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Hardwood Bark, 1923

items 30 of 32 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6522.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Upper left: Mr. G. Fleming and his dining- room in the Proc- ~to;r Boarding House. The boys say he is, without an exception, ■the best cook on Hazel Creek. Upper right: Joe Rickman, Hazel Creek Flooring Grader, and Atha Sheffield, daughter of Troy Sheffield. Lower right: Charles Wilson, Jr., whose Daddy's picture is on Page , and Charlie Neal, Jr., son of Hazel Creek's Planing: Mill Machinist. Lower left: "Tiny" Bennett, roustabout at Hazel Creek Planing Mil, and his son, Harry. MABEN (Continued) Mr. R. Beckett, from our neigh- "boring operation Fitzpatrick, was visiting friends at Maben on Sunday, October 21st. Mrs. Gore from Athens, West Virginia, has been visiting her •daughter, Mrs. W. M. Chambers. We are glad to learn that Mrs. ■Chambers, who has been taking "treatments from Dr. Banks, is greatly improved. Miss Ina Bryles of Athens, West Virginia, who formerly taught school here, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Goode and family. We are indeed glad to see one of •our real "old timers" Mr. David Banton, back on the job again. •"Uncle Dave" has been confined to Eight his home on account of sickness but is now able to be up and doing again. He says he does not feel right unless he is out on the yard, keeping things in order. We were glad to have with us for a week's visit Mr. Cristy Metzger, of the Columbus office, Mr. Metzger is an old friend of Maben's, as he used to be one of the boys at this operation. Messrs. "Don" Carson and "Tobe" Osborne paid Maben a "Dancing visit" October 26th. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bramer of Portsmouth, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hodson. Mrs. Norman Calloway left on "No. 5" for Slab Fork, West Virginia, where she will spend three weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Wood. "Buck" Weaver's teeth caused him a trip to Beckley, West Virginia, recently, where he spent several hours with the dentist. Evidently, he and John Gwinn have been eating too much opossum this winter. Messrs. Jones and Mosby visited Mr. H. Lineback of Mullens, West Virginia, who has been suffering from appendicitis but is now recovering. Miss Ruth Ashcroft was the pleasant guest of Miss Eco Waldron the past week. Announcements were received here recently of the marriage of Miss Lillian Pryor to Mr. Lee Otis

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).