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Correspondence between Verne Rhoades and Zebulon Weaver, May 1933

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2202.jpg

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  • WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ADVISORY COMMITTEE ORGANIZED BY THE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND OTHER CIVIC AGENCIES, IN CITIES AND COUNTIES ADJACENT TO THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK TO ASSIST IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT „„ , KELLY BENNETT, DUNCAN MACDOUGOLD, BRYSON CITY BREVARD W. J. DAMTOFT, F.W.MILLER. canton VERNE RHOADES, CHAIRMAN waynesville A. J. DILLS, W. J. DAMTOFT, SECRETARY VERNE RHOADES. sylva asheville J. T. FAIN, W.N.SLOAN, HENDERSONVILLE FRANKLIN RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE TJESTEEH NORTH CAROLINA ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, Congress has approved by appropriate legislation the recommendation of President Roosevelt that the unemployed be provided work under Federal Government supervision in cievelsping and improving our national parks ana forests; ana "PE3REAS, the Great Smoky Mountains National .p!|er^|l|asalbeen assigned a number of these conservation caaps: aad , PV ,. TT . ., * ■ VVestern Carolina University i"IliiIiGj^ I .i hyfivii 1HEBMS, there still remain certain large boundaries of land within the park area which have not been acquired because of insufficient funds remaining in the Commissions of the States of North Carolina ana Tennessee, which have purchasea the acreage already acquired and deeded to the Federal Government; ana WHSE14S, the States of North Carolina ana Tennessee have appropriatea ana spent f2.,000,GOO each, which amounts have been augmented ~aj contributions from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation and other contributions from private firms and individuals; and TPKEREAS, no state appropriations are possible within the next two years for further purchases of lana for park purposes, thus causing a delay in park aevelopment and imposing barriers to its orderly and unified aevelopment \>j the forces of workers previously mentioned; and WHEREAS, Congressman Zebulon "'saver has introduced a bill recommending and directing the Reconstruction finance Corporation to provide the States of North Carolina ana Tennessee with sufficient funas to complete the purchase of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park as at present defined; THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that this organization requests and urges President Roosevelt to give his official approval to the leaver bill and recommend the Congress to adopt same as rounding out and completing the marvelous program of park and. forest development now under way. COTTON CONTENT BOND A WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCT

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • Zebulon Weaver (1872-1948) was a lawyer and U.S. Representative from western North Carolina. He was a member of the North Carolina Park Commission and was involved in the land acquisition process that went towards establishment of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and development of the Blue Ridge Parkway. This correspondence between Zebulon Weaver and Verne Rhodes--a set of two letters--relates to the latter’s support for Weaver’s efforts towards completing land acquisition for the park. Verne Rhoades to Zebulon Weaver, May 18, 1933 In this letter Rhodes informs Weaver that the various Chambers of Commerce and Civic organizations in Western North Carolina have passed a resolution pledging support to Weaver to get a favorable consideration for the passage of his bill in the Congress. A copy of the resolution is enclosed with the letter. Resolution adopted by the Western North Carolina Advisory Committee This resolution urges President Roosevelt to give his approval to the bill introduced by Zebulon Weaver directing the Reconstruction Finance Commission to provide North Carolina and Tennessee with sufficient funds to complete the purchase of lands for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Zebulon Weaver to Verne Rhodes, May 29, 1933 In this letter Weaver thanks Rhodes for the support provided by the WNC Advisory Committee and assures him that he would pursue the matter of securing funding for the park.