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The Canton Enterprise Volume 32 Number 28

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  • Social And Personal RMER CANTON GIRL NATED FOR OF MIRTH artha Campbell, daughter .d Mrs. Tom Campbell, of Canton, is one of the ••■es for Queen of Mirth mi..1 Uhododedron festi- held in ^bevi'le next en who will preside over he^^nival night merriment, is being ch„.:-en by popular vote thru coupons being published in The Asheville Times. Friends of Miss Campbell here have expressed an interest in Uncontest, and have arranged to receive the vote coupons clipped from the Times at the Bryson News Stand, and forward theui to Asheville headquarters. Contest Closes Saturday The final tabulation will be made after the close of balloting at 6 o'clock Saturday evening, and j the winner will he announced i the Times Monday. The nine othf candidates will be designated i ladies-lnwaiting to the Queen. Mrs. W. R. Crute and daughter Miss May were in Asheville Saturday. Miss Crute who has a beautiful lyric soprano voice sang at the Saturday Music club. The meeting was a closing event and was held at the Battery Park Hotel, lunch was served at one o'clock. Mrs. Marguerite Smathers Jones ace panied Miss Crute. Mrs. Roy E. Phillips, whose r ed last week, is the former Mi: After June 20, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Apartments here. marriage of October is Elizabeth Under lips will be at horr 1935, was announc- wood, of Roseboro. le at the Clapatrick Mr. $pd Mrs. O. M. Hampton spent several days at their caimp Miss Mariana Camak arrived Monday to spend the summer here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Camak. ROY E. PHILLIPS AND ROSEBORO GIRL ARE WED Announcement was made here last week of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Underwood, of Rosefboro, daughter of Mrs. O. E. Underwood and the late Dr. Underwood, to Mr. Roy Phillips, of Winston-Salem and Canton. The wedding took place in Bennettsville, S. C, on October 26th and was kept secret until a MISS ROBERTA REVELEY BECOMES BRIDE OF MR CARL WELTE The wedding of Miss Roberta; apartment. Reveley only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reveley to Mr. Car! Welte .son ot Mrs. C. C. Welte and the late Mr. Welte, of Arlington, New Jersey, took place Wednesday afternoon at four thirty o'clock at the Reveley home. An improvised altar was arranged against^a back | taken ground of greenery, madonna lil- lies and fern\ were used, anjd light ed tapers in two ' seven branch stands were placed on either of altar. 'Rev, George B. Hammond, pastor of the bride was assisted by Rev. A. V. Joyner in performing the double ring ceremony. Miss Frances Mease presided at the piano with Miss Ruth Mease playing the violin. Miss May Crute sang "Because'' then the piano and violin duet "To a Wild Rose", and "I Love You Truly", was softly played prior to the entrance of the bridal party. Miss Rena Forest Joyner was maid of honor, and Mr. Edward Welte a brother of the groom was best man. The bride, who entered with her father was most lovely in her wedding gown of white mousseline de sole over satin with illusion veil. The gown was made along youthful | lies. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and vallie lillies. Miss Joyner was gowned in a costume of double barred pale green mousseline de soie over satin and carried an arm bouquet of yellow roses and snapdragons, delphinum and baby's breath. The two 'ministers entered from the west entrance, while the ibrlde and maid of honor came through the dining room, to the strains of Lohengrin wedding march. The recessional march was Mendelssohn. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Reveley entertained with an informal reception. Mrs. J. T. Bailey welcomed at the door while Mrs. Charles Branson invited the guests into the dining room where Mrs. Earl Tate, Mrs. Rudolph Barnes and Misses Alta Walker, Virginia Reeves, Delma Mitchell and Elizabeth Battison served a delioious ice course, the cream bearing a wedding slipper motif. Mr. and Mrs. Welte left for a two weeks motor trip going first to Arlington, N. J., the grooms home, then to the beach on the New Jersey coast. They will return by Lexington, Va., where Mr. and Mrs. Reveley will he at their summer cottage. The young couple will reside in Canton, taking the Reveley For her going away costume the bride wore a dark blue jacket dress with touches of white, and white accessories. Mrs. Welte is a graduate of Canton high school, Maryville college, in Tennessee and a special course evilte Normal Teachers CcjMege. i&hrj, is a member oflgftt the ticulty Of ;(ie North Canton school'. Air. Welte holds a position in the sales depai Champion Fibre Co. few days ago. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. David Saunders, pastor of the First Baptist church at Bennettsville. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will be at home in the Clapatrick Apartment after June 20th. The bride is a graduate of Meredith college, "Raleigh, and a member of the Astro sorority. > or the past year she has been teaching at Clinton, N. C. The bridegroom is the son of M#"fe"E- PhiHtPS and the late Mr. Phillips, of Winston-Salem. He is a graduate of North Carolina State college and a member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. For the past year he has been connected with the laboratory of the Champion Fibre Company here. Mrs. Kloyd Gillk; and Miss Mary ip°.nit.2i the folowing rlS>WvMOll( ,-,,', "VT3IiQa> *■»•/ :u oylvtii atteiU t.'le Christian En- Conference, Misses Louise of the | Barnes, Thomasine Herndon and Shirley Owen, and J. McGowan. MISS REVELY EXTENDED MANY COURTESIES PRECEDING MARRIAGE REVELEY'S ENTERTAIN AT BUFFET SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Reveley delightfully entertained members of the Welte-Reveley wedding party and out of town guests at a buffett supper Tuesday evening. The house ■was prettily decorated with bright summer flowers and the place cards were tiny pink rosebuds and sweet peas. A delicious supper was served. A prenuptial party that was lovely in detail was given Saturday evening by Miss Virginia Reeves at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Reeves on Academy Street, with the bride and groom elect, Miss Revely and Mr. Welte being the honorees. Yellow roses with touches of white gave a pretty setting for this party. After several progressions of bridge a tempting salad course was enjoyed. The guests besides the honorees Miss Elizabeth Battison, Ruth Mease, Miss Rena Forest Joyner, Miss Vivian Branson, Messers Fleetwood Smathers, Jack Hampton, Roy Mease, George Cooke, Paul Zollar, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes. A lovely luncheon set was given Mass Revely and a double deck of cards to Mr. Welte. High score went to Mrs Johnnie Barnes. Miss Ruth Mease was hostess for a lovely courtesy for Miss Bobbie •Reevely Thursday morning at her heme on Thompson Ave. Quanties of yellow roses were prettily arranged in the living room where tables had been placed seating twelve. Contract was played from ten until one o'clock, when cards were laid aside and a delicious three course lunch was served by the hostess assisted by her mother Mrs. J. *N .Mease. The guests included, the hono- ree, Misses Elizabeth Battison, Rena F. Joyner, Frances Mease, Ruth Burch, Vivian Branson, Alta Walker, May Crute, Delma Mitchell Mesdames James Williamson, Rudolph and Johnny Barnes. Lovely gifts were given to Miss Reveley, and Miss Battison. The high score was won by Miss Mitch- Miss Roberta Reevely was again honored Monday by Mrs. H. F. Whitehead with a lovely luncheon. Bridge was played in the morning at two tables, then at one o'clock the players who were Misses Revely, Rena Forest Joyner, Ruth Mease, Alta Walker, Frances Mease, May Crute, Elizabeth Battison, and Mrs. Clyde Miller were joined by Mrs. R. J. Revely, Mrs. received a gift and Miss Joyner captured the high score prize. The Whitehead home was prettily decorated with the early summer flowers. On Saturday. Mrs. A. P. Cline honored Miss Roberta Reveley and Miss Elizabeth Battison brides- elect and their mothers Mesdames Reveley and Battison with a lovely luncheon served at one o'clock. The Cline home had been attractively arranged with many bright flowers. Mrs. V. H. Duckett and her sister Miss M. Johnson, of Benson, N. C, joined the honorees for the delicious 4 course lunch. Miss May Crute extended to Miss Roberta Reveley a lovely courtesy Tuesday, prior to her marriage Wednesday. Eight girl friends were invited to motor to Biltmore Forest Country club where they played bridge during the morning. At one o'clock a tempting luncheon was served. Roses were attractively used. The girls going over were the hostess Miss May Venable Crute, Miss Roberta Reveley, Miss Elizabeth Battison, Miss Rena Forest Joyner, Miss Ruth Mease, Miss Fiances Mease, Miss Alta Walker, and Miss Sarah Katharine Wild. Miss Reveley was given a lovely gift and Miss Walker won high score. Miss Bobbie Revely, whose marriage to Mr. Carl Welte was an event of this week, was honored with a kitchen shower Wednesday evening last at the home of Mrs. Clyde Miller in HigMand Park, when Mrs. James Duckworth was .joint hostess with Mrs. Miller. ■ Three tables were placed for contract. Attractive red and white markers and tallies were used. The house was lovely with its decorations of red and white flowers. Concluding the game and counting of scores, which gave high to Mrs. James Williamson and Miss Elizabeth Battison, a bride-elect of June was presented a lovely gift, delicious refreshments were served in red and white. The guest list included besides those mentioned Misses Rena Forest Joyner, Alta Walker, Frances Mease. Ruby Justice and Ruth SWlNNtKb rnjL.t iim inn WALLS Z DAY DRIVE FOR $2,000 BUSINESS Friday and Saturday JUNE 12th AND 13th \ F~w of The Many Bargair 150 PAIRS MEN'S FAMOUS ONLY 450 OF THESE Mountaineer Overalls Extra Heavy Towels REGULAR $1.35 VALUE 20 x 44. REGULAR 29c VALUE 99c 14c 150 PAIRS BOYS' MOUNTAINEER OVERALLS REGULAR 85c VALUE 63c FAST COLOR PRINTS YARD WIDE 84c BLACK OR WHITE THREAD 125 YARD SPOOLS He 500 YARDS OIL CLOTH REGULAR 25c, FIRST QUALITY 16c 1,000 PAIRS ANKLETS REGULAR 10c VALUE 5c 73 FAST COLOR Ladies' Dresses Taken from Our Reg. 99c Racks 44c 4,000 YARDS OF Extra Heavy Sheeting YARD WIDE. REGULAR 10c VALUE 74c SHORT PIECES OIL CLOTH FROM 1-2 YARD TO 1 YARD 5c Per Piece M. Russell, Mrs. G. W. Phillips, j Mease, Mesdames Rudy Barnes,; and Mrs. b. E. Gates. | Lucius Hudson, Cecil Roberts, : A lovely gift was given the hono- j Charles Rhodarmer and Johnnie ree, also Miss Battison. bride-elect Barnes. All Prices Include Sales Tax • WINNER'S « HOLE IN THE WALL PHONE 350

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).