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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13815.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 4 a there eras hardly a land owner, lasrga or swell, Una did set aid in the work of construction, For forty yaars ny native state has been the clave of a debt which, in the day of'its prosperity it incurred in aiding the r&ilre&ds within its borders, I*ast In the list of great public benefactions to the went, is the provision for the irrogation of its arid lands. Thus wisely and with the mat beneficiant results, the republic has mothered the west, lovingly and liberally pothered it; and now has every reason to be proud of its work, ho ua aha has been a just mother, not without affection, though unpleasantly intolerant of a certain truancy of ours. The ::uct, being strong, has not aaedei help, but Its ship lines have been aided, and conceding that the policy of government for the last half century liar sean gesi for all, it certainly has "oven best for the hast, Sheas are sobs, of the aany equities;- that support our cieim for a national Appalachian Reservation, It has'been suggested that there is no constitutional warrant for the acquisition of private lands for such a public use, Tddbss is no place for a constitutional atrguaent, but It would seas that if the use oe a public-one, and the swathed Of acquisition not an unjust on©, the present ownership need not bo considered. That it in a legitimate public use, is demonstrable by reason and by precedent, .Moreover the American people have cowo to have great faith la the Bound elasticity of the constitution; havin;? witnessed, with sat- . isfactlon, many tewenstmtiona of the latent capacities of theTgrsati

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).