counseling Services Programs are sponsoring the "WCU Health Nugget." It will provide amazing facts or significant information relating to students' needs, values, and wellness. Men's Top Ten 1. PiKapp'A 2. United Colors 3. CHOPS 4. Grease Monkeys 5. Escape Goats 6. BSU 7. Honor's College 8. HEAT 9. Sinfonians 10. Sigma Chi Women's Top Seven 1. Purple Haze 2. Helder Hotties 3. Phi Mu 4. Alpha Xi Delta 5. BSU 6. Alpha Chi Omega 7. No Se '

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