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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 21 of 74 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11577.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • '.. ■-::.: tfi » Archjtttl. .WDCR.^ N-.l'i.rpjri. '"""A'^A Bftsami ifiEEj n« MCs / nueW! mm I1""ks)!^*_ ■ •;v.:^-.;-..;v;-;:j'.^;v;.::;■;-■■■; ■ 'A^A!T ,£ """'n:Ammm "- ■ . -:'A ■' te&?&^£^£%?&££Z. &83&§im SinndardFlower Puts. __ f™i«S«""r r ' NURSERIES. T Q ■'■■■"' £" C: ■■-■■■:■>■-■■■•>"•*■« ■'■':r':i "• TAia t cc, OFFICE OF PUBLICATION EASTERN OFFICE 334 DEARBORN STREET Chicago 1536 Am. Tract Society Building 150 Nassau St., New York R. J. HAIGHT, Publisher Feb. 5 th. 1900. Dr. C. P. Ambler, Asheville, H. C., Dear S±r:_ I am in receipt of you?' favor of the 1st., and have also received the circulars, pamphlets etc. pertaining to the Apalaohian National Park movement, and thank you very much for them. We will he 0nly too glad to do all vie can to aid in this very commendable movement, I will mall to your address copies of Park and Cemetery that may contain items referring to the movement. Yours very P. S, I have taken the liberty of introducing to you by letter Mr. 0. C. Simonds of Chicago, one of our leading landscape gardeners, -ho expects to spend a few days in Asheville this week. He is deeply interested in park developement. $ j y

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).