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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the southern Appalachian region

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  • 176 SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION. forest covered, and that in all such condemnation proceedings the right of the Federal Government shall be limited to the specific objects set forth in this act and in the laws of the United States in regard to forest reserves. Sec 2. Be it further enacted, That power is hereby conferred upon Congress to pass such laws as it may deem necessary to the acquisition, as hereinbefore provided, for incorporation in said national forest reserve such forest-covered lands lying in the State as in the opinion of the Federal Government may be needed for this purpose. Sec :\. Be it further enacted. That power is hereby conferred upon Conoress to pass such laws and to make or provide for the making of such rides and regulations of both civil and criminal nature, and provide punishment for violation thereof, as in its judgment may be necessary for the management, control, and protection of such lands as may be from time to time acquired by the United States under the provisions of this act. Sec. f. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed April 16, 1901. E. B. Wilson, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Newton H. White, Speaker of the Senate. Approved April 23, 1901. Benton McMillan, Governor. SOUTH CAROLINA. A RESOLUTION favoring the establishment of a national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region. Rsolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring: The general assembly of South Carolina hereby expresses its approval of the movement looking to the establishment by the Federal Government of an extensive national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region as a wise and beneficent measure, such as many other nations have already adopted, and which this country should adopt before it is too late, looking to the conservation of its forests and the protection of the sources of important streams; and whereas die proposal to establish this forest reserve has been approved and urged by the leading scientific societies and forestry associations of this country, and by the general press; and whereas this general assembly has passed an act granting its consent to the acquisition of lands m northern South Carolina by the Federal Government for

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).