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Travel and banquet in Washington D.C.


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • January thirty-first, 1901, Prof. J. A. Kelaes, Chapel Hill, N. C. My dear Mr. Holmes: - Tn several letters received from Washington, at are getting all kinds of word as to the proposed banquet which it has been expected to hold in f ishington during the coming week. tn talking this matter over with $r, pewel we fear that for the Association to endorse or spend funds for such a purpose at this time, wmld not he good policy. First, as a certain class in Washington would consider this lobhying of a doubtful character, and further, if those here in this vicinity she have sub scribed to our Association were informed that we were spending th the monies received for the purpose of a banquet in Washington, I ap posi -tive that they would censure us for tuah disposal of the money sub sc rib- €»C\ * Tt appears to us that the movement it in the hest possible shape and that we should not allow any one in Washington to reflect upon us in the least. We un-doubtedly have many friends at this time, These certainly could not all be invited to the banquet and when they heard that a bunquest was given by those interested in the Park movement ill at would be their feeling regarding the same? T an writing you this, not at Secretary of the Association "but am simply expressing my own private opinion, which if you do not agree with it, please give the sane no attention, at you know much better than I how matters should go, and in fact how they do go in Washington, Very truly yours, F.h »H•

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).