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Travel to Washington D.C.

items 18 of 24 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11971.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • J. A. HOLMES, STATEGE0L0G,ST NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Chapel Pil!.RT. C., January 12th, 1001. Dr. C. P. table*, Asheville, If. C, My dear Doctor: c , In the case of I'.r. Julias we< nay have made a mistake but it was certainly not altogether our fault. I an still of the opinion that in sone respects he is an excellent nan for the work in hand just at this tine. I will be back in Washington |n the course of a week nr y ten days anrl will si?,e up^ the situation and decide then what is Rest ty to be done,. If we &*-KSL^rv<&<\yi~-*^) W ve had not arranged for his going I should think Jl probably that we had best make another choiceP but he can certainly do \ a considerable anount of work in the course of a week or ten Rays in rallying the Democratic nenbers from the four or five States interested. Adnitting that we nay be nistaken in our choice our friends should certainly >tfe a little more carefull in the way'in which the-, show their 4 disagreement ajiMIl can only succeed by pulling together as far as possible and holding our tongues as to natters concerning which we disagree. You rs c ord ia 11 y, \ j~ZL^ O^-^C^yvAw^-^)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).