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Harold Glascock to Dan Tompkins, April 18, 1933

  • wcu_highlights-1796.jp2
  • In this letter of April 18, 1933, Dr. Harold Glascock writes to Dan Tompkins expressing his gratitude towards Tompkins’ efforts to pass Bill No. 906. The legislation assists hospitals in caring for the sick and providing emergency care.
  • DR. HAROLD GLASCOCK 311 MASONIC TEMPLE Raleigh, North Caroline April 18, 1933 Mr. Dan Tompkins Raleigh, N. C. My dear Sir: I wish to thank you for myself and express to you the appreciation of all the small hospitals in North Carolina and many of our nurses for what you have done for them in this Legislature. I refer to Bill Ho. 906. This amendment will do more toward helping the sick and afflicted in ITorth Carolina then any other act which has or will be passed in this Legislature. This is my jjersonal opinion. No one who has not stopped to think has understood how far reaching and how important this measure is. Svery individual in North Carolina should be thanEfiul to you for your efforts in the matter. Hospitalization for the acute and emergency ills must be given more attention in our State, and it is in these cases that quick action and equipment save many lives, and the hospitals are the only places where such action may be obtained. Cur people of the State are just now beginning to think seriously of the hospital proposition and what it be ana to them. Thousands of our people in this Stat e owe their lives to facilities obtained in hospitals. I wish to assure you that this kind consideration and your willingness to listen and reason upon this subject will not be soon forgotten. It was only through your willingness to reason that the people of North Carolina have not been left to suffer. It is bad enough to be sick, but to be sick without hope is worse. I wish that every citizen of North Carolina could be made to realize just what you have done for them, and again thanking you., I am Very respectfully yours, Harold Glascock, M. D.