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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 54 of 74 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11610.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • f & s —a, heard from. Governor McMillan of Tennessee gave it out at first that he muld veto the bill vjhioh smi pasted fey the Senate and Legislature of his Stat*, but.suffice it to say that he sigj < this bin last week and it has n .' becasw a law, being practically the as tin* North Carolina 1< It /as neceesary to secure this legislation in the differ* •nt states interested before nything definite, ooulfl be Aon® by the Jlationai (loverninent, in fact, the only opposition re have thus far eat vaith in fashlngton is. noe set at rest by our having secured ths son- sent of thess states ■"■ ? th? i stabile snt of such n preserve* You -,'111 rerasisb ir, that one year ago /e secured an mpro- priatmni of f ive 6hoi sand ■-liars by Coi -•. for n pre J ii.lray In*- vestigation of the territory under o<ms ..deration, Tlaia in1/-a .gation was left in fchs haJWi r\r th<? Secretary of Agriculture da- last suamer s Had the Mountain section from Virginia be South Carolina thoroughly investigated an', lav" roape pre .-•■.■' showing all standing tiiaber, size of, burnt laaids, agriculture lands, etc"., etc«,i da- Secretary Igriouitur* hud the co-operation of th* Geological Survey in this soris and there »as actually spent nb< .' enty-J Lv sand dollars during th ! sura ler in investigating thte fortsi cond: t on < ! the South* am Appalachian mountains, MNHM g**». Mft

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).