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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Hardwood Bark, 1923

items 25 of 32 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6517.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • HAZEL CREEK The I. O. O. F. Concert Class from the Orphan Home at Golds- boro rendered a program here which was very pleasing to all who heard it. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham, a baby girl who has been named Elizabeth. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Evans Danielson, a baby girl who has been named Frances. We are glad to see Clyde Sowers back on the job. Jake and Arthur Danielson are doing a rushing business getting out acid wood in "Possum Hollow." Mrs. Charley Wilson and her son Edmund are visiting relatives at Beckley, West Virginia. We wonder how "Ed" likes the harvest field. Charley Pendleton and Charley Neal were seen wearing broad smiles over copping first place. "Some team," we say. A dance was given Tuesday evening, August 14th, in honor of Miss Inez Cathey, who was spending a few days with her brother Charley. Thursday evening, August 30th, a dance was given at the Community Building in honor of Miss Gertrude Marshall, who is leaving for school. "Bill" Cable and Minnie Jones were quietly married at the home of Rev. Joe Wilson, Sunday, July 29th. We are very glad to learn that Price West is at Beaver, for when he left Proctor he forgot a very valuable book. Albert Rickman, who has been studying this book for the past two months, came in the other night with a black eye and numerous other bruises and he has been heard to say, "If Price West will send the postage, I will surely forward his 'One Thousand Ways to Kiss A Girl.' " Roy Crisp, flooring machine feeder, is recovering from a recent operation for appendicitis. Mrs. W. C. Bearden has as her guests her mother, Mrs. Carter, of Asheville, and Miss Virginia Poole, of Union, South Carolina. Rev. and Mrs. Garrett, of Bryson City, are holding a tent meeting here and seem to be accomplishing much good. The Junior Department of the Sunday School enjoyed a picnic with their teacher, Mrs. Cuthbertson, at the reservoir. The youngsters all reported a fine time. The following young people, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Cowan Bateman, spent the weekend camping at Hall's Cabin on top of the "Smokies": Misses Anna Bryant, Gertrude and Eleanor Marshall, Ethel and Edora Queen, Lena Neal, Virginia Poole, Edith Danielson, Grace Wilson; and Messrs. John Franklin, Harry Danielson, E. B. McCullom, Carl Wilson, Clinton Medford, M. V. Mcllvain, and John Burger. Mr. McCullom voiced the sentiments of the whole party when he said, "We certainly had a most 'magnolious' time." We would like to call Maben's attention to the July report and tell them that we were so busy making flooring that we didn't have time to write them up, but just watch the reports. If the Columbus Office Force (female) is interested in the young men's pictures of the Hazel Creek- Planing Mill Crew, we will be very glad to enlighten them as to whether or not they are married or single. (Most of the good-looking ones are single—yet.) pi m ft:''ft ft. --...: ftftfftftftfti&ijSP ft^.Pft=,PftPPW': ,««•»! jMft. ft-ftftft,'. - -:.-:p----:i->c :r.>,:;-:,-.::::--:; _■•;•-/. ftftft,;ft.ft ^...-. ft ...ft.-,,,-.:;.}:.: Si im^^m^^^mm^m^^m- pp -J rit 'M< 4";ptx- J pp-pt. P'Vft-^PvVXaP-P,--: us:---..:.. r'L „"«'«- }LLLL-''LL.:.r:LL:L/ *#r^i r:M:iMJ-L , . - --^ . : .- ..;-.-■.. LL-- Ly L L:VL. 'w$M** - THE ALLEN CAMP CREW AT EAST GULF, WEST VIRGINIA Twelve

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).