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Correspondence with state geologist

items 2 of 3 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12427.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Oct. "6th, 1901. I.'y &«»r Prof, HolwiS:- ,1 m® called to Gnio on the 4 th ln$*fc« en account. of sinous ij.ln*s* 131 the. family of ray aific and rs.gret exo^oam/aty thai; J Wlf put 0/' f;hf ftity' (It tfai t&HI f:I y©W t«l«gr?W in refund to the Senatori&l r>airty» I h%1 l«jft 4KLr«ctif>it$ with ray a#sisttuit to tvjT, ( ail ?>m*K ijMktt'ftjr oyer 'to Mi®§ H»i*ris Hn<* Mr* Pow-ll, hut it now p^pmn*® that h* :"i-ui.piy pi^eed fenis t*l«jgr«n on fil4 think inr; that in un piik* as I, was out of i;n*- city Uif s#w« Wf^uirtd no attention. .1 tract that you aiii no =, th^nfe n« indifferent to U%4 matter or that 1 did not Iig}pre@i:at4 the courtesy you extended Hi in. yenr invitation tc aeoc^rpany yoa>' party, 'It 'would h«f*f hft«=n a grtui pX^.asur-:-. for mi to havs fton«? so, pd h<^d ' b**n in Ash~vO.X* at, th« tists of your ratssag€ -voul-? hav« flroppeA all ^vork and joined you at Hickory as ray-~. st?A, %fcili in Ohio ray wif* vrotft m« that your party wtr- her* ijid in as much as 1 c-aUd not thf'n join you, I took ft sshort vacation in the fftH hffer* r»turning h&ss*« I wish you aoalf kindly furnish m* th« **«#*«« of th# f-en- tlemsn '-.ho composed your party as I wish to writs them a personal- latter and explain my Mining indifference in this matter. Xt must hav«&. seemed to them that 4oheville WH4J 9X9t<M m&ly inx in interest

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).