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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

items 6 of 8 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14304.jpg

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  • 6. f a few years every timber tree to the tops of our remotest mountains will be valuable for limber and will be cut down. The forests will be destroyed unless something be done for their proteo- tion. The owners of these lands may appreaiate their natural beauty and the irreparable loss from a sentimental standpoint, but we cannot expect the Individual in this age of money making to sacrifioe.his material welfare and opportunity to better his condition, to—sentimental considerations. The government must preserve this invaluable gif^T of nature for the benefit of the people and now is the a^ceptdBtoe time,now is the day 0# salvation.(Only A a few years ago hundreds of aores could be bought in W.N.C. for a gun and clog and the finest farm lands of Buncombe went for a horse and kaggjc saddle. The value of land will more than keep pace with the increase of population and the development of the opuntry. The tide of migration to the southern states has just fairly begun to flow. The prejudice and bad feeling,inevitable consequences ■ of civil war,have passed away. The Mason and Dixon line still stands according to Bob Taylor,dividing the land of hot biscuit and aold bread. The carpet-baggars that came in the wake of invading armies to pillage and humiliate,worse than the horde of plunderers,the praetors-prefeo* and quaestars, that followed upon the heels of Lucius Murena,the Proconsul,have Vanished from the face of the earth. They were the vultures of the dark hour of the Republic, Today the men of th© best bio od of the North, are turning their faoes toward the South. The Vanderbu.lts and the Roeblings,raen of that type*} Men of large means and large intellects and large patriotic hearts;honest,industrious,thrifty tradesmen,farmers,and artisans and professional men of the highest talent are making their homes among us,bringing here their Lares and Penates, jn&ep-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).