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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14300.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • at the breath of early spring and clothe themselves in garments of emerald leaf and many tinted flowers;summer sunshine wraps the earth An lustrous woodland,changing to royal robes of autumn splendors of purple and orimson and olothe of gold;transparent waters of creeks and rivers glide and dance and foam over their rooky beds,above them as an arch,** the arms of the giants of the forest,on their banks the honeysucfclei,the violet,the tiger-lily, the ivy and the laurel breathe perfume sweet as the odor of the ^lilies of eternal peace*. And who can estimate the value,present and potential,to hu- ';,- i manity of thin mild ate vigorous and health-giving climate, what may it not accomplish,aided by medical science? The cure of the inourable disease,the scourge of human kind,is one of the probabilities of the immediate future. How many suffereres stricken helpless,almost lifeless have ooae hither in despair to find a land whose breezes bear healing on their wings?? How many withered* broken,old in youth,tottering to death have felt on their warm* ^ fevered faoes the breath of the morning of a new life and drunk pt the waters that gurgle from these rocks to believe that they had tftsted *vt tthe fountain for whioh Pone De Leon sought? How many lives have befen save^lmhow many loved ones have been rescued,how many tears have been wiped away,how many homes have been blsist? As yet there are many large areas of this mountain oountry in the state of nature. The primitive and magnificent foresta are yet untouched by the ruthless hand of advancing civilization and the boundless wilderness is yet unbroken as when the Tuscaroras made treaties with the Cherokees and Po'yatan gave savage laws to the tribes that roamed over the teriifrory of Virginia and the . Carolinas, In the regioni of the Blaok Mountains (I speak of those

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).