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Western Carolinian Volume 02 Number 07

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  • The Western Carolinian Attend Commencement WESTERN CAROLINA TEACHERS COLLEGE Honor Our Founder CULLOWHEE, N. C. MAY 19. 1934 FINALS PLANS AREANNOUNCED College's 45th Anniversary To Be Celebrated June 4 PLAN DEDICATION Baccalaureate Sermon To Be Preached by Dt Richard L. Ownbey <ts a Ex Wei Carolina Teachers) ollcgi the Forty liliith Anniversary ..i the founding oi ih. collegi i- being honored. I In \lumni tssociati ;-11 i i . th. II..s \ b. <e plate will mark ilu -i1"' iriginal building on the ram marker honors Mr. Mad .I will be dedica Commencement Speaker* The calendar foi ( ommencement SUNDAY Hi Richard L, < >wn- fcey, I'ast.>r of tl.< Myei Park Uedtodist Church, in I harlotte TUESDAY: Di < hart v., President ..f Meredith The Marshall for th.' exercises as chosen by their rejpectivt ClttM Chief Marshal: Woodrov Hague, lunior Class: Reeves Colville, Ldna Ration. Sophomore Class: Freshman Class: Randall Duck- FacuUy: Mr. V K. I The present senior rlass is the largest to have degrees conferred upon them in the history oi the Commencement Calendar rSaturday, lime 2. 8:00 P. M. - Senior Plav—Woodland Stage :Snndav, June .1 11:00 V M.- feaccalaureate Sermon ; Sunday, June 3. 3:00 P. M.— President meets Seniors Parlor ,of Moor, Stroday, June 3, 6:30 P. M.- A'espcr Service Monday. June 4, 11:00-12:00 M.- Mectings of Reunion Classes Monday, June 4, 12:00-1 :30 P. M.- Alumni Business Meeting _\Traida>. Jim,- t. 2:00 P. M.— Ahiiimi T uncheon Monday. June \. 3:00 1'. M.- Dedication Services Monday, June 4. 5K» P, M.— Tea Monday, Time 4, *:00 P. M.— C immencemerrt Concert Tuesday. June 5. 10:00 A. M- Cradnatinii Tuesdav. June 5. 2:1)0 P. M- Mecting of Board of Trustees Class Reunion Schedule Arranged According to the coniti adopted by the Alumni A» third, and < > of 192S. .hall .... on the first, h succeeding five years after graduation. All class es from 1893 to 1925 shall have a teunion this year. The following classes will Have reunions this year on Alumni Day, June 4: 1893-1904. 1905-1914. 1915- 1924, 1929, 1931. 1933. Best Citizens for Year Selected--Lawson Allen And Miss Mildred Kooiman I a Viler SENATORSFOR '34-35 NAMED More than 4 0 0 Ballots Cast; Publication Officers Also Chosen held on- than 4tx) students ballots in th.- election second ol April lor si ,t,„ for 1934-35 Edit m business managers of the two lications also were elected at Sue Sin elan, laaia \ Ih -. .11. Lena Caldycll, i . and lam. s Craj The best citisem an nominated , thi bodj and the facul ip cho .sin ■ ii-." f ■< t foi both plai es I ollowing rl •initiation, the final decission is tlu- Senior Senators for 1934-35; Rachel k Williams. President of Sep- Mildred Fox, Prai Reeves Colville. Junior Senators; Ah in Sotton, Toni Woodard. rltd Tucker. Sophomore Senators: Carl Rat- Cliff, Margaret Coward, , K.litor of ihe Western Carolinian for 1934-35: Marshall Watter- sou; Business Manager, Burch Al Iison. Editor oi The Catamount fa 1934-35: Francis Brown; Businest Manager, Frank Crawford. Class officers were elected k>l 1934-35 as follows: Senior Class: President, Lf%s«i .; Vice-President, Erneil Me Cracken; Secretary, Opal Pryor. lunior Class: President, Net Tucker; Vice-President, Alvm Sut ton; Secretary, Irene Pharr. Soldi .more Class; President. Dan Pryor; \ ice-Pi csident. Alice Tart; Secretary, Shirley Muse. Two-Year Seniors: President, tary Lquise Gillespie; \ ice Presi- ent, Carolyn Weaver; Secretary utli Hallaucc. thi beat e.ll/ells ol estei II t a. ilina eaiii|.u- I'm ..I 1934, Tins honor is the iisian.lui ■ "in- 1.1 l>. awai ded •ar. The medal foi the best u anaar.; thi gl '< ,. S. \ Enloe ol Dillsboro, a member of thi I es -I tin .•..n.-a, and Mr. I illwell, a faculty member, , medal for thi boj Others Considered Ml. I ll„ , Basis of Awards ding t.. a seal,- contain ing these points scholarship, leld ership in campus activities, general participation in campus activities, and personality. During this year M has been active ill main ..I ill. ■ i ations, but her ..ut standing work has been in editing il„ WESTERN CAROLINIAN Mi Allen s an athlete ami a 1. ad- i in .ih. i types -I in.I. in ic w itics, besides ha> in hip r coords on the . ampus. MADISON STONE NEARS REALITY Work Is Now Under Way on Memorial to Beloved Professor MORE FUNDS NEEDED Stone and Bronze Tablet To Be Placed during Commencement ih.- long contemplated Madison rckel the folded blue I- ..!■ ■• has b.. icdal foi the best girl citi er id Mr. Stillwell for Ihe best boy 62 Per Cent of '33 Grads Hold Teaching Positions ALUMNI HEAD TO BE CHOSEN Statistics Show W. C. T. C Record Well Above Average The ■e. bv I ih,,. oe 'II the was foi thi >f time, lack of sufficient fun.Is, lb. itnplcxitj of the undertaking It in i b< ! .ii. right, ....I therefor* The history of the proposed Madison Memorial dates bad. almost a decade. The first movement began about eight years age, when a committee was appointed to canvass ihe alumni and Professor Madison for funds to creel a suitable marker J. Walter Moore and Or- ville Terrell Nominated For Post Orvifle Terrell, principal i ley High School, l', Walter Moore, principal High School. Ha Hi, f Oak: and j. e be... ,f the n ..f Western Teachers College. The si.lent will be elected dttr- land toin year com-. or about sixty-two per cent, taught during the year just closing; fourteen Continued their studies in col- [lege; three were employed in wofrl other than teaching; two wer< married and keeping house, while n were not employed in any pain il occupation. Statistics show thai the averagi uunbi a of graduates placed it 11 ns by teachers Colin the United States is abou .er rent. Thn, Western Car Teachers Coll. Mr. Terrell i of jack ih. Debaters Win Two Decisions in Tri- State Tournament The members of the debate Club who went to thi Tournament at Greensboro March *-10 were' Bruce Huntet Hardin. Kate Stillwell. Margaret Coward, Hattie Freeman, Francis Leatherwood. Reeves Colville, David Stillwell. Awyer Tilley. and Da vid H. Brown. The question for debate was "Resolved, that the powers of the President of the United States should be substantially increased I as a settled policy." The affi tive girls' team, composed of M May Festival Fantastic Play Given on Woodland Stage On the afternoon of May I, I«H students, faculty, and friends or W C T. C gathered on the W'oodlam stage to honor Miss Sue Sinclair, of West Asheville. whom the • dent body elected May Queen The court was dressed as might imagine was the court of the.garet Coward. Francis Leatherwood, beautiful i.mpres- Josephine. The and Hattie Freeman, won decisior Queen led the procession. N'evt in o er Catawba College girls an order came Miss Mildred Painter,! Emory and Henry boys. The n.'i of Asheville. maid-of-honor; M.ssatbe girls' team, composed ot la Edna Patton, of Murphy, first lady- ona Hardin and Kate Stillwell. we in-waiting; and the ladies of the over the Emory and Het court; Anne Barnett, "Doris Brown.1 A trip was made recently t Ruth Brown. Oceola Everett, Carol I Catawba College at Salisbury, rnosc For Kobsrtson Hall Cillev Jane Gullev Margaret Hall, j making the trip were Bruce Hunt-) \t , f Robert Edna Mae Henderson. P.. mice er. Vwyer Till. • . d, s,,n Hall liomil Hutchins. Keba NfrLawhorn. Vir-J Hattie Freeman, Francis Leather- the officers for next "inia Roberts Robbie Rogers. Al- wood", and Professor Stillwell. the Inomiri . kne Scurry. Evelyn Shields. Molly debate coach. Our affirmative boys' Reeves Colville. Howard Wilki. Slagle, and Alice Tart. team. Bruce Hunter, and Awyer Guy Zackiiry and Marshall Watter After the queen and her court Tilley, debated the Catawba neg-, sr,n. The vote will be taken 0 (Continued on Page «) ative and lost the decision. I May 22. [University of Morth Carolina and j Western Carolina Tc achei being a n. mb if tin s, cond rk gree class. Mr. Ten ell M of the two b. the degree. He has just finished his third voir as principal of Oakley High School I. Walter Moore, th. other nominee and a native of Clay County. received all his college education ■ in bachelor of thi Mr. Terrell the first prcsidi tit of student bod; president of the fou 1931 Mr M.>orc manager of th. store .Inline threi of the f years thai Iv was a student Cuflowhei. He ha third year as principal of Elf Paul High School. that no .1.. not fail to east your me. ballot for v/vur candidate on June Site (i 4. Back : then? old students !.. conic back and cast ron.I ird of tea, II" 1934 Placements ie 1Q.M classes several al already placed for nerfl year. Morgan will be ; Webster per and Hixie \sr ,11 be .ii Webster, teachin r. Tilson Fleetwood will teach the C \-hton will be in the ;. partment at Waynesi Mile. \dam MoSCJ will teach in the al Sylva Bernetta [enis will b, at (>r- P.arker's Creek, X C. will t.. the agmal bigliu the .ised and dc- ropnate mseripli and pillars of - estiug The was ready to begin. Bill ■am. that the Highway Com i was ready to survey the for the permanent locatiion .' highway running bv the College campus" This halted the ii.tertakn Plan. Changed The istak. , the 1 marker The Miiinii: thorized the committee i" change ils plans P. something thai woul.l be less v italic affected bv the position of the highway ami which in their iii.lgmenl would b. as appropriate as the entrai inorial arch. The committee ..n a landscape project .1 the original school building, which had recent! I . o.l i.. the ground. This .vas to comprise a fountain, flowers and Shrubbery, walks, ualL. and a me Consequently an artiisl .aged 1 Irawings were made for the enlarged plans. The committee i to raise more money. In the blue print was ntred, nd ihe ■ .11, who di , Nominees Chosen 'Tlox. Ten bucks and take right N Self-si r the birds will eat yni ..tight to put up begin W"rk oi ..instruction, when the tragic news . Ihe crash ..f the bank containing a.h at the funds for the pro l This tragedy, ol ! the whole undertaking \1 <nev erstand meant for the payment of the ar l"..ol of list, as well as for the p . -sarv materials and labor, un l.'i-t.ak ing meant not only startim: from the bottom, lint actually from a big. yawning hole in the bottom' must first lie?" pav the debt w. owed the land scape artist out "I" fond You'r his'n. not have. The committee got bus;. ■ air on the negotiated with th, artist lb. b, st c.'iupr niiisi possible, ami started all over again you afraid meantime, the bank vieM seeds' You "it ' ■ This, with a small supplement There's cleared the debt But what wa« garden."- f »h< (Continued on Page 6)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).