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Travel to Washington D.C.

items 14 of 24 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11967.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • GEO. S. POWELL, DR. C. P. AMBLER, President. Sec. and Treas. i%hz Appalachian national |*arJ$ ^^otiation OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS WALTER B. GWYN, Chaiiman, Asheville, N. C. MOSES H. CONE, New York. J. P. GARLINGTON, Spartanburg, S. C. S. WITKOWSKY, Charlotte, N. C. J. F. HAYES, Sapphire, N. C. &*h«tmu, £L @^r*». 9tn, i9oi. Prof. J. A. Holms, 4 The Kaleigh, "'"ashing ton, I), 0, My dear Prof, Holms:- After you left yesterday, ur4 Settle, *io had overheard Kope fflias* name mentioned at the meeting as one Sen. Pr it chard had suggested as a Coram itteeraan, approached me and informer! me that in his opinion it would be a great mistake to send ftlias to Washington, stating as his reason the Vance - Rli&s fight of several years back. He went on to stat* that Alias being a strong Cleveland democrat he -.voulR1 antagonize the v^nole Bryan faction mid in place of talk ~ing ParK would taUc politics and that in a way which would only place him and any project which he might have in jeopardy, T have -also since heard that he owns or is interested in large tracts of land which he is anxious to sell to the Government for Park purposes, Mr. Powel and 1 had prepared ;«i^ v^-re about to send him a telegram holding the matter up until we could hear from you again vjften your note written on the tram arrived. "-re immediately dropped the matter at that time, I have heard from him this morning that he (Alias) can go, tout not until the last of the week. In the meantime Mr. Powel has corresponded with Ben. Pritchard, stating the facts to hira and asking if he still advises that

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).