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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the southern Appalachian region

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  • REPORT ON THE FORESTS AND FOREST CONDITIONS OF THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN REGION. To the President; An interest in practical forestry, notable and commendable, has grown up among the American people during the past few years. There is an evident determination that our country shall profit from its own and the experience of other countries by beginning the preservation of our forest remnants before it is altogether too late. The most important practical outcome of this awakening has been the setting aside by the Government, out of the public domain, in the several Western States and Territories, of some 70,000 square miles of forest-covered lands about the mountains in these regions, to protect the streams and perpetuate the timber supplies. A more recent result is the movement, which has met with the general approval of business and scientific organizations and the unanimous support of the press, toward the preservation by the Government of the hard-wood forests on the slopes of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The proposal that the Government shall protect these Appalachian forests by purchasing the lands and making of them a great national forest reserve was first brought directly to the attention of Congress in January, 1900, when a memorial to that effect was presented by the Appalachian Mountain Club of New England and the Appalachian National Park Association of the South Atlantic States. In response to this memorial and in recognition of the importance of the movement, the act making the appropriation for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, provided that a '"sum not to exceed $5,000 may, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be used to investigate the forest conditions in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region of western North Carolina and adjacent States." 13

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).