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James King Stringfield to his brother William Stringfield, May 14, 1861, page 4

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  • wcu_highlights-539.jp2

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  • Mothers whose sons, and sisters whose brothers have enlisted will many times need consolation and cheer. Preachers ought not I think to volunteer too hastily: for the ministry will have more to do, will have a wider range of duty, ever at home than before. Yes if it shall ever become necessary I do not think that I will shrink from such a duty. Whether I am possessed of true natural courage or not I cannot tell and do not know because never sufficiently tried to test the point. But this much I do know – whether a coward by nature or not – I can do anything that I believe to be my duty even to the suffering of death or of martyrdom. Not of myself however, nor should I look to myself for strength. The true Christian soldier in the strength of Divine grace will never prove false to any trial imposed in him, nor be recant to any duty. You may be a soldier some day, may be defeated for the legislature or choose to change your tactics before that time. I should not persuade you to volunteer yet. You are probably more needed at home and can be more be serviceable there than in any other capacity. In all the excitement do not fail to look well to farming interests. Patriotism and interest alike demand this. Tennessee has seceded I suppose (subject to ratification). Well I am glad of it. There will be no such thing as a “Union” party by the time that the legislature meets. I read and was pleased with your “card”, Willie, in the Whig. But do not be unmindful of the fact that new issues will be showing & new contingences arise. Be ready for every emergency. “Prove all things hold fast that which is good.” With love to all as ever your brother Stringfield.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).