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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

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  • Health & Wellness Down-home Adobe Chili by Ryan Fussell With colder temperatures beginning to peak on the horizon, it only seems right to introduce something to keep you warm throughout autumn and winter. = 1. Anyone can buy a can of chili from the grocery store, but a couple minutes and a good sized container will allow you to have chili whenever you want. The style is more southem based with a bit of a southwestern flare. 2. 1 Small red onion 2 Cans beans (1 red beans, 1 black beans) % to 1 Ib. Ground beef Montreal style steak seasoning (a little spicy, and easily found on a spice isle) 12 oz. can of Tomato paste Shredded Cheddar Cheese Pepper varieties to taste (recommended: Cayenne, Tabasco, crushed Red pepper) Garlic Powder Fresh, non-dried cilantro (will be added uncooked to give a cool flavor to chili) In Yoga there are three postures that express tremendous strength and grace. These are called the Warrior poses and in this issue we will be talking about how to perform them and their benefits for the body and mind. Before we get into the mechanics of the poses, it is important to realize the impact of the body on the mind and vice versa. The mind and the body work together and changes in one often lead to changes in the other. You can consider your posture as an example of this concept. If you carry yourself in a slumped way you are prone to mental laziness and carelessness. On the other hand if your posture is upright and strong, you are more likely to project qualities like confidence and positivity. While doing Yoga postures you are manipulating the outer physical body in order to reach and explore the finer layers of your being. You can to a degree tap into the inner world of mind, emotions and even spirit by using the body as a tool for this investigation. These postures will give you flexibility and strength. The legs get shaped and sculpted and the arms are toned. Tension in the lower back is gently eased out as this area is strengthened. The three Warriors also cultivate a steady and serene mind. Spiritually these postures make you realize your strength and they give you confidence to move confidently through your life. Remember though that regular and dedicated practice are needed to reep the fruits and benefits of Yoga, so start today and enjoy. Namaste! Warrior - Stand with your legs about four feet apart and turn your right foot outward to the side. Turn your whole torso to face the right leg and then bend YOGA........: 13 WCnewsmagazine & 4. 6. Finally, add 1% tablespoons of garlic powder to the mixture. Mix all ingredients added thus far until mixture is consistent. 7. Microwave with a paper towel or paper plate to reduce spatter. This should be done for 6-8 minutes, removing the chili every other minute to stir. If more heat is necessary, continue this process. 8. When fully cooked, remove and add cilantro, stirring it to an even consistency. 9. Serve hot, covered with shredded cheddar cheese, which will melt into the chili over time. at the knee so that the right leg is in a ninety degree square. Keep the left leg strong and tight as you reach your arms high up into the air. Join the hands into prayer and breathe deep as you hold steady. Warrior Il- Stand with your legs four to four and one half feet apart and turn the right foot outward as you did in Warrior |. Lift and reach your arms up to shoulder height and engage all the muscles so that the arms are hard as rocks. Bend the right leg at the knee so that the knee is directly over the ankle in a strong square. Feel the strength in your legs and ams and your warrior energy growing breath by breath. In a bowl big enough to hold all ingredients, add the can of tomato paste and 1 cup water. Mix together to thin the tomato paste a bit, then add the cans of beans and mix again. Lightly sprinkle steak seasoning over ground beef, knead the beef by folding it over and over to work the seasoning in and then break the beef up again onto something microwavable. 3. Microwave beef until fully browned. 4. While the beef is cooking, dice the onion and cilantro. Add the onion and desired pepper to the bean/tomato mixture. 5. Once the beef has cooked, break it up into the mixture from Steps1 Warrior Ill- Stand tall and then step the right foot out a few feet in front. Inhale and take your arms up into the air and then as you exhale pivot over the right leg as you simultaneously lift the left leg up. It should look like a T shape from the side. Hold steady and then carefully come back to standing tall. Feel the

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).