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The Log Vol. 3 No. 07

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  • The Detroit Convention fi> C W. PHILLIPS TheHfth Annual Coi ress he National Safety Count thi Statist Hotel in Detroi October 17th-20th. It was a great, meeting, mo ;han two thousand were pre nt, the largest attendance ai nost enthusiastic meeting of tl J'ouncil ever held. There we present men of every vocatio he manufacturer, the railroi nan, physician, surgeon, lawye hemist, business man, mecha e—with one aim in view, 01 •bjeet to accomplish, one gre bought uppermost in the mit | >f all—the conservation of h nan life and limb. The mc ous spirit prevailed, n i discordant sound was hea jind enthusiasm and determin pon were stamped upon t I' •ountenance of every one. Ma' I were present showi: The Convention reminds one f»f a six ring circus. Something lidoing all the time: a sectional Ii meeting here, one there, one syonder: an address being deliv- iered in one room, a paper on Ifsome phase of safety being read lin another, a round table conference in another. I Almost every phase of acci- fdent prevention was discussed |pro and con. Some of the sub- Is ects under discussion were: I"Eye Protection," "The Em- Ipioyment Problem as Related to fSafety," "Relation of Work- iman's Compensation Laws to ■Safety," "What the Railroads fcHave Done and Are Doing for ■Safety." Physical Examination Ef Employees," "First Aid," ' "Occupational Diseases," "A- "Before you gain employment here," The Wat-jlunin said in accents clear, "You'll first be asked to read each line And learn the lesson on that sign." co-operation." A sign that this old w ting on a higher pla Mill Li» ards," Public Problen hoi vs. Work." ''The lesson that it teaches there Of caution, thoughtfulness and care, Is one each employee must learn If he would Champion wages earn." ■sibilities of motive might have been the pri- n in the mary object, but a visit to the s," "Paper National Safety Congress will metrical Haz- convince one that a real interest in the prevention of suffering exists and controls the Convention. At one of the meetings of the "Welfare Convention, the statement was made that - "At one time men .he Safety at the head of some oi the large monetary plants regarded their employees Cc atii nutual for me to tcctined at ie National is my dene idea of n- the pre- tnd human •Tl: in the Health "Alco- beneht. If the spending his mot the employee, she ployee be interest cess of his employ would be impossil bring out all thi this meeting of Safety Congress, ] sire to give you what is being doin vention of aeeiden suffering. The writer, like many others, no doubt, returning from this meeting imbued with the spirit of safety and eager to put forth his best effort during this year to prevent accidents, which bring- sudden and overwhelming bereavement and inexpressible suffering to so many homes, is made to feel sad when realizing that the prevention of at least seventy-five percent, of accidents will depend upon the care and forethought ot the employees. Th- Manager ca:,not. do i% the Superintendent cannot do it. n jr can the Safety Committee. The public owes a great debt of gratitude to the National Safety Council for the be Deficient service it is rendering by instilling into the minds of men the great principles of Saft ty. Daniel Webster said—"If we work upon marble it will perish: if we work upon brass, tiim will efface; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and instill into them just principles we are then engraving that upon tables which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten into eternity." Such is the work of the great Safety m a intent, like continual dropping of water upon the hard surface of tone will in time wear ii ■- ■ the areat principles of Safety, when impressed upon the mind by repeated admonition, will wear away the habit of Hhoughtlew- ness and produce the habit of care and thoughtfulness. THE PAPER ON WHICH THIS IS3UE OF THE LOO IS PRINTED IS MADE FROM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).