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Western Carolinian Volume 28 Number 04

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  • - Editorial Page Of The Western Carolinian - Plaudits Or Pundits? Plaudits have been no novelty for Western Carolina College in recent months. We have been recognized (and frequently commended) for our high flunk-out rate; and our admission requirements are supposedly the most rigid in this state. But statistics can never tell the complete story. In recent years WCC has embarked on a complex "salesmanship approach" to create a kind of public acceptance which it had not previously enjoyed. First came the striking of "Teachers" from the college's name— a perceptive bit of strategy, considering the fact that there is a certain stigma imposed on teachers colleges. This move did not, however, alleviate the problem. Research followed. Suddenly, newspapers throughout the state were crediting WCC with all sorts of nouveau distinctions. But these "a- chievements" were based primarily up on statistics which have nothing to do with the calibre of education offered or the cultural environment a student can expect. The superficial method of selectivity which the college employs to screen applicants—a process involving more statistics—provides a case in point. Entering frosh are disillusioned to find that the odds against their getting a superior education are considerable, for the school must perpetuate its "accomplishment" of flunking out students, and in too many areas WCC has comparatively little to offer a curious or creative mind. It would seem that the promotion of a stimulating atmosphere on the campus through the securing of more top-rate teachers and needed equipment (rather than $160,000 swimming pools) would help to make the college what it craves to be: A College. Game Of The Greeks Greeks are funny people—especially on college campuses. They play games . . . At present the favorite diversion seems to be a comedy of errors known as My-Gang-Is-Better-Than-Your-Gang- And - If-You-Ain't-A-Member-Of-My - Gang-You-Don't-Exist. It's similar to Ring Around the Rosie. But not as complicated. WCC has five "teams" which compete regularly. There is, however, one disturbing aspect of this highly competitive sport: NOBODY EVER WINS! Unless the respective fraternal organizations can cooperate to gain some semblance of unity as a campus force rather than bickering like Little League ballplayers, disaster is on its way. Feedback New Dorms Nunneries? Disgruntled Male Asks Dear Editor, THE CONVENTS OF ST. ALBRIGHT AND ST. BENTON. Boys, we have a new convent at WCC! What is a convent? According to the The New Dictionary of the English Language (1929 edition) "a convent is a community of religious recluses." In this case we have a few dictatorial hierarchs requiring the "community" to conform to standards of "acceptable social behavior" commensurate with the decade before my ancient dictionary. But, I must admit, we young people of today are very bad. For example, one demoralized, depraved young sensualist had his name taken for the atrocious act of resting his hands on the top of a wicked hussy's shoulders! Tsk, tsk, tsk . . . What is this younger generation coming to? You know, there are even reports from the Gestapo that some men actually have the audacity to kiss their partners in sin! Can you imagine! ! ? ? Such depravity must be stamped out! Think of the morality, think of your character, think of germs, hell, think of the world population explosion! Think what could happen in front of one of those convents! Now, let's analyze this problem logically: In order to erase this menace from our beloved campus we must take one of several possible paths. Plan 1. Send all women to a better supervised convent. Plan 2. Send all men away to a better supervised monastery. Plan 3. Put all students on closed study, confiscate all keys to student get-away cars, mow all high grass on campus, cut down all trees and shrubs, lock all doors, hire 69 new security patrolmen, mine the entire perimeter of the campus, and seg regate the cafeteria and all classrooms with coiled barbed wire. BREAK OUT YOUR CHASTITY BELTS AND BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES, GIRLS! Yours in Prohibition, John J. Adams Dear Mr. Editor, Who do you supose is the most popular female on the WCC campus? After her article in the last issue of The Western Carolinian, I'm sure that Robbyn Morrow would have to rate high consideration. In making this statement, I think I can honestly say that I'm speaking for the entire male population of WCC. I am not in opposition to the "seige of Moore," but rather to the atrocious handling of affairs at the law firm of Benton-Albright. One would think that campus policemen are paid a commission on all tickets given in the Benton-Albright area. Mother Nature has blessed dear Cullowhee with an abundance of land on which, I am sure, some sort of parking area could be furnished. Money problems? The dollars collected from fines already levied would certainly serve as a good start. Secondly, from lack of a better descriptive adjective, I have to term the signs that "litter" the doors of Benton- Albright as "hairy." Now I do not object to rules and regulations when there is wrong being done; however, in this particular case, I feel that matters are being grossly exaggerated. Taking a purely objective viewpoint, I, for one, have never witnessed any "unladylike conduct" in the said area. Of course, our definitions of the term lady-like may differ somewhat, but, as I said, I am trying to be as ob jective as possible. But, I ask you, just how much can take place at Benton-Albright where it is broad daylight 24 hours a day, and where one leaves a perfect set of footprints in the surrounding pools of mud? I imagine in time that trees and shrubbery will decorate the entrance of Benton-Albright, but until then, the Cinderella game will be jolly fun. Last year they looked for bite marks, this yeer they will be checking our weejuns in order to locate the nasty culprit who held hands too tightly in front of Benton-Albright. As I understand it, the rule now alows girls to kiss their dates twice for not longer than 30 second each. My stomach curdles, and I am at a loss for words whenever I hear such a ridiculous edict as this. Of course, the unemployment list will be reduced somewhat. It will mean the hiring of official timers for 24 hour duty. Any old stopwatches for sale? Affectionately yours, Ernie Trubiano On Campus In The Beginning By Jim Cloninger One problem dealt with in Plato's Republic was the controversy of whether or not women should exercise in the nude. Here at WCC we also have a problem. It is in no way related to the above. I just thought you people would like to know about such things without having to read the book. Well, no digressions in this corner; back to the matter at hand. It seems that some industrious new broom wishes to sweep clean. To clean. Since when did "jawin" become a capital offense? It seems to be the rage. Giving counseling slips, merely because a normal male wishes to express nocturnal relinquishment of his normal female companion via means of an oral osculantion. Hell, is it a sin to kiss a girl goodnight? Better think twice, guardians! A couple in the front yard is better than two in the bushes. The Living End And then there was the freshman girl who wanted to know if the bus would stop at Clyde's on the way home from the game. If she only knew—The Living End. U/SHUS VULGARIS Ci-YDES Cr\H BE.Pi$"nNG-lH$HEt> FHOtA K^i<*r|i&QFum~ FA UHf\ OHV< UK^K ST\&H}L.^T€X> BY Tr?fc CXU. CH#rV<f£> %« a $#tt-Oft ZK/tfy*-*} y Si/fit^ d rvfe mi?rfVKy <we /> &y /ou, Aio/ms now, 0/vp k th*s sheafs t tftsr- ,r tots ffto\/e(Y A'ftfmvY MIA mMMMMMMMMmAJMUm/MMMMMMMMMI ■*»»»**»**r1**Mflrtr'^rllMMflftftnjlftflftlinft<**",*A**>****M< World Affairs National Scene: The Extremist At Home By John Thomas And Gerald Holder Dear Editor: I must write and tell you that after reading your editorial in last week's Western Carolinian, about how we're not puppets, I laughed so hard, I alomst got caught in my strings! Momentarily, I have taken, them off (while no one is looking), to climb on my soapbox and ask a few questions. First of all, where is the student voice? Where is concern for what is real and important in our existence? Where is the interest and anger that go beyond the latest football game and a beer can to a cause that is bigger than oneself Puppets? Perhaps not of the administration. They dwell on their Olympian Hill of the Triple Pines and are seldom heard of, except when the lightning strikes and the word goes out that one of us is leaving. Strange how we, except those who have had the courage to climb off the beaten path, look alike, minus a few variation, as though we had been poured into the same madras mold and taken out to speak the same cliches, hold the same views, and casually not give a damn in the same manner. And then a- gain, perhaps we only suffer from the fear and insecurity of being ourselves and of deviating from the mold, less ourselves not be enough. Strange, that the group could be so powerful and yet so mute. If we are not the puppets of the administration, we are the puppets of one another, -neuter, wooden-faced mari- —Continued to page 3 One of the most recent extremist groups to appear in America is the Black Muslims led by one who calls himself Elijah Mohammed. The son of Elijah Poole, a Baptist minister, he was born on a Georgia share cropper's farm. The actual evolutijon of this extremist group began in the 1920's with the founding of the Islamic Black Nationalist Movement under a Negro peddler who preferred to call himself Farad Mohammed. For 10 years this group grew, but finally dispersed in 1930 when Farad Mohammed disappeared never to be heard of again. Today's Black Muslims claim direct descendence from the Islamic Black Nationalist Movement of the 20's, according to their leader, Elijah Mohammed. In the true 'form of a crowd pleaser, he dramatically dropped hip so-called ' 'slave master name." This appealed to the masses of his movement. The Messiah is bornl The Black Muslims like to call themselves the Lost- Found Nation of Islam in North America. Their belief is that of total abstinence from liquor and smoking. Also included in their convictions are daily prayer, cleanliness, family responsibility and personal morality. However, violence is looked upon as a holy act as long as it furthers Islamic peace: The main objective is for the establishment of Negro business and thus, Negro pride in blackness; segregation, a Negro country within the present U.S. in payment for the years of slave labor forced out by our white forbears. It is only fitting to note here what a wonderful case the Indians could make out of this mockery of the Constitution. Their apostle dictates that time has run out for the white man and that they will solve their problems by setting up a Negro nation within the U.S. Elijah Mohammed prophecies that the Negro must rule again. However, history fails to record the ruling of the Negroid Race, even in Africa, the homeland of the Negro. In 1961, a national convention was held in Chicago in which 7,000 Muslims attended in thejr elaborate dress of dark suits, gold neck ties and shaved heads. The keynote address was that of the supremacy of the Negro and the collection of money for the purchase of land for a separate nation. There are two groups of Negroes in the U.S. today: The New Southern, led by the Rev. Martin Luther King, whose efforts are to reach a peaceful co-existence between the white and black races. The other is the Northern Negroes, who are constantly striving for the satisfaction of living in a country free of race prejudices. The Black Muslims with their radical ideas are a menace to the legal battle of the Negroes and their fight for equality. May the people of America realize the existing race problems in our nation and avoid adherence to such fanatical organizations. We have the problem; now we must find a solution. As Americans, we are obligated to seek the right and the just. Often, because of human frailty, we are quick to judge others and fail to see our own faults. Each day we pick up the newspaper and see new crises across the globe. We are appalled at the atrocities committed by the French in Algeria, and we shudder at the Communist terror tactics in Berlin. Just weeks ago, the world was shocked at the news picture showing the young East Berliner bleeding to death at the Wall. Then we go to church and thank God for our wonderful nation and freedom that protects us from this kind of life. However, we are not free from this. As a matter of fact, we sanction such actions. We sanction them when we allow them to survive in our country. The Klu Klux Klan is a disgrace to every citizen of this nation! We think of ourselves as the key representative of democracy in the world. Yet, we have allowed a bunch of illiterate, narrow-minded cowards to form into bands of terrorists. They openly display their lack of courage by their hooded faces and their numbers. In the winter of 1958 a band of these "brave" clods held a rally in an Eastern North Carolina cornfield. They were there to protest the Indians' right to live like humans. They had their crosses, their hoods, their propaganda and their liquor, the essentials for a successful Klan rally. Their leader had the very intellectual name of one Catfish Cole. He was a so-called minister from South Carolina. However, the Indians had a pow-wow, deciding to attend the rally since it was for their benefit. What followed was the Little Big Horn of 1958. The Klan was routed and the next day the entire area was decorated with the Klu Klux Klan hoods and crosses. This little engagement crushed the KKK in North Carolina and was followed by state legislation against the Klan. For every good act, if there were any, the Klan has committed a hundred crimes. Everyone is aware of the impending race problems in the South. Surely there are two sides to the problem. However, there is no room for the KKK and their doctrine of hate. Anyone who succumbs to their extremism is lacking in Christianity, intelligence and humanism. There is no place in the Twentieth Century for such characters as the,se. The danger of these people is self-evident. The people of the South can not allow these men to reign. The one thi(ng we do not need in the South is the extremist. The KKK thrives on treachery and corruption. It is organized crime that induces the public support by playing on our prejudices. The Klan cares nothing for the South or for the nation. As additional activity, they attack Jews, Catholics and foreigners when the race problems are quiet. The KKK thrives on hate and malice; there is no other feasible explanation. Do we as humans have to hate fti order to live? Twenty-five years ago another form of the cross symbolized a similar organization—the twisted cross of Nazi Germany! They, too, survived on hate and terror. The Nazi regime, like the K- KK, played on personal prejudices, and in doing so, murdered six million people. Germany allowed the rabid dog to seize control, and history records the horrifying consequences. Let history be a warning and a proof of the danger of any extremist. Are we, as citizens of the United States, to allow this potential threat to our democracy to survive? Entertainment Limelight by Bill Shawn Smith Several days ago, as I made my way slowly onward toward the serving line of Brown Cafeteria, I could not help but notice a poster proclaiming "Don't be an individualist! Join the crowd and come to the Baptist Church." Needless to say, it gave me quite a jolt. To state that the choice of words used in the Baptist advertisement was poor is an understatement! The sign, in effect, advises that unless you are a member of the Baptist Church you are an individualist, which is what we should all be proud of being. The poster, I agree, is great psychology in procuring an audience of Western Carolina College students, but it is in bad taste and doesn't speak at all well for the church. Too many of the students here will readily forsake their individuality for the church, or for that matter, practically anything. Technically, an institution of higher learning is designed to awaken within a person those qualities which allow him the opportunity of thinking for himself. In many ways, college is set up to prepare us for a future in this earthly world so that we may be able to cope with the problems that arBse within our own personal lives. This is where colleges are miserably overrated and where they constantly faill The colleges are at fault only in part; they seem to encourage the students' dependency upon the school. The student uses the college as a womb. It protects us from facing reality rather than preparing us to accept the responsibilities that are essential for productive human beings. That womb is created by denying the certainty that we do exist as separate beings, that we are set apart from each other by distinct characteristics. When we stifle our resources, when we criticize others whom we subconsciously admire as individuals out of our own fear and insecurity, we are only harming ourselves. We are afraid to be different! We are afraid to stand on our own two feet and face the world. We are cowards! Students do not seem to realize this. It is sad. It is frightening that too many of us destroy this gift of personal identity. Are you and individualist? If you are, there seems to be no place for you in the thriving metropolis of Cullowhee. THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN is published every week during the academic year with the exception of mid-term and final exam weeks by the students of Western Carolina College. Represented for National Advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 18 East 50th Street, New York 22, New York. Offices are located in the second floor Joyner Building, phone 293-2312. A member of the Intercollegiate Press Association and the Carolina Press Association. Subscription Rate — $2.00 per school year John Streetman III Editor Jim Cloninger Business Mgr., Senior Columnist Mrs. Ruth K. Nelson Advisor Roberta Morrow News and Feature Editor Billie Jean Barnes Copy Editor Ella Jane Cabe, Joan Davis, Robert Davis Reporters Steve White Sports Editor David Howell, Howard White Sports Reporters Columnists—Tom LeMieux, Jac Murphy, Bill Raoul, Bill Shawn Smith, John Stovall. Bob Parrish Circulation Manager Ad Nauseam By Bill Raoul * "If my soldiers began to think, not one would r«~ ■ "•sin in the ranks."—Frederick th Great. tne If you are a realistic stu dent, it is impossible to dis" cuss the future without dis cussing the draft. What ar" you going to say and think when you open your mail and are faced with "Greetings'- Do you hope that the letter will never arrive? Or are you so incensed with the Cornrnu nist take-over in the world that immediately you win "do your bit" and defend the American way of life? rn either case, some thought must be given to the type 0f training you will receive in the armed forces, and where it is all leading. It is common knowledge that when you enter the service, you surrender many 0f the basic freedoms of thought and action. Robert Hutchins recently stated: "Under Military discipline the individual's chance to make free choices almost disappears. Somebody tells him what to do every minute of the day." Noted American novelist Pearl Buck writes: "For the vast majority of American boys, for the average and even for the below average American boy, the experience of compulsory military training can give nothing but a useless exposure to low levels of thinking and behavior . . . Some crude sergeant, some petty corporal, a little captain will be their rulers and their tyrants from whom there can be no appeal!" The main purpose of this authoritarian control is to overcome the natural reluctance to kill. You are shown how to plunge a bayonet into the guts of another human being. You are shown how to smash another human being's throat with your bare hands. You are trained in the art of dropping an atomic or hydrogen bomb on target, whether it be a munitions factory, or a home, or „a school. We try not to think about the effect military life has on the individual. Experiences of both World War II and the. Korean War indicate that gradually, through the war, men act in ways that would have shamed them before the war. Men who accepted and advocated racial equality uttered the "little yellow bastards" of the last war and the "gooks" of the Korean War. Men who were in the Navy to preserve human decency found themselves obeying the orders of a man who could say: "We're drowning them and burning them all up and down the Pacific, and I don't know whether it's more pleasure to be drowing them or burning them!"—Admiral Halsey, Commander US Pacific Fleet, WW II. If that nauseates you, get sick now, because once you're in uniform, you will not be allowed to have any qualms of conscience about the things you do. If war could accomplish all that it is supposed to do, there might be justification in fighting. However, in moments of candor even our military leaders have stated that this is not the case. General MacArthur told Congress: "I have known war as few men now living know it . . • Its very destructiveness on both friend and foe has rendered it useless as a means of settlfng international disputes." Admiral Yarnall, who preceded Halsey as Pacific Fleet Commander, told a university audience: "I think the United States lost the moral leadership of the world when It dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki when Japan was at that time a defeated nation and was suing f°r peace. It was a diabolic act of no military value and resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians ... If we are to use such weapons in the future, or engage in indiscriminate area bombing by aircraft as practiced on both Germany and Japan, civilization as vve know it is finished." If these men are right, when you are drafted, you will be forced to perform dia -bolic acts which will end up by destroying the civilization for whose ideals you are supposed to be fighting. You may —Continued to page 3

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