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Western Carolinian Volume 44 Number 26

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  • PAGE 16/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/ MARCH 29, 1979 Snoring How to cure it! Bv GRETA lUXEl I he Greensboro Record Owls do it when snoo/ing and tigers do it too. laxi drivers do it, but only on slow nights. Abe Lincoln did it in the Lincoln Room and Sir Winston Churchill did it, loudly, in the stateroom aboard ship. A&T basketball coach Gene 1 ittles did it once and his wife got tickled. When she told him in the morning, he was embarrassed. A beer-drinking man in Silver Springs, MD., did it once and got dubbed headside with a billy stick. His wile was convicted of assault. Senator Robert Morgan says he doesn't but his vv id- says he does. Art shop owner (jinny Dolan said she didn't but her husband said she did, and minitaped her to prove it. When Guilford Sheriff Paul Gibson does it, the walls tremble and Mrs. Gibson lies awake. When Mrs. Charlie .lustice does it, Choo-Choo who doesn't rolls her over. If Congressman Richardson Prever does it. nobody has complained. Bennett College President Isaac Miller does it. gently, but only when he's tired. Indians aren't supposed to do it but that is a myth-Lonnie Revels does it and so does his wife. Governor Jim Hunt, predictably, does not. Dear Abby may not snore, but plenty of her readers do. So do their husbands and wives. One distressed bride wrote that since her marriage, she had been having nightmares about the mooing cows that once chased her across a pasture. Hubby's snoring, it seems, brought back the memory. How, she pleaded, does a woman sleep with a man who snores? When Winston-Salem- State basketball coach Big- house Gaines snores, wile Clara knocks him and he stops. When Matthew's Grill owner Minas Dasealakis snores, Rena gives him a mild shake. U.S. Magistrate Herman Smith gets a poke in the ribs and, "Turn over, honey," from wife Tommie Lou. But she waited to be sure their marriage was safe before trying it. Abby's readers recommend more aggresive measures. Tape his mouth shut, says one, because nobody snores while breathing through the nose. Sew a baseball into the back of his pajamas, says another, so he can't sleep on his back. The most practical suggestion came from a reader prescribing two large whole cloves of garlic, a large glass of buttermilk, a raw egg and a pinch of pepper, taken before retiring. No snoring guaranteed. No sleeping either. In his book on snoring, Dr. Marcus H. Boulware says nonsnorers may be forced to make the adjustment. If ear plugs or sleep-inducing devices such as the Vermont remedy—one tablespoon of honey before bed fail, try beating the snorer to sleep. If separate bedrooms are the only answer, Boulware stongly urges communication by telephone. He does not recommend chin straps, mouth dams or divorce, even in Reno, since snoring by itself isn't a legal ground. Psychoanalysis, if you're rich and willing, is chancy. Only one out of 100,000 are cured. What, exactly, is the definition of all this misery? Dr. Alan Rothfeld, member of the UNC School of Medicine's pulmonary division, describes it as a series of sounds made while inhaling and exhaling, caused by obstructions in the respiratory tract. "Actually," he says, "it's the back of the tongue that seems to do it. It gets in the way." Besides the blows and bags, snoring can bring trememdous worry. Studies have found recently that apnea, a halt in breathing, usually temporary, sometimes happens during snoring. In several cases this can be dangerous, even causing death. Dr. Rothfeld stresses this is rare. "We have women coming in all the time saying their husbands stop breathing at night. I don't think that is usually a cause for alarm. It's not uncommon for people to stop breathing for short times, maybe 10 seconds or so, without realizing it." The March issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reports that oxygen levels dropped in 20 of the 30 men monitored during one night's sleep, with no serious side effects. Few women experience this. If a person is fat, smokes stacks, snores and can't stay awake during the day, it might help to see a doctor. The usual medicine is diet and no more cigarettes. "In roughly half the cases, this works." Dr. Rothfeld says. "A million drugs have been tried without much success. The ultimate treatment is a tracheotomy, a sure cure, but surgeons are ruluctant to do it on heavy people because of complications. In less serious cases, snoring can be fixed with simple surgery by an ear-nose-throat doctor, though other problems usually are involved before this surgery is suggested. ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifically noted in this ad. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., MARCH 31 AT A4P IN SYLVA ITEMS ORDERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS US 0 A INSPECTED FRESH 2 IN A BAG WHOLE LIMIT 2 BAGS, PLEASE THESE OFFERS ONLY GOOD IN SYLVA BUDWEISER BEER ctn. of 6 12oz.cans^l99 or bottles CHRISTIAN BROS. CHATEAU La SALLE 1/5th Btl. *239 MOGEN DAVID CONCORD WINE Golden Concord or Blackberry 1/5th btl. ANN PAGE LOOK-FIT ICE MILK FROZEN G&W PIZZA PEPPERONI 1n-_ HAMBURGER 10 0Z SAUSAGE PKG.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).