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Hardwood Bark, 1923

items 2 of 32 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6494.jpg

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  • Hazel Creek (concluded) 2.1% which did not surface up to %'", leaving a balance of 95,630 feet shipped averaging 15,938 feet per car, and not one cent for trib— demurrage. Jake Cable fed the surfacer, Tine Bennett turned the boards over for Mr. G. M. Caldwell to inspect, Pearl Cable, Ed Mathews and Fat Wilson packed in the car and stenciled by turns. Maybe our strip flooring crew didn't want to be outdone by this surfacer crew performance, or maybe they were just naturally glad to be back on oak after two months on beech, birch and maple, or maybe it was because we were two and one-half days behind on the cut; but anyway, the second day we were on oak, the steam was good, the lumber was good, just a few of our machines were running, and our old 501 side matcher was pulling like a tractor on 13/16"x 2%" red oak. By noon the meter indicated a better than ordinary day, and a minor congestion at the tying table was the only other evidence; by six o'clock the meter showed 77,839 lineal feet and only three bundles ahead of the tiers, while the tally showed 18,074 feet of 91% select and better flooring. Thus, we broke our own previous record, and have set up something to strive for in 1923. Just as we thought, the Ladies' Club had their piano here for the Christmas show and they had a dance after the show. We look for many entertainments and much pleasure from this source in the future. We can hardly accept Maben's excuse for Mosby's shortcomings, for we know he's had enough inventory experience not to have to take a whole month at it. However, we are glad to see another capable correspondent has stepped into the breach. If Them Six Simple Souls from Maben would come out some Sunday morning and rehearse in the same garb as "Jim Bob" Roby appeared in, dogged if I wouldn't come over to see 'em. You should have seen the interest that was shown by the men the other night when the false fire alarm was given at the planing mill. They came on the run from all directions. Some were dressing on the run. some with shoes in one hand and hose in the other, some in pajamas and those that were in full dress were the ones that had snatched a kiss from their girls and run. And this was all caused from the air leaking from the fire safety appliance and ringing the bell. Dowling Park, Florida, has returned to his old job. Mr. F. M. Collins of Maben has returned to Colleton to take charge of new camp store. Mr. J. F. Lucas, our machinist, has returned to work after an absence of several weeks on account of illness. Mr. C. H. Weeks and Mr. Frank Reams, after spending the holidays in North Carolina, have returned. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Patrick and son have returned from a pleasant trip to Savannah, Ga. Christmas at Colleton was spent very quietly on account of a flu epidemic. Unless certain young men cease courting so much, we feel confident that wedding bells will be ringing at Colleton camps in the near future. If you want to know the condition of the roads from Colleton to Ruffin and from Colleton to Ehr- hardt, just ask Mr. Collins and Mr. Smith. Our mill was started up on the 2nd, having been closed down since the 9th of December for repairs. One of our employees handed in the following clipping and asked that it be published in the "Bark," as he thinks at times it is well for a man to stop and think just how valuable he really is: "The ingredients of a man, plus water, are as follows: Fat enough for seven bars of soap. Iron enough for a' medium sized nail. ?; Lime enough to whitewash a chicken coop. Phosphorous enough to make 2200 match tips. Magnesium enough to make a dose of magnesia. Potassium enough to explode a toy cannon. Sulphur enough to rid a dog of fleas. And the whole collection is worth ninety-eight cents." COLLETON Mr. J. F. Newman, after spending the holidays with his family at Thirteen things to remember in making New Year Resolutions: The Value of Time. The Success of Perseverance. The Pleasure of Working. The Dignity of Simplicity. The Worth of Character. The Power of Kindness. The Influence of Example. The Obligation of Duty. The Wisdom of Economy. The Virtue of Patience. The Improvement of Talent. The Jov of Originating. The Thirteenth is the Partnership you will have in the Divine Plan if you execute, the other twelve. —Doctor Wright. MABEN Frank Brass and Buck Weaver attended the opening dance at McClure Community Building December 8th. They report a splendid time while there. Mr. A. D. Carson visited Maben two days ahead of his regular time; that is, he came in two days before inventory. We regret to report that our Kiln Man, Mr. Earl Gilbert, was injured on December 2d, when one of the kiln doors fell on him. He is now confined in the Princeton Hospital and reports from there indicate that he is doing nicely. Mr. W. M. Pryor and W. G. Davis were visitors at Maben on December 7th to 9th, this being Mr. Pryor's first visit since becoming President of our Company. J. P. Sutherland was on the sick list for a few days in December, but has recovered and is back on the job. Last July some of the Masons of Maben got together and organized a Masonic Club which was composed of seven Masons and called the "Maben Masonic Club." At this time there are 21 active Master Masons who are members, all of whom are employees at Maben. They pulled off their first stunt on December 9th by giving a Masonic Banquet at Maben Club House, the guests being all the Master Masons and their ladies. Those attending report a grand time with an abundance of good things to eat and all present responded when called upon by the Toastmaster. Regular meetings are held twice a month in the I. O. O. F. hall at Maben. We regret to report the death of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ashcraft of Glen Rogers, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft formerly lived at Maben and have a host of friends here who regretted to hear of their loss. Mr. Curtis Ritter visited Maben for a few hours between trains on December 21st. Curtis was employed at Maben some 11 or 12 years ago and we who were here at that time and knew him as one of the boys were glad indeed to have him visit us. Mrs. J. D. Bliss, who has been taking' treatment at Princeton General Hospital for the past several weeks, is expected to return to Maben soon. Dr. H. W. Wood's general health was such that his physician advised him to discontinue his practice at Maben operation for a period and rest up. Dr. Wood has been relieved by Dr. Davis of Charleston, W. Va. eighteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).