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Correspondence: M. V. Richards to A. H. McQuilkin

items 8 of 8 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12546.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • A. H. McQUILKIN, . *- H. T. COLLINS. DR. C. P. AMBLER, Chairman. * A Secretary. |*ar1$0 anh gpvmtwg (&&mmi\U% $r„ ©. go* 384. Asheville, N. C. To The Editor. Dear Sir: Herewith is submitted to your favorable consideration a few circulars urging the desirability of the establishment of a National Park and forest and game preserve in the Southern Alleghanies. It is an accepted fact that before long under present conditions these mountain and valley lands will be denuded of their forests unless adequate leg- islati on is obtained to regulate the cutting of timber and to protect them against forest fires. In the north and west this is being appreciated and strong efforts will be made at the next Congress for the enactment of laws to form a great National Park and Timber Reserve in the state of Minnesota, and Michigan also is looking for state and national legislation to protect what she has left of her once magnificent forests. It is therefore evid ent that the South should be stirring in the matter as every argument that can be brought to bear in the north will have an added emphasis in favor of the south. The Parks and Forestry Committee of the Asheville Board of Trade has issued a call for an interstate meeting to be held in Asheville on November 22nd, to form an association to further the project of a National Southern Park and to induce Congress to appoint a commission to inquire into the feasibility of the project, to investigate its desirability and to ascertain if it is practicable to secure such a Park. A large petition list has been signed and the committee is assured of the aid of the state representatives and of many influential gentlemen who have long been in favor of the movement- The committee therefore earnestly desires the aid of the press to agitate the matter as its importance to the South and to the Nation is of the first magnitude. If you will be kind enough to place the committee upon your mailing list and will make some mention in your paper according to your interest in the project the committee will be pleased to send you reports from time to time suitable for „our use in their original cast or available for you to construct original comment upon the work. The committee appreciates that a very great favor is being asked of you, but it trusts that the magnitude of the task it has undertaken and the absolute need of relying upon voluntary contributions to support it will appeal to you to give this matter your serious consideration and aid in the matter indicated. A copy of your paper containing mention of the project will be a sufficient indication that you acquiesce in the above, and printed matter will be forwarded to you as above stated. Thanking you in advance for the favor asked, Yours very truly, C. P. AMBLER, M. ])., Secretary Parks and Forestry Committee.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).