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Western Carolinian Volume 59 Number 04

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  • wcu_publications-14784.jpg

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  • Page 4 Opinon September 16,1993 Western Carolinian Express Yourself.... Bo Sneed "It's cool. It's something for everyone to look at and think about." What do you think about the chalk drawings on the sidewalk? Scott Masten "To make this illegal is bullshit. I think it adds a lot to our campus. I think it's pretty cool. I think Cullowhee 5.0 should leave it alone." MichealSamsl "It's freedom of speech. It's | something someone wants to do. No one should tell anyone what to do." Noelle Arceneaux "I think it's beautiful work, but I don't see any problem with it because the sororities and fraternities put their banners and signs all over on campus." Lori Heffner "I think it's nice work. I don't mind looking at it." ALL PHOTOS BYASB Paul Schulz "It's OK as long as it doesn't permanently damage the sidewalk. It adds something. • " /■ Western Carolinian "\ Survey Please fill out the following information and return it to the Western Carolinianby September 23. Please, check only one answer per question! The survey may be sent through campus mail or to PO Box 66, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Thank you for your cooperation!! (optional - include name and phone number) NAME PHONE l)How many times do you read WC per semester? () every publication () sometimes () never 2) Do you like the new tabloid size or prefer the standard size format? () tabloid () standard size () undecided 3) Are you interested in becoming a staff member of the WC? () yes () no () undecided () I am 4) Do you feel that previous WC's have represented the students? () yes () no () undecided 5) a) Do you like the "Student on the Street" as a weekly feature? () yes () no () undecided b) Do you have suggestions for "Student on the Street" questions? () yes (list on separate sheet) () no () maybe 6) a) What is your favorite section of the WC? () News () Features () Opinion () Classifieds () Entertainment () Sports () all sections are favorites b) why? 7) What would you like to see covered more in the WC? 8) Have you ever patronized a business because of an ad you saw in the WC? () yes () no () can't remember 9) What is your class rank? () freshman () sophomore () junior () senior () grad student V GOLDEN APPLE AWARD The Golden Apple Award is designed to recognize faculty members for their good work with students inside and outside the classroom. If you ha vc a teacher who docs something special on a given day - a lively class period, a helpful office visit, good career counseling or academic advising, etc. - please write a compliment or some words of appreciation on the Apple Gram form below. After completing this form, you may send it by campus mail to the Faculty Center for Teaching Hxccllencc or drop in an Apple Gram box at one of the following places: the lobby of each dorm, the UC, the library, any dean's office, or either of the cafeterias. The Grains will collected at the end of each month and delivered to the faculty member with a Golden Apple Certificate of Appreciation If you have questions about this program, call the Faculty Center for Teaching F:.xccllcncc. 71% Thank you for your participation. GOLDEN APPPLE GRAM I woU|(i like to express my appreciation to: (faculty members name) Thank you! students name (optional)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).