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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Hardwood Bark, 1923

items 28 of 32 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6520.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • HE HAS JUST COMPLETED TWENTY YEARS OF SERVICE C. H. WILSON Mr. C. H. Wilson completed on November 7th, twenty years of service with our organization and was presented with a Senior "Old Timers" Club button. His first job was that of locomotive engineer at Hurley. From there he went to Mortimer, North Carolina, in 1906, and in 1910 went to Hazel Creek. For many years he has been the pilot of the passenger trains and we extend to him our heartiest good wishes and hope that another twenty years will find him still with the Ritter Lumber Company. COOLIDGE ON LAWS An eloquent saying of President Coolidge, which bids fair to become historic, was the following: "Men do not make laws. They do but discover them. Laws must be justified by something more than the will of the majority. They must rest on the eternal foundation of righteousness." The radical who would try by enacting new laws to remake human nature or to circumvent or nullify the foundamentals upon which commerce and industry are built may be honest in his ignorance, but his ignorance is none the less dangerous. Laws which do not conform to the facts of life are predestined to failure. A CONUNDRUM A man tendered a street car conductor a one dollar bill with which to pay a five cent fare. The conductor said he could not change the dollar bill but noticing that the man also had a five dollar bill said, "If you will give me that five dollar bill, I can make the change." How did he do it ? (The answer will be found at the top of Page 6.) "When you bait your hook with your heart the fish always bite." If you want what you want hard enough you will go after it and get it. A young man school teacher wrote to the President of a railroad asking how to become a railroad man. The answer was: "Begin as a track-worker." The school teacher went to work with pick and shovel. Today he is General Manager of a great railroad system. A freight train conductor longed to enjoy the dignity and income of an official of the railroad. He knew that officials rose to their places through work well done. He made himself known as "the man who always brings in his trains, in spite of snow, in spite of everything." Today he is Vice-President of that railroad. A high school graduate wanted to be a lawyer, but had no money on which to live while acquiring his legal education. So he clerked in a store during the day and attended night law school. Now he is a Judge, distinguished and honored. A penniless boy longed to be an artist. He got a job as doorkeeper in an Art Gallery, and devoted his spare time to copying pictures. Through this self-education and six months tuition in a drawing class, for which he paid out of his scanty earnings, he became a celebrated and wealthy cartoonist. Who would think that a man working for years in the Treasury Department, and then carrying the responsibility of a Bank Examiner, could be at the same time studying the nature and habits of birds? That man was John Burroughs, the distinguished naturalist. Every human being wants something. Bait your hook with your heart and go after the thing you want! Earn every cent you can—and hold on to it I Deposit some of your earnings in your bank account before you pay out a nickel for anything! —Thrift Thoughts. THE STOOL WAS ALL RIGHT Down on a Southern plantation the dairy hands were accustomed to do the milking squatting down in a primitive fashion, until the owner introduced milking stools with other improvements. But the initial experiment with the innovation was not exactly a success. The darky who first sallied forth with the stool returned bruised and battered and with an empty pail. "I done my best, sah," he explained. "Dat stool looked all right to me, but de blamed cow she won't sit on it!" Five

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).