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Guyot and the Great Smokies


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  • "-Several of the highest points of the Appalachian System are found on the Western sldft, though not oa the chain itself-Such as the triple mountains of Bull Head 6,313 feet* the group £irst ascended and named by Buckley Mounts Guyot, Alexander, sad SJaary-whlch is according to my masure&eat higher still 6,636 feet* both ef which are vary aeer tho watershed, but outside in Tennessee." Shis location of Mt. Guyot, as la feaaessoe and not oa the State line, affords an interesting speculation. the aap, prepared ts^ Guyot** youthful associate, Braest Saados,. locates Etc. Guyot and Henry as north of the state Lias oa a short ridge, running northeast toward the Big Pigeon &tVsr« lit. Alexauler*aoutrary to the statmaeat Just guoted~ is, however, located by the nap as oa $ho State Idas, fheir elevations conclusively locate ths three psaks. fhe peake as listed oa the map/sit. Alexander (6,44? ft.), Mt. Guyot {6,636 ft.) and UU Heary (8,873 ft.) era respectively the present day Old Blsek4 (8*488 ft»)f St. Guyot (6,621 ft.) and the nameless peak at the head of the Pinnacle lead oa the Cooke*Sevler County line (6,856 ft.), the South Peek of Mt. Alexander is its conspicuous western edge, wh ch gives the mountain Its well known "clrcus*tent* chape. Oa the map ths State Line is indicated as continuing northeast toward the Big Pigeon fiver from ®hat was undoubtedly QSuyottsfrlcerner Knob (6,188 ft.), where the Salaam kldge comes into Smoky. So peaks* not oven ths distinctive present day Sharp fop***- appear between rlricera«r Kaob and the Big 'Pigeon hlver, either oa the map or in the list. 'Shin omission clearly indicates that Guyot was mot on the State Uae between Mt. Hoary and the Big Pigeon Sliver, for the probable reason that he was la error as to tho true location of the State line Immediately west of the Big Figeea Uver. 4. This Is the descriptive name of the peak in Horth Cardinal la Tennessee it bears the more facetious designation of *£ftusadaha"* 5. Baokley thus refers6to Sharp 7op? "Ihs followlag points art la the Smoky Mts. and Many of them are oa the State Uae, betwe&a Horth Carolina and feanesset Semite Hock as 5,002 ft. This last is a misnomer of the hunters, being composed of a dark gneiss and mica elate, covered in many places with White lichens.** • 6 «

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).