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Western Carolinian Volume 55 Number 14

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  • Voices o^„ wPgtern Carolinian Page 4 "Monday. February iz, iyyu Christine Faris Editor-in-Chief Student concern: how much, if any, exists? From David Lange Many of you may have noticed that there wasn't a Carolinian last week, and for good reason. The Carolinian has a staff of very dedicated people who put in a great deal of time to put out each paper, but there is a limit to how much people will do. We have been understaffed for the better part of six months, but despite a help wanted ad in each issue, there has been almost no response. As a result of chronic overwork and administrative difficulties, the paper simply had to take a break. This is absurd. A university paper shouldn't be strapped for help. The school paper shouldn' t have to take a break because the staff needs to catch up on its schoolwork! The Carolinian should be turning away applicants, not making due with half a staff! We belong to an institution of higher learning; this is where the intellectual is supposed to be nurtured and grow. We have a responsibility to society to go forth with our diplomas and solve problems and lead our communities. Yet, the school paper can't find more than six writers from a student population of 6,000! If the students of this campus have no more desire for self- expression than that, then maybe we deserve the joke-school reputation that we have. The paper is a reflection of the spirit and intelligence of a school. Through the Carolinian Western' s students are judged by our peers and our society. Western could gain a lot of respect if its students weren't so complacent and non-participatory ( besides going to ball games). There is more to college than squeaking by in class and going to fraternity parties. Any laboratory monkey can be trained to regurgitate facts, and I know plenty of ditch- diggers who can drink a lot of beer. The challenge of our stay here is to learn to think for ourselves, and to be able to express these thoughts to others. The old adage says that you get out of college what you put into it, and if all you put into your education is good attendance, then all you will really get is older. If you disagree with what I have said, prove me wrong and come by our next writers meeting on February 19th at 6:00pm. Letters to the Editor Rebuttal turns toward the Right direction From Michael Cook Dear Editor, I would like to thank you for consistently printing articles and letters by Steve Jones, Western's answer to the National Enquirer's "My America" column by Ed Anger. Each tend to stir both laughter and anger on my behalf, similar to when I come across a radical religious pamphlet in a grocery store. What angers me is that people arc actually paid to write such fruity stories, but since Steve has repeatedly prodded me to write some editorials back at him, here is my first rant of the semester. Anyone who has even a basic comprehension of logic understands that mere assertions by no means make an argument. Worse yet, assertions that contradict each other only make one's position further amusing. I suppose this is why I and others often find these strictly cut-and-dried- black or white, communist or capitalist. ThefarLeft,nottobeoutdone, also seem to compete for the title of "Kings of the Paranoid-Conspiracy" approach to swaying people. Pickup Socialist Worker's Party literature (which I've never seen in those liberal grocery stores) and you'll see horror stories about American society that, with a few nouns changed, easily pass for John Birch Society tracts. Speaking of political pamphlets, I remember last year when stacks of the self-proclaimed Accuracy in Acadcmia appeared, without permission, in the Western Carolinian's newspaper bins. (Is that the correct name of the paper, Steve? What did you do with those 600 or so copies you had last Spring semester?) If you don't remember seeing them, they were in favor of having professors fired for teaching about Marxist economic theory in colleges, no matter how briefly the subject was mentioned. I suppose if we ignore our enemies they '11 disappear, right? Mr. Jones' calling the Peace and Justice Society "ultra-Leftist" is not only paranoic; he is clearly trying to draw attention to himself as having discovered a nest of subversives on campus. I have had my differences with them in the past, but having become familiar with them and the issues they work on ( such as the wickedly communist plot of trying to have a hand in saving the environment), there is no way anyone could call them "Leftists", much less with the prefix "ultra." I can't see how he can bash them over the ANC when he calls the Contras "freedom fighters". I guess we can now begin referring to Libyan terrorists as "freedom fighters", eh? Both the right and left tend to call the mercenaries freedom fighters. In this context, the one Mr. Jones has firmly rooted himself in, the term means "fighters of freedom." Yet another bizarre characteristics I've noticed in his tantrums is that, for Mr. Jones to be so avowedly anti- Affirmative Action, he blatantly pleads, begs and moans for the world to give him unedited, full-blown McCarthy/Helms propaganda on radio, television, and printed media, as retribution for our hideously Leftist and media's crimes against humanity. I'm certainly not defending affirmative action; I consider it a misnamed policy. Steve, it isn't a question of conservatives or liberals banning each other's scholarship and rational inquiry— mindless partisan propaganda on either end of the political spectrum is useless outside of mere oddity or novelty. Are you so set in your ways that you cannot realize that perhaps the many authors who have written about Mc- Carthyism might be right? Joe McCarthy is about the most dead horse you can flog, much less try to resurrect. By example, there are scores of anti-Hitler books, but Mien Kampf is the only one in the English that I know of that defends him. Similarly (though I would I never compare a US president to Hitler), Machiavelli is a only a person who would have defended Nixon's actions during Watergate. Who needs authors defending him of McCarthy, unless it's for someone who only wants to wave a fantasy? All the cries of "liberal bias" in the world don't exonerate someone who was clearly a skag. Another sob story that Mr, Jones presented was that conservative sentaors don't come to WCU events. Getting senators to come to colleges is difficult, regardless of which party they belong to. Fortunately, though, Governor Jim Martin, to me a relatively moderate Republican, will be on campus Feb. 15th for the centennial events. The problem that Mr. Jones has with this that we don't try to get the most reactionary ultra- conservatives to suit his taste. Republicans won't do; they have to pass Helms' litmus test of "conservatism." Wanna know why Helms dosen't show up at Western? Because he always declines to come here, that's why. I was scheduled to meet Helms with a group of government interns last summer, but, as is customary with your favorite senator, he refused to meet with us. In his place we were given a tour of Capitol Hill by your arch-nemesis, Terry Sanford. I was disappointed that I didn't get to meet ol'Jesse. Maybe I can meet him at a Habitat for Humanity event sometime. How dare that commie Jimmy Carter show his face in public after St. Ronald brought the glorious Revolution to out country, forever healing all our economic and sprir- itual woes? On my god, what's happened to me? I suddenly feel so patriotic and's all so clear now...suspect liberals are the same...animal activists are liberals; therefore; commies...Morris the Cat is an animal; therefore, a Communist... Morris the Cat is a threat to our national security... I'm afraid, Dave...(fade out with music from 2001) P.S. Keep trying, Steve. The more you r name appears in the paper, the worked for Senator Joe! America's liberal left -- destructive nihilism to creative conservatism? From Steve Jones David Horowitz was a major figure in the New Left movement during the 1960s. He feels his generation helped fuel our major social problems including crime, drugs and racism. I read remarks hs made to the Southern Republican Exchange in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on October 28, 1989. He was lead into the radical New Left movement by his parents who were members of the American Communist May Day parade in 1948. He speaks from the heart in recalling the devastating legacy of America's Liberal-Left. He warns that those "progressives" have returned to the Democratic Party to promote their old leftist agenda. The agenda is opposition to American institutions and values at home and American strength abroad. He marched with Tom Hayden and admired George McGovern back then. He later watched Senator McGovern capture the Democratic Party's nomination for president in 1972 and watched Hayden become a California Assemblyman. Opposition to the Vietnam War then was really support for a communist victory. The same tactic is being used today to help bring about a communist FMLN victory in El Salvador. Horowitz says the New Left wanted blacks to serve as their battering ram in the revolution to create a Socialist future. The end result was division and conflict among the races. The New Left helped bring about the communist victory in Vietnam. More people were killed in the first three years of communist "peace" than during the entire 13 year war. The situation got bad enough that hundreds of thousands had to flee in leaking boats over treacherous seas. The alternative was incarceration in re-education camps and shipment to Soviet Siberia to pay off their war debt. The Vietnamese army became the fourth largest in the world and conquered neighboring Cambodia and Laos. Horowitz recalled the New Left said there were no criminals only political prisoners. Drugs were called mind-expanding agents and America was called racist and oppressive. The 1960s saw an assault on the ethics of work and responsibility. This produced a permanent underclass dependent on massive liberal entitlement programs and welfare handouts. The New Left at tacked law and order and now we have a drug-fueled crime wave. The political left and its liberal allies relentlessly indicated America as the cause of all minority problems. Perhaps their worst legacy is a new racism-affirmative action-that is a perversion and betrayal of the civil rights movement David Horowitz now feels the Utopia he was looking for was really the America he had formerly opposed. The forces seeking to undermine this America are the forces of the blame-America-first left, which have become firmly entrenched in the Democratic party. Horowitz says, "These forces seek to weaken America's defenses and to betray its values, to set rich against poor, men against women, race against race. Opposing them is the political party that most consistently promotes the health of the democracy, the community of its peoples and the preservation of its values: the Republican party, the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan." Horowitz has moved from left to right. He has gone from destructive nihilism to creative conservatism. He survived an alienated exile in America and now proudly calls it home. The Western Carolinian welcomes editorial input from students, faculty, and staff on matters of public interest. Please address correspondence to: Voices P.O. Box 66 Cullowhee, NC 28723 All submissions will be considered, but The Western Carolinian reserves the right to refuse publication of offensive or otherwise unsuitable material. The Carolinian is not responsible for opinions expressed on the Editorial Page. r "N T/te 'Western Carolinian Western Carolina University The Old Student Union P.O. Box 66 Cullowhee, NC 28723 Christine Elaine Faris Editor-in-Chief Suzanne Martine Consultant to the Editor Marlyse Rappoport Assistant to the Editor Associate Editors Shawn Busby- Copy Editor Michael Jones - News Caron Collier - Features / Entertainment Jeff Ammons - People Fred Mason - Sports Photographer Jon Fondow Typesetters Karen Royall Jennifer Donnelly Marlyse Rappoport Shclia Sharp Wendy Dillon Tracey D. Mullis Business Manager Aletha Hyatt Advertising Sales Design & Layout Douglas R Pease John M. Dennis Cole Wildman Stephanie Messer Jenni Alford Writers Mark Conrad Michael Cook David Lange Ellen Furey Laura Plumb Mr. John Moore Advisor ^ Student On The Street "What do you think about Last Minute Productions* bringing Richard Marx to campus? How do you rate LMP overall?" Name: Palti Roach ^^^^^^^ Hometown: Brevard, NC Class: Senior Major: Accounting "I think it's a great accomplishment on LMP's part. Events such as this, brings a lot more people into Cullowhee, and therefore, LMP is doing a good job. The organization helps to keep students here on the weekends so Western will not stay a suitcase college. V^ Name: Jody Hornby Hometown: Wilkesboro, NC Class: Freshman Major: Undeclared "I'm definitely going to the Richard Marx concert. LMP is great organization because it benefits the university by helping the students to get out and enjoy themselves. They need to sponsor more concerts like this. The ticket prices are reasonable for students." Name: Melissa Starnes Hometown: Salisbury, NC Class: Freshman Major: Social Science "I want to go to the concert, and I'm trying to get a ticket. LMP is very effective because it lets us, the students, know what is going on. I wish they would sponsor more concerts like this one." Name: Rodney Cook Hometown: Boone, NC Class: Senior Major: Marketing "LMP ,in my opinion,has had its ups and downs throughout the last four years. By bringing Richard Marx to campus, LMP is providing Western with the chance to see a quality performer an a great musician. Congratulations LMP, and everyone go to the concert." Name: Casey Cole Hometown: Greensboro, NC Class: Sophomore Major: Marketing "I'll be going to the concert because I have to work for traffic and security. It's fantastic that LMP could bring Marx to campus, and it gives them more performers to Western—at least two concerts a year." Name: Grant Shelton Hometown: Rocky Mountian, NC Class: Senior Major: RTV "Yes, I am going. I think this is great for promotion, and LMP has done something wonderful for the students and for this area. LMP has done an effective job in bringing entertainin events such as the Richard Marx concert."

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