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Norman Harsell to Horace Kephart, March 2, 1922, page 5

items 5 of 15 items
  • wcu_kephart-1932.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ' as had no ftsftaiBS tnowladgo of x# iXSsBB watad to aon^mlt aa -.boat*, t Kfwis fanaaa^o, whila on xsuta, w® wars iafaxaM, haasrax, that It had boon xanaxad that tha clef ana® sight tty to baxxy a® thxangh with th® pislinln xy hoaxing* 'Upon xsashing Bnkaxa» Tills, wo want dixaat to hx* dtatlss B« 8BBaaatB adSflaa, sad BBS fit at thing So waxs told ami that th® ahaxlff oats of ttotssl Csshty, fonn,, aRpaatafl as ts pay hla fat his snsBtssc IB bringing NttB i Bfl fatal Bsah-n-n <xaa 'lintwood, las I told ;x, Qxsana that I thsnght it waa apt® '-'itahsll OsaBty to 'aa-^S'Bitch?* 11 Conaty ^ahta* SB tsld bo I ax a aoxxoot bat that It waa pallay to hasp in with tha affinaxs* fh® (tiBaatlss- aBBjai ta look fast; naddlad. ta aa§ Sha BSSi BfBBBJ aBB in aalkad Bhaxiff ootn isoBjinBtafl by ■ l^flff ,, r . xd of rltohall County, '?ha gsntlaeoan wax® lntxs-vasad ta as* l a ta-k soats axsand tha littl® sanl atova* It did not I k® aa long IB gat dwsn to hsnaa. tasks* hsxxiff ®#xa .akad mc? to him fox what ha sl.iaad to hv® ftfSBtB sat of hla own ., sskat fsx hxtaglac hash tha aat ibsr® moatian® ■• flan "'liatwosd, fa* a ftiplsaatls&Uy as I aanld, I slalBSd th I did not SB® him ?*.nythiag as I I ho shanld psaaant all aannty 'aoata to tha aanaty* :x» csxaona than Bkad hta 'tas jbbsbBH of tha ahnrfcaa* "haxiff Bats atatad that tnay. asast-d ta*18P,oo bat that ?io asttid a til® fox 390/00, fBiaxiff . x;-toh"<xd thon nnanBsad that, ha -las h la tniBas aa bat did not at t fax'Bast satsiaaS ox ??h it tha amount of hla bill was, Ka-ggxaaB, though , to o noal hla slain afstaaB m® if 3wenlft rairftaxna shaxiff ■"Van. Tt laakad to m® lika a fx«®«up -.nd I xafn®sd to p®$ o!th®x of tha gantlomon, shot iff Ox an than at--tad la ftgtixativ® langu ga that s*t»h toatisa yronld not got mo nywhsxs, ax SBBda ta thnt offsot I«wyax Banna*'Mai SaBsstlBa 3xla ■anf0 both witaaraaa to *hia ssn* vaxa*tian, hsxtly Bhatasftsi T SaaB to my ?oe» at Yaaag*t BoBalg ansnnslhg what would hapasB r$a*ta

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).