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Myron H. Avery letter, May 17, 1932, page 5

items 5 of 6 items
  • wcu_kephart-1640.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • painted, sad «srt»d § miles in Maryland. I strongly'urge that the Appalftehisa frail idea be mad* mere prominent ia each Slab's program. ly third suggest! ©a relates oust vitally ft* the sempietiea m& success ef the frail project. 1 advance it ss • solution of a& aAaittedly s**t difficult situation - the connection esteem Smoky and Isatehala. %ls may now be considered the a*$jff hiatus in the Southern half of the 3**11* »ere it elimljwted the Southern App*leehiai* could claim **fiaisw, 'She problem wee discussed at the last Conference, attempts have been made, during the past year, to work out a feasible rout© from fapoc© to the north end ef the faatshala Bang* at fell lee Hep. fhe Highway is a. connection but, of course, no trail route. Efforts have been made te work out * route mm the Ohecah p&mtains er over the Snowbird Bungs by continuing south on the Unicoi Mounts in to include laagover, ^,ck of forest Service trails, difficulty ©f tec**s, etc. has driven hoae a realisation of the magnitude of establishing such a connection, it is the labor of years. Perhaps the very sort of thing we like to keep ia re*ara*> te play with. But such m condition menaces the frail project, which depend* upon existence ana" use for it* support. S&eh a route is axtreajely circuitous. *f**r all the Appalachian frail is a through trunk line, there are decided limitations to the a»aaderiag which it can make for views. {If this were a criterion it should have to travel ia endless circles ia the ®m0mm ApiAlaehians.) B&eetnesa of route is * real seacldegdsdsUuao It must be admitted that this hairpin tern adds ISO miles to the distance, ^utstanding views and the impossibility of reaching all desirable territory are well considered in the trail scheme and provided for Tsj side trails •*» feeder trails. The preparation of the Southern Suidebook would be delayed .years, awaiting the establishment of this connection. Sy experience impresses upon me stoat strongly the necessity of a completed rent** I know met there ere strong views on this matter and, of course, no one will feel that my suggestion is prompted by a lack of appreciation of the ejrssAmr of western S®oky. I believe m suggestion allows for ail these considerations. Bather than urge that Western Smoky be considered an approach trail - the grandest of the entire system- I sag est two offieis 1 routes s I. through the Smokies to lapoco sM beck to laatahals by such route as is ultimately detarffiiaad feasible! E. from Silers Said on Perk Service trail to High Rocks, thence by existing trail® to lushaall, across the feraieesee and fuekase- gee Rivers along the Srsham-Oherekse Scanty Line to wader fyre fop near Oheoah Bald and to >'*s*r and on Forest Sorvic® trail through the lantahala* over '****! iTiiTiT (If LeContc is me gr*jtd****d of Smoky from the north, them feaer sad Chsosh Balds are from the south.) Seorge las* has done m extraordinary piece of work in going aver the route to demonstrate the existence of trail ell -fee way. H has even measured it end prepared trail data, I am asking him to exhibit the saps |Smoky Advance Sheets 10, 28, fcatahale Quedraagl*), showing this route and Ms photos, particularly from Gheoah Bald. From Bushnell to High Bocks it is 9,25 a.; from Bushnell to laser 17 m.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).