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The Canton Enterprise Volume 13 Number 10

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  • THE ENTERPRISE, CANTON, N. C. C. V. BELL M. LITTMAN Champion Drug Co. Agents Wiley's "THE PENSLAR STORE" Agents Mono lee Cre, EIGHBORHOOD NEWS t Gathered for tbe An Announcement of Unusual Interest Will appear in this space next week. w w t \m CHAMPION DRUG CO. Canton, H. C. f 'The Store that Appreciates Your Patronage" iff WW WW WW W^ T. L. Gwyn of Springdale, was a Canton visitor Monday. March Came in Like a Lamb! And so has otfr new supply of gems— adpance spring designs and original settings. But wait until the public sees them! We'll wager they Will Go Out Like a Lion! Such bargains—dainty new opal settings, sparkling diamonds, wrist watches and the cutest pearl necklaces. They came unto us like a lamb—quietly, unannounced and unadvertised. Now they are on display. Experience has taught us that o\%e the public sees them "• they will, like the month of March GO OUT LIKE A LION. C. C. HAWKINS, Canton, N. C. Your Jeweler Next to Champion Bank THRIFT The most stupendous school since time began is about to be opened. The pupils will be 100,000,000 or more Americans and the Jpef instructor a character well and widely known' throughout the world as Uncle Sam. This school will be opened for the express purpose of TEACHING THRIFT in order that the people of the United States may with more security enjoy their inalienable rights — "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." It is also designed to make quick work of subscribing for the Fifth or Victory Loan. The first lesson in Thrift, a resident of Canton and vicinity can and ought to learn, is that considerable weekly, monthly and yearly savings can be effected by trading exclusively at this store. If you are not already a customer come in at once for your first lesson by placing an order with us. After the first lesson you are sure to be a constant, satisfied attendant at our ail-the-year-round § school for thrift. W, R. HIPPS & SON] Dr. W. S. Martin was absent this week on business. —*»•— P. P. Morjjfan of Turnpike, was in town Monday on business. —**— Dr. W. S. Martin of Martin's Drug Store, spent several days at Greenville, S. C, on business. —»— Mesdames Lola Singleton and Jane Wells of Woodrow, spent the weekend with relatives here. A crew of men is relining one of the big digesters in the sulphite plant of the Champion Fibre Co. Jonathan Woody of the Bank of Waynesville, has been assisting this week at the Bank of Canton here. —felt has been semi-officially an nounced that the two-cent first class postage rate will be restored about July 1st. 1919. -PS- Miss Essie Littman returned Friday from a two months' visit at Raleigh, Gieeusboro, and other points in North Carolina. —pe- Private Blake C. Wells of Woodrow, who has just returned from France, spent Thursday here with his cousin, Mrs. J. W. Singleton. The Valley Roller Mills auto truck, driven by Jack Gaston, son of the proprietor, R. J. Gaston, was here from Hominy last Monday distributing the mills' products. —m— It is high time for fruit growers to be giving the usual winter spraying to control scale, to remove old bark, to kill hibernating eggs, spores, etc. It must be finished before buds open. —»— If the grower has a flock of pure-bred fowls, money can be made from the back-yard poultry flock at this time of the year by handling of eggs for hatching and the production of day-old !j chicks. . ..■-■ T-M-- ■| Sherman Sharp is able to be j about again, after several | months' serious illness, during j which his life was despaired of j many times. His manv friends rejoice with his family in his ,recovery. ! Dr. Thomas I. Allen, who was j a successful practicioner of den* istry here before he entered the service of his country, has decided to locate in Charlotte, where he has secured a fine location. Dr. and Mrs. Allen will be missed here by many friends who wish them much success and happiness in their new home. Wj "Stamp Shark" adverWe- ments from unscrupulous perjglps who seek to buy ,War Sav™p Stapms and Liberty Bonds 'Mn discount are excluded from Me columns of this newspaper. WJe local postmaster/ has been instructed not to redeem War Savings certificates from persons whose names are not registered on their certificates. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Horney en- Dr. Medford has been confined to his room with illness the past few days. —m— Miss Marvie Walker, bookkeeper at the Bank of Canton, is numbered with the sick. —m— Ottis Lowe, employed at Winston-Salem, is spending a few days here with relatives. ^^M —ws— Mis3 Jeanette Snyder returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit in Knoxville, Tenn. —n»— Miss Kate Burgin of Charlotte, is here nursing her. sister, Miss Lennie, who his been very sick this week. —«sg — The little daughter of M. and Mrs. Walter Woodward is very sick with pneumonia at the Im. perial hotel, — 161 — J. T. Cathey of the Bank of Canton, has been confihed to his home at Woodrow this week with illness. — !*! — A dog, supposed to have been mad, was shot late Wednesday, morning near the home of Mr. ■ and Mrs E. M. Lide. —«■.— Miss Essie Littman returned Friday from a two month's visit Raleigh, Greensboro, and other points in North Carolina. Linings. An average woman doesn't care anything about the silver linings of clouds If only her own gown ts Bilk lined. Mrs. C. M. Trull of Highland Park, has returned from Savan- ah, Ga. —n»- J. O. Hyatt is very low with pneumonia fever at the home of J. E. Peeples, 15 Main street. —IBB— Miss Ruth Gudger of Candler, spent several days here last week and this week vissting friends. —fc— Miss Anna May Sawyer, Acton, accompanied by her little cousin Louise Davis, returned home yesterday. —fc— G. N. Henson, register of deeds of Waynesville, and cashier of the Bank of Canton, has been here part of the week o account of the illness of his as" sistants in the Bank. Of No Consequence. The other clay, since so BMUVf young people were called for to help on farms, one boy, who was willing; and eager to help but wholly un* acquainted with farm work was assigned to a farmer who was extreme* ly cureless in giving directions as toj the work to be done. One day Ik* told the boy to "grease the wagon." A4 hour later the boy came in nud saldfe "I've greased every i>art <>f the wagonj except the sticks that the wheals turn' en. 1 didn't bother with them. Tbejg don't show much !" Worth Having, Sometimes. "Hose sense," said Uncle Bban, "l*V whut keeps a man turn bettln* awajjf bis money on bosses." Worry Spoils Everything. More mistakes are Induced through worry than any other cause In the world. We fret ourselves Into a frame of mind that induces just what we wish to avoid. Go about your work carefully and with faith In your own ability. If- you fall todaj, have faith that tomorrow you will do better. Do not let the little foxes of worry "spoil the vines" of honest endeavor.^^ Spoiled It "Jack walfl you were a bird." "Real«- ly," she exclaimed, delighted. "Yes, tt. parrot."—Boston Transcript. FOR SALE One piano in good shape; for quick sale will take $150 for it. One sewing machine; will take $30 for it. See MRS. DOLLY WALKER, Happy Hollow. "Train up the Child in the Way He Should Go And when he is old he will not depart from it," says the Good Book. By precept which is good, and by example which is far better, teach your child to save systematically and regularly, no matter how small the sum is. The habit of saving, formed in youth, grows strong as the years go by. A saving boy makes a prosperous, independent man. The small insurance premium you pay is buying peace of mind due to assurance against fire, very cheaply. The Champion Bank CANTON, N. O. THE BIG FRIENDLY STORE "Walk your feet" to our place on North Main Street and Save Your Purse Phone 210 North Main Street H. While world victory has been spelled in terms of men, it has been due in no small part to economies practiced at home. DRESS V FABRICS have made it possible for thousands of thrifty housewives to economize by sewing at home. We must still economize and help to feed, clothe and reconstruct the stricken nations. Good dress fabrics always represent foresighted economy. IcFcite quality has been maintained right through the war. Buy LAPORTE DRESS FABRICS, cotton, silk and wool, and do your own sewing. SNYDER BROS., THE PROFIT SHARING STORE CANTON, N. C. m?.m \*Z1

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).