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Jackson County Heroes of World War II

items 19 of 28 items
  • wcu_highlights-1444.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • A O M 3/c CARL JAMES SMITH, Cullowhee, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Smith. Inducted Sept., 1942. Trained at V-2 at Western Carolina Teachers College, Newbery, S. C, Sampson, N. Y., Memphis, Tenn., Dam's Neck Gunnery, Va., St. Louis, Mo., and San Diego, Cal. Served in Pacific Theatre. Trained in Naval Reserve, later in Gunnery School. Did patrol duty in Pacific Area. Discharged Jan. 13, 1946. PFC. WILLIAM C. SMITH. Cullowheee, N. O, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Smith. Inducted May 2, 1943. Trained at Camp Hood, Tex., Amorilla, Tex., Meadow Field, Col., Fort Benning, Ga. Citations or medals: Presidential Unit Citation, Good Conduct, 3 Battle Stars, Purple Heart, and Victory. Participated in the airborne crossing of the Rhine, going on into Germany. Discharged Feb. 2, 1946. CORP. DAVID L. SORRELLS, Sylva, N. C, son of Robert Sorrells and husband of Cordelia Jones Sorrells. Inducted Nov. 23, 1943. Trained at Camp Blanding, Fla. Served in European Theatre of War, North France, and Rhineland. Citations and medals: Combat Infantry Badge, EAMET Compaign with 2 Bronze Service Stars. Discharged Sept. 18, 1945. (Picture not available) PFC. BEAUFORD H. SUTTON. Whittier, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton and husband of Ida Ann Rhinehart Sutton. Inducted May 13, 1943. Trained at Fort Meade, Md., Fort Ethan Aleln, Vt., and Camp Rucker, Ala. Served in European Theatre. Citations or medals: Good Conduct, American Theatre Service, European- African-Middle Eastern Service with 5 Battle Stars, and Victory. Discharged Nov. 13, 1945. S/SGT. JOHN C. SUTTON. JR., Dillsboro, N. C, son of Mr. J. C. Sutton. Inducted Oct. 6, 1942. Trained at Fort Bragg, N. C, Camp Lee, Va., and Camp Stoneman, Cal. Served in Pacific Theatre. Participated in Palua and Okinawa with amphibious outfit. Discharged Nov. 14, 1945. CORP. PAUL ALLISON SUTTON, Sylva, N. O, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Sutton. Inducted Feb. 11, 1942. Trained at Marine Base, San Diego, Calif., and Camp Elliott, Calif. Served in Asiatic-Pacific-Japanese Theatres. Received Army Unit Citation and Good Conduct Medal. Discharged Jan. 7 ,1946. PFC. ROBERT LEE SUTTON, Sylva, N. C., son of Coleman and Lou Etta Sutton. Inducted May 29, 1941. Trained at Camp Croft, S. C, Fort Dix, N. J., Fort Benning, Ga., Camp Gordon, Ga., and Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla. Served in European Theatre. Citations or medals: Presidential Citation, American Defense, EAMET Campaign, with 5 Bronze Stars, Bronze Armor Head. Discharged Aug. 22, 1945. CAPT. HAROLD KENNETH STALLCUP, Whittier, N. O, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stallcup and husband of Nancy Blanton Stallcup. Inducted July 21, 1942. Trained at Maxwell Field, Ala., Clarksdale, Miss, George Field, 111., Chanute Field, 111., Newport, Ark., Avon Park, Fla., Sebring, Fla., Bryan, Tex., and Lockbourne Army Air Base, Columbus, Ohio. Served in European Theatre. Citations or medals: Air Medal, 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, Group Presidential Citation. Discharged July 27, 1946. S/SGT. WILLARD G. STALLCUP, IR.. Whittier, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stallcup, Sr. Inducted Aug. 12, 1943. Trained at AAFGS, Fort Myers, Fla., New Mexico, Texas, Kansas. Served in Pacific Theatre, Air Offensive lapan, Eastern Mandates. Citations or medals: Victory, Good Conduct, Distinguished Flying Cross, and Air Medal. Discharged Jan. 3, 1946. PVT. CHARLIE B. STANLEY, Dillsboro, N. C, son of Mrs. W. F. Home, and husband of Connie E. Stanley. Inducted Apr. 23, 1943. Trained at Camp Crowder, Mo. Served in European Theatre. Citations and medals: Presidential citation, European- African-Middle Eastern Service Ribbons with 4 Battle Stars. Entered France June 5, 1944. Wounded Apr. 7, 1945. Discharged Sept. 18, 1945. CPL. HARLEY STANLEY, Sylva, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hand and husband of Nellie M. Stanley. Inducted Sept. 7, 1943. Trained at Camp Wheeler. Ga. Served in Pacific Theatre. Citations or medals: Good Conduct, Pacific Theatre, Philippine Liberation, and Victory. Served with the 41st Infantry Scout Dog Platoon on Leyte and on Okinawa with the 96th Div. Discharged Feb. 15, 1946. PFC. HAROLD A. STEPHENS, Cullowhee, N. C, son of Mrs. S. S. Stephens and husband of Ilean Stephens. Inducted Apr. 3, 1943. Trained at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Cal. Served in Pacific Theatre. Received the Presidential Citation. Discharged Nov. 2, 1945. M. M. 3/c GEORGE J. STEWART, Norton, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart and husband of Jeane Moody Stewart. Inducted July 14, 1944. Trained at Camp Perry, Va. Served in Pacific Theatre. Citations or medals: American Area Camp, Asiatic-Pacific and Victory. Was in the 13th N. C. B. and 134th N. C. B. Truck Operating Battalion for 13 Vi months on Guam. Discharged Jan. 26, 1946. PFC. CONRAD L. STEWART, Norton, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart. Inducted Mar. 3, 1943. Trained at Fort Jackson, S. C, Miami Beach, Fla., Drew Field, Fla., Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla., Gulfport and Hattisburg, Miss., Fresno, Cal. Served in Pacific Theatre. Citations or medals: American Theatre Service, Asiatic- Pacific Service with 2 Bronze Stars, Philippine Liberation with 2 Bronze Stars, Good Conduct, and Victory. Served in New Guinea, Leyte Island, and Luzon. Discharged Ian. 20, 1946. S 2/c EDWARD EUGENE STEWART, Norton, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart. Inducted May 29, 1944. Trained at Camp Perry, Va. PFC. HOWARD H. STILES, Dillsboro, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Stiles and husband of Birdie Sutton Stiles. Inducted Feb. 11, 1943. Trained at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Served in European Theatre. Received Rifle Medal and 4 Battle Stars. Killed in car accident Feb. 2, 1946, leaving his bride a widow. Discharged Dec. 8, 1945. S 1/c LLOYD STILES, Sylva, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. lohn Stiles. Inducted July 14, 1944. Trained at Camp Perry, Va. Served in Pacific Theatre. Citations or medals: Battle of Leyte, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima. PFC. TALMADGE STILES, Dillsboro, N. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stiles. Inducted Nov. 25, 1943. Trained at Camp Croft, S. C, and Camp Rucker, Ala. Served in European Theatre. Citations or medals: Purple Heart, European Theatre, American Theatre, Good Conduct, Victory, Combat Infantry Badge with 4 Battle Stars^ Wounded in action Dec 26, 1944. Discharged Dec 21, 1945. CORP. DAVID L. SORRELLS (Picture not available)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).