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Cataloochee tract 240: V. A. Campbell

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  • This 35-acre tract 240 in Cataloochee was owned by V. A. Campbell. While, in general, the Great Smoky Mountains region was sparsely populated, the Cataloochee Valley remained an exception. By 1900, the population of Cataloochee had grown to 1,000 residents living in hundreds of log and frame homes. A few historic buildings have been preserved on site, including two churches, a school, several homes, and outbuildings. The North Carolina Park Commission was tasked with purchasing land for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and people living in Cataloochee were among those displaced. Cataloochee families continue to return for annual reunions. In 2001, the National Park Service re-introduced elk into the valley.
  • Page. ..................4....2.....9.... ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ······················································V······A·······Oempbe·ll·························-··················································-······························ ······························································-···········-················- Township ········· ······Ha~v- ~~d-· ······---··· ···················· · ············ County. 14.0Z STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION 1' r nct ( 240 ) NVi.'.t~ ~ H l bcf.. r!Ilf;t3 in t hhl 1eac"r'i}lt1on ·~u·e turne4 .f::rom t ho true r'!~r i d:!. t-. ;;; IJ.:.ii f l l d iGtonoes are ex-pres­sed ..i.rr chi:& i .:Hs o t' CG lf:ot. :5et a ~~· eba~tnut &: O ~ t it.• e rr-..t")Und of atone~ . so ·ibad '!) . £~ . Cor. 4 A 1.0 1 ' mtJple, blnz€d o.ud s c r ibed -~ · l' . D.B. Cor. 4, beara :, • 30-46 J£ . .. Oe di e't&nt • 'l.'hence . \; ith the .n. H. !3urria trsot ( 258) Co ri~er t . e deevycd. -po:plr;.:r Ht ahown es corner b7 D. ii • .8u:rris, .oo cr:u:d.n e u ~ t of'\1daon Br cnoh. ~ ot k.± 4" olwa t nut -,oHt; in ~· mo~u.d of stones aoribed -~: .c. Cor . l 1'htmoe' lettv:l.ns the :o. a. l-i~Ultris t t·r·ct ( 2l:\8) , up Ilt:widson Hr f\llOh with 1te fi10 fl l1d~t· !J Shut A ··'' comer ~ , o ~6'' hemlock fi.t ump or1 ee.s:t •rsin of road end .eo ohsln • !let o:t D&v14son ~r&IiOh • beiDa tl corner ot' the 0" J. J?tt.lmer '.l."rtno\ ( 241) ~~ he n co J .· lee'Ving tbe .Br6lloll •1th the o. J. Felmer tr~ ct l ?.41) OomGr 4. s 10" red ook s t ump on top lndi•..n R14p bl&Z$4 end scribed v.c. cor . ~. l.telng o.orrter Z of tbl 0Go. n. Palmer tl"f.lot ( r~!J ) a comer of the c. J. r almer trcot ( f 41) . ':..'hellCe , let:\·1ug- the c. J. Palmer t rr)Ot ( $:41), wt th t he (hw . lh Pt:~ lJDer t.rect ( f:Z9) and down l n·:11sn Rid8'B V¥i th 1te l'Iermd•rs. l ?01flt A Point s. 00-56 w. 2.53 A Point a. ZS- 28 ~: . 1'he pleoe of lH!.GI IUHl~ G oont ~"' 1n1ng e5.31 aorea. 430 ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACT NO• 240 1. Tract No, 240 1s now owned by v, A. Campbell, and is totally embraced by state Grtult No, 252 issued to .rohn aray Blount. As we have treated State Grant No, 252 by meene .conveyanoea :rrom the time said #ant was issued up through and including the time said grant passed bJ the last wi~l and testament of James :R. Lo'te to his executors,. the same will not be repeated here • but may be seen by refel"ence to the analysis ot title ot the Sidney Nelson tract • beginning w1 th parasraph one and ending w1 th paragraph ten ot said analysis, page three of this abstract. 2, The first 1nst~ent we will consider atteoting Tract No, 240 is a deed from vv, n. Thomas, R. a. A. Love, William t. II1111ard and Samuel L. Love, executors, to J, R. Palmer. This deed bears date o:r :May 91 188~, and oonvey$ a tract o&ntaining fi:f'ty ao:rea, more or less; wn:toh said tract embraces the land UDder investigation. In making this conveyance, the executors reserve one•halt ot the mineral interest with mining pri'V'ileges. Although this deed is eme­what irregu.l.ar1 ·we are ot the opinion that the irregUla1"i ties have been cured by an agreement and consent Judgment 1n the ease of w. L. Henry 'tersus w. L. Hilliard. For a resume ot this suit, see the analysis of title of the sidney Nelson tract, page three of this abstract. The above deed is duly recorded in I1aywood County. see page434 o:r t his abstract. 432 3. Thereafter, sometime prior to t?:e . year 1896J,.. _ ':~. J. R, Palmer died intestato v.-1 thout having disposed of that portion of the ·above referred to fifty a. ore tract, which embraces t 'raot No. 240. Therefore, on February 15, 1896, w. A. Palmer and others, heirs at law of J., R, Palmer, filed a pe'tition for partition of the lands Vlhich belonged to J, R. Palmer at his death.- This proceeding appears to be regular, and all parties who ,ere necessary to ·said proceeding were served with summons, or excepted service. .~U'ter considering the petition and answer filed, the Clerk o·r the SUperior Court s igne4 an order appointing commissioners to divide the land owned by J, R• Palmer at his death, · and allot same to the severlal heirsf.'; ~Y the re­port of · the commissioners it appears that a tract of land containing thirty-eight acres, more or less, was alloted to sarah Cald-well ... said thirty-eight acres being a portion of the fi:f'ty acres deeded to :r. R. Palmer by the Love executors, as mentioned in paragraph two or this analysis. Said thirt~eight acres being designated in the report of the commissioners as Lot No. 7. For a copy .of the proceed­ings above referred to, see pageit~5 through i49 or this abstract. 4. It ~ppears trom the records that a few days a:f'ter the petition for partition was filed by the heirs of Jesse R. Palmer• that Mary A. Palmer, widow of JesseR. Palmer, filed a petition for dower. 'l'he proceedings for partition or dower seem to be regular, and a tract of land containing approximately one hundred and forty . . acres was alloted to W.ary A. Palmer · as her dower interest in tl;e lands ot Jesse R. Palmer. The thirty-e1'ght acre tract alloted to Sarah Caldwell was not affected by the partition of dower, and the only rea• son tor showing this proceeding is to show that t e claim of doww -!1.- ot Mary A. Palmer is barred in f:u.l the land of Jesse R. Palmer. For a copy of t he proceedings of dower, see page 45Q thro~ ~53 ot this abstract. 5. We now have the land 'Ullder investigation vated 433 in Sarah Caldwell. As Sarah Caldwell was . the Wife ot D. L; Caldwell, it will not be necessary to repeat in this analysis the different con­veyances or proceedings that vested the title t "o the J:.and under in• veatigation in w. A, Palmer, as, the method by which w~ A41 Palmer ob­tained title to tract No. 240 is the same as tract No. 2l2 ... a, ther&"­fore reference is hl!reby made to the analysis of tract no._ 212•a, para­graph tour through paragraph six ot said analysis. page 361 of t his abstract. By :retel'~noe to paragr~ph seven ot the analysis ot tract No 212•a1 1 t will be noticed that w •. At Palmer and wire executed a deed in -trust to J. R. :Morgan, trustee, Qonveying tract No. 212•a, and also tract lro. 240. This being the case, it will not be necessary to repeat samet and reference is hereb,- made to paragraph seven ot the analysis of t1 tle o:r tr~ct No. 2l2•a, which shows the manner in which J • R. Morgan, trustee, was vested With title to tract No, 240, e, We now have the land under investigation vested in J. R. Morgan. and as title to tract No, 240 vested in v. A. Campbell by the, same conveyance as shown in tract No, 219 1 reference is hereby made to the analysis of title ot traot No, 219 •. paragraph five, whio.h paragraph treats .fully the conveyances vesting V • A. Campbell with title to tract No .• 219 as well as tract I.Yo• 240, '1. As we are partially depending upon possess1 on tor title to tract No. 240, VIe have obtained affidavits of possession, said affidavits may be seen by re:ference to page 4§~ 'threughpage 426 or t his abstract. For surveyor's a.ffidavi~, see page 46'1 -3- 434 Page ......................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ wtl4H.TIIOMAS , .tlODT.G.A. ~ LOVE1 'ii'm.L.,£11L:i.I.A!1:0 SJ.J . .ro.::,r., J,..,. LOV.:i. G .• I, . ., Pt..l..MER e ano. :..:~.A1,;1'lJ;l:t L. LOVE • iJ • L. HILIJ AHD Hubaor1bing wltness 0 ~l~~~~~mu(AJl~i~n.~r~sL- --------------~--------------------------~------------------------ 1. Kind of C9nveyance ...... D.e.e.d ........................... , ............ . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... ~.9-~J.88!3. ............................ .. 3. Is it properly executed ............. !.:() ................................. .. 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... ,'! . .,.T,. .............. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. y.Q>~ ................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... U.O ......................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement ...... 3~.22.!!!19.Q2 ............. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....... - ................ .. 11. Did officer affix Seal... ......... N!L .................................... .. 12. Was order of probate correct .......... Y:o.a ...................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... ll!'!'!'l~~9.15 ................ .. (a) of seizin ................. 110: ............................................. .. 15. Book .................. 41.. ................. Page ....... 245 ................ .. (b) power to convey ......... Y~~L .................................... .. for .................. h~ty.xm.od. ........................ County. (c) against encumbrances ....... UO.. ............................... .. (d) against claims of all others ..... !J.~L ....................... .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .;;; ... ... 1:nt.eros.t ... ~J.ith ___ n:~nill{~--- -JE.i.vllag.e~ S ... ..l'.e.servcd ........ .. 17. Habendpm clause (Quote fully) .... '110 .. f:L">..Vi;; __ j_,2J.lJ. .. ~1.t} ... :.~.OID .... tJ.l.t:Lafo.r.esa;l4l .. t:t•.:act ... o.f .... land . ......w .... t.~e .... ~'f.i:Y.1 .1.~e~.6. ... r:A.."lrJ. .... s..r;:pn:r~t:e ..l nnc. .c s. ...'lto. ... .. ll!lto. ...t he ...... .. ------~e..1~ .... J~.El_Ge. . .lh .... l'~~-~~---~mct .... hi.-.~---- l~i:r: .. s., ..... t.o ... h1s. .. .aitd. ...' ..... tmly ... u.s.e ... .am .......... . ...... b~_Q_Qf ... f9.~~--Jlt ............................................................................................................................................................................ .. Exact Description of Property I\NCW ALL IiFN BY 'lUZf:;J; 1"-'RbS.t:!:fJ:s -. :1"--a t , '!tfJJnt\1:.1\,'3 , .Janes n. Love , de cear.~ed , VTElf) S(l)iZed 01' large traote of l and oo1!l1aonly <Hll.l£:H.l nt;~ enla.tion I.anc:trt lying e.nd b€in.g in the Counties C'.f YDnC"'J, !J8.d:l. r~:o. , Duncombe, Heyv.ood end J'aakoon; em, ~·;n .. :rrBl\S , ti1o f:S.i.<l ,Jeraes H •. Lov~ uncle u..-· published n last Will and testam6nt 111 \'Jriting ; a11DO:Lntine - illirun H. '..l.'iloma&, Hobert G. A. ·Love, illiam. 1• • Hill:L"ll"fl t.'110: ~~Drlll.'l..e~ I •• .r. . ov :: , e;:teC'.l to:r.s, wbo qualified end tool~ u:_pon tb.e:rn:;;elves e:~re c-t!t1ol1 there-of; tt.nd 1 '"'·- 11-:trERBA.<3 , tlHii ea:ld J,e.."lle~1 f; ~ !.,ovc oo l ei many tra~t e of s aid l Bnd to }.x;:roons w.d authorized an.d CL1l)()W0:r.'!~d hie suid l~x­eoutore t.o ooJlt:!nu.e t£1.~' sal l"lS of said lend ru.1.d to ln..-;.ko title e,; on Davids on' tlS. Hl·~n ch of Big Cat a .... loocnee o.nd botmded as follows: .... lli!Gli'r.NING at a mall. poplar in a br-.mdl. in said P~Jf' s li.I'la a.nd l"~l'l$ _Wl th _ said line South 65 Weet tU.x'ty .. Tllree ar¥1 on.••llalt 1~1G3t ) poles ·oo the top of the moql).ta1n; tb:el'loe, 'll/ t}le top crt tbe mountain a North course 125 poles to a loou$t ; tben ee Nat> U1 6Q East 71 pole s to a small che; th~oe South 30 poles to the branc.hf thence• tli tb. tb.e branah to Ule beg1nn1DB • cxm'tuining 50 aores mare or less. Shut 8 v Page ____________4__3__5__ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION · JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the Ia nds abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shO\vn; it mu~t appear that all statutory requi rements have been com!)lied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. W • A • PJ'I.U(FiR , G • rT. F~\LMER and ot hers vs I. Court-BllEERl.tJla ____ ___ County HAYW.OO.D- --- ----- 2. Kind of action __ __ ..$p.aotal-P.roaee..ding.S.--- --- 3. Date of filing __ .J!~-lO..l8.9 6- ------------- -- --------- 4. Date of filing lis pendens ___ ___ ~- - - -------- - - -- -------- 5. Judgment recorded in BooL---2------ Page ____ __ _: ____ _ PROCEEDINGS To !i)he uherii'f' of lia~rw o a cl C ou..nt.~~ - Greeting:. ... You al\'e oot'fman~t bli to sll..I!Imon Ella P~ l.tner, tlH1 defen4,;.. ant above named .• i:f s he be i'ou.nc1 '\Yithtn '$'G'U1: Cou:nt1• to P..p p,aar at t he o:t?fioe of ..G. ha C l a-l'k Su:;:_;e:rior· l; otu:- t for t he C otmty' of Ha.ywaod on the 12th da;y of ~tU~ o(l1 l896 . ~md answer t he complatnt • a aopy of w hi ~h wi11. be aerosi ted ill the of f ie ~ Qf t he c lork o-f the Sllllerior Court of s ~;i d · Coun ty v;: i t rd.n ten deys from t he de:te of this sur.rmona . and l et the defartdf';.n t tru<e a ottoe t hat i f flha f~d l t o answer the :Said complaint at that t ime • the plaintif'ta wi ll ep:p}t to the court for the 1'el i ef dm:nend~d in tlle o OEJ?l e.tnt, . Gi ven my hand thi s lfi1:ih dey of' Februarr. 1896• J. x:. :soon . c .s.o. Ha7Wo'od c ounty • REOEIVF.lit Febr uary 28 11 1896 ser..,.ed;• February 22 ,- 1896 by readi,ng the wi thin summons t o Ella Ji>almer • -w . J . HAYN:ri s ., Sher i ff Haywood County , by G. H, .Palmer :o.s. All cases and authorities r elied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F Page ____ ________4__3__6__ _ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. l. Court-_tlU.fflfl:Uif ______ County - lti~.I1;J(;()jf ______ _ 2. Kind of action ___ ~peeY&l: -.Pi'oetledug _________ _ 3. Date of filing __ g-.;;i;1"._1.lV:fff ___________ ____________ _ 4. Date of filing lis pendens ___ ___ --------------:----------- ::t . \'ha;t t '\~1V' fil'fl t(::Ki1tt~ in r<o~trlH)n P.tH1 mr~ s~!. ~ea i:n fee nna ~" in lH"·fHl(ts~10n of iil7.{1 ft):.l:Lon1.nt; d~~~et•ihGd ~aa l;rus en! bfJi~~ 1n tl:tn (:\crunty as'!d atstn ~fo:rGfmid • r:>{tJ\'>inillg t h,l l M ds of the exeeuto:rs r>i: .J' .. H ,.Luw, ru-Ht vthe'!'s cn\'t bolmMHl ns .fQll<n•rtH• ~:1.1lli1il1tG et a I,f,tnn in thrl Tio:rth l•s..nk of Oa.tslooohee C :t&-()1';; :!:'tiiltl ft Gt)t'Ael• Frf 11H-: id J •. ;.?E.J.f:));'2:f' l llQ $.t\l:G. 'f..'l"OOt t and tboo r.'l'J.U.n.i\16 l'i • 4i~ k.' ~ l\ll £' - 110 a Spanish Oftk· tmcl 8 ll.:·Ov.!i:., li~s G4*l.At.l~i thence ih ~H> ;?; 110 a s~ t th~>.noe .U • 'lO lh- 390 ?-. te a it> tz:u~~ ' ; tbanee S.. l~ :£H>l$fJ to a ~tal?;<# 1n· l~U.$ o:t .o~'~tj Jnl1& n~~ll" t~~StJ t~n ~ .- 10 iiQ 1-;~les* with lte:r li.~e • ttl a b:\.ttek 6lU& on .& :ridge • tltntor to s~id t~~~ t; t' ~\ • with 4\'.tl()toor l.j.Aa of ~eiri 96 11" to a b~<JC!l'ii ~n the Fttint fit 11 wUlfS& n~az thfi v1~on :r:-~ga •. *~tir ·to $ntd trao~a thenoil s .• 57 lh v.,rith M~tht;.r line of as:t<l tJ-act .- 2~ pol.~il t o tf.• p!.n - { go!U'l) tXl thQ b~~~~-sn ia. f.):'a ~k , e~!"n~:r to s.l~U \T~1U 1~""'n4e 1 - ' tl~;'-~ ·del's _ o:t $a14 ta the cen• ,- ,- •. k t oo bo61Mln~,f- A,.k tt· 41.\tieica of th!e •act •••P' wbat bas beretot o:re ·lxlol'L defJded b:J ada. J .fl ~-.wr - All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedmgs thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F ... 2- W..A.-Pelmerl aJ,.so anothe:r. tract of lMd lying on waters ot Ind181l oreelc Slid wale~s of Cat.el.ooohee c:reekJ · .BPiQ li'.NUG 1st n sprue e pine on the South side of Indian creek and then ;numing :r. crossing L?aid Creek at 60 poles,whole line 150 poles to a ble.olt oak, near the top ~f a r l <lga; thence N. 62 w. 90 poles to s hickory in a flat; thence s. liSO :p. crossing said creek to a ats.lte; then s. 62 E. 90 poles to the beginning; hero by e.eking for di V1ei01t of ell of this tre.ot ~xoept wbat ·'ttJD:I. h&:ve. hc:retof.ore. been deeded to ottwrs .. 1;h1.nk all ot this tract has been deeded to t1 . H. Palmer. ,Another trao t. Bl'~CHN.NI1K~ at two on the Forth side of In(lie.n creek snil in the l'~aet bounda r y line of his ~ said J .R • Palmer's .. 7::> acre tract ~u1cl nms 64 z. T:Ji th the me rs o:f sa it:. Creek 88 £ • to a box alder on the l~orth bank of said 0reeJc; thi:; n<HJ ;.) • 3S~ r .• 1 2 f. to a sprt:tee pine on the J~: ~, st banl{ e;! said. 0 reek near the rooutll of :un ..; :h''tson's bTHnch; thenee N• 82 1<3. F. . P. to a chestnut; t'b.enoe N• 16 w. oroesinz the little J)a·vidsenis brr..nch 82 r. to a h.ic 3to:ry; thence s. 65 Vi . crossing tho ::lig IJ<..v:t dfion 's b:rauch 87 :p , to a stake 1.n lh boundary line of saiil J?etlmer ' f; othe• tre.ot; th~n-ae , "Nitrt t;n id': 110 :p,. to the lH!E:;innine . contnining 50 nores • 437 .Asking division n:f' thi ~> e:;;:ccp·t wrw.t may have been deeded to other a heretofore • .Ali-H> another t1:act of .l..'l.D.d lying eno. heine: on the wa.tore of Ca.ldwoll Creek• containing 50 aere-s and refe:renoe is hereby rnede t o need as l'ec orded in Jgook tii-•p8fSe 495 of Offioe of Register of Deeds for Hayr;ooa co1mty for p&rtioular descriptiots. · Also anothel' traet of la.nd "lying ~ma being ill HaTf'OOd County, on the waters of !;i ttle Ce.taloochoe Ct•aek con• 'tairting '19 taores} " · DEGIID1ItlG on a spanish oak., 8 corner ot e. aurvey made for M, Hannab tm.o. reference 'is hereby made 'to said deed as rao orded U\ Book 6• P8.6e· 496 of record of' deeds in office of Register of Deeds fo.r H.aywood o oun t-; for more particular dase:d p tion: - 3 - Also Home TTaat of loo<l '"hioh is mo-re· particularly de sa r1bed in a deed made by J, F • Love to J. R • Palmer on the 9th of June, 1857• Also a.nother treet o:f le:nd known aa the conrad or Hall troot of lan.d and is in two deena • dated 'lth day of Decem­ber, 18911 made by Jorlll w,. Hall anc1 wi£e to Jeesie B. Palmer, one ten acres end the other fifty-four aoree, .Anc1 a.lao any o t her lands belonging t o tha ~~ a id. i! • R. Palmer which have not hereto:fo:re boen deeded to others and refertmce for !!lOl'e 11arti<JuJE..r desor1,ptions of said l fcnds ta hereby made to flaid deeds as made to J. Rj Palmer b~ whomsoever. ~00 acre tl' of 1 ~.nc1 deeded. by executors of .7ao.R. 438 Love to Jea rs t~~ P. P~lrr.e r on P.3:n~ asy of Septenber, 1886, of whi'Jb (trr.on:nt 150 nero s l;ns been allotted t o I: . J: • .Pelmer; there­fore only a.skt ne H divisiN1 of the J:f)rnein trJ.g DO t:tcres. AL'3 o 50 acre a on Dt<.vi dsou ' s b:ranoh, needed by ex­ecutor's of J as. R. Love to Jessie R. Palmer en 9th day of May, 1888 ~nd all t his tor di Yieion exo ~1 p t Btteh 8l'!tOt1.lit fl.S has 11een deeded t o Jare-es ~rolruld• . 11. That 1J'he inter est of the petitioners in oaiu land is as :follows" Viz: One undi Videa ninth ( l/9). intereet in all of above de:Jori 'bect lart<ls, with th~ exoEtption a bova no'f;ed• to each by name 2- ~eli tha Carpenter, wtfe oi: C. u. Cfl,rpenter; :Birdina Carp­enter, wife of John Ce.rpentet; sarah Caldwell• wife of D. L. Caldwell~ Raobel Cegle. wife of John Csgle; M. o. r,ea.therwood, wife of w. Ii. r.eathervv-ood, :Elizebeth J?a.l!oor 1 Thoma.e .fellr.-er and Ella l?almer 11 and tiargP.ret (l ibsan, wife . of Thomaa Gibson; the otheso parties having• ·before t 1lif.J1 received their part of the oetate.n o:t said J • · F... :PalJner • 111. '.fhat Nlla Palme:r .. the d.efendun't , is a mino:r r.ithout a guardian .. rv. r hat they de sire to bold their share in severalty. WHElUJFffi:fi • yo\ll' petitioners pray that you will ap­point tb:ree o (IDD]issionexs to di Tide thEl same into equal parts or . abarea, by metes end bounds, and to aUot ·~o each of your pet- 1 tioael'a auoh thereot as · each ie entitled to: and, if sn .. 4 .• equal diviaion oan not otherwise be maile then to charge the znore vallWble diT1denda with suon sums a• they ahaU ~utlge neeaes&rJ to be paid to tho dividends of Weriot velu.e in or• der to :make. the di v~e 1011 equal.- f-.nd ~o repe»:t tbe1r p:rooeedings under the 1r seals., as soon as 18 practical, into this Court. This the lOth clay of F ~b:rusry • 1896., llOOll'! & llliU:OH, atto~neys tor Petitioners. . . '-~ :~ ' 439 - · Page __________ '4_4_0 _ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary p~rties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom .a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown ; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. 11. A. B~. Widow of J • B • PADff'1R • l>e ee ased VS w. A,. P.ADilER ud others Htlirs- a.t• Law; in the mattax- of Fatitio.n for DCwer. 1. Court_ __ Wi".ro'U()lt _____ County -l!i\YYIOOir ------- 2. Kind of,a-l-i?=.FOG"a-Qg------- - --- 3. Date of filing __ $ .. -}-21!Jf:l~E------------------------- 4. Date of filing lis pendens-- '- -~- - ---------------------- 5. Judgment recorded in Book__£--- ----- Page:?--52-------- PROCEEDINGS 1 t SIYpeuring fl·om th(;l sworn pt:oti tion f'r:rr partition a.p .. plioation theroin ma<i.c: in this <wnse , th~. t V: l 1e. ;'almer, L."l!ent defendant . i s \l~ithou.t general or testame11tary gu~d ian and f1 ,n. Lea:therwood. hel' next .:friend , hl'lving into Oou:rt r~na f; '!gnified his willingness t o represent sai d minor: l:t is theretore, Otl motion of Moody & tveloll, attorneys in above en tttled ~Etll.Se • ordered that 1f . H. r~eathe:rwood be and ia b.Greby 8-J<'POiuted ~}u.a:rctian a:Hi litem o:r the infant defendant. Ella J?c.l.~r . in this ~tion and i s ii utho:rizatl. e.l:\(1 direotea. to appear ana. the ea:~ne on ' bel'1al i' as su.ah gue:td i&n, This the l~th d&y of' l~'!roh • 1896 • J • K. BOO:N'E • c . s . Co'lU't, ~ . H. t!·~.A~frF~woo :o , Gua.r.d tan Ad !Ji tem, All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F \ v Page __ ___________4_4__1__ _ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS l. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardi an ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. VJ • A ~ P AJJi!BR and o 1; Ml' s Heirs at Law of 'J ., R. :fi!..LMF'J\ • .Deceased vs l. Court_ _8\J£-ER!-olt- -- ---- Count~YWOOD" ___ ____ __ 2. Kind of action--apwi ul- '-'.{1._ ---- 3. Date of filing ___ -$..-lB-l {t9-6- ----- - ----------------- 4. Date of filing lis pendens ___ ____ ,- ------ - ----- --- -------- 5. Judgment recorded in BooL---2------ - Paf0~- -------- PROCEEDINGS f;ll.a 1?-f'.L'"ler , b:,r he:r n,•.a:!"clian tid lit-?Jru,. w. H., Leather .. wo od• anst-.rerLTlg the pe 4.;i ·uon f0:r fP:rtit:io;l of tht> l'laintiff , says: !l;(~t she iS li tliXUil" t under the ate Of t..wen.ty .. o~e ye&l's, as o.ll oged i n pla1nt if'f' s petition. anti that W, R, L~a ther .. t;ood, llae been a:p:po i nt€d as her gu.ar8_i£Ul nd li tum 'by :i\ Court of e ompe tent juriscUotion p.,nd. there:t;or e, ~ nswe:r·tng 'b!J' ber sai d -£fnarfriiuf-e.d-lite!ii Vi . - K~ ~fith(:: ntooa., l l . That the f i r at ~dlega.ti.on in p l aint iff •s s atd pet• ition. for part1 tion is admi ttEJd . 111. ~hat the seoond allegation in pl s i ntiff' s peti..­t t o.n f.o:c 1•ar tt tion i s also t:rue . lV. ~hat the thir d alle,e'ti on ·tn pl a int iff '~:; I>eti tioa for p artition was tJ:ue at the time s t a:ted1 but.- e inee t ha.t t ime w • H. Leatherl'lOOd as above set f orth, has been duly appointed gunr di an ad l item. v. '!'hat the fourth ellogat t on 1n s a id petition i s ad• mlttea.. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F \ __ .) WB&E.Ei'CBE, :Palmer-., bJ ber 6'11L1-rd1nn sd litem vr. a. La~ 'be~pot\., Joias in the pn.yer ot the· plain tift e. name:q that J'OU will appoint three commissioners to d1T1de the real estate therein desor1'Ded into equal pU'ts -o:t sll.u'oa, bf metea Md bounds tmd sllot tQ eaoh of pWnttffa and defendants suoh ehare the1•e0f as each is entitled to Md each an equal division and tf an equal division oan not otherwise be made then to charge the mo:ra valuable dividend with 8\tah sum as tb.ey shall judge neoessary to be paid to the divideftd of inferior ve.lne in order to malte the division equal. and report their proceedings, as soon as praotioa.ble to this 0 O·urt. ~'his the 12th da.y ot l~m..~cn• 1896 • 1:r.u r J',n:Jl;:H • By Hor·dif'oll P~ a L1 te:m, '1 . U. Lr:I. 'rHli'RWOOD. 442 Page----------~~it __ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS l. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees u·p to and inCluding confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. w. A• Palmer, et al Heirs at law of J, R. Palmer, decease~ vs Ella Palmer " l. CourL- SUper-1-0J:--- -- - County ---Hay:wooc.'l- ----- 2. Kind of action - -01'4&:P--&pp&i.Jt~ing-oomm1-ssi-ener8 3. Date of filing-----Mal'Oh--12-,.--1896----------- - -- -l-. Date of fi ling lis pendens ____ _____ ____________________ _ 5. ~SM}~SP~~MY~-----2-- Page---5!34------ . PROCEEDINGS The petition in this ouase beins heard, it is ordered by the Court that John L. Ferguson, J. c. Correll and M. s. Allison be and they are hereby appointed 0011Un1ssioners to divide tha land described in said petition 1ntc> nine equal sqares, and to allow to eaoh ot: the petitioners. namely: Teli the. Ma.rpenter, Bird1ne cupenter, Margaret Gibson, Sarah Ce.ldwell.a aohel , Elizabeth Palmer., Thomas Palmer .. M. c. LeathervYood• and the de:fendant, Ella Palmer! on. e shore 1n .severalty, and if equal saare cannot be ' tnade by div ding the land., then the sa id eomm1ss1onera to oharge the mcire valuable d1 vidends w1 th such sum of money as t hey may deed necessary to be paid to the di v1dends or inferior vn lue 1n order to mke an equitable partition; said commissioners shall mett on the prellises at the time eummoned by tm Sheriff, and after being sworn by a Justice of tbe Peaoe· or other permn authorized to adminis­ter oaths, shall divide ·the sa1d lands; the oonn:nissioners are em­powered to employ the Ccmnty surveyor,. or in h1s absence, or if he be connected with the parties, some other ~urveyor who shall make · out a map of the premises, showing the qual1ty1 courses and distnnces of each share, which map shall (laaompany and form a part. ot the re• . port of said oomm1ss10JU~rs; and the said commissioners · shall w1 thin sixty days after tl':~Et notification or their appointment, make a full repo~t of their proceedings under tmir hands .. or the hands of any two of them, speeU'ylng therein the manner of executing their trus-ts and desert b1ng particularly the land or parcels of' land divided andthe share alloted to each tenant with the sums charged on the mom valuable div:tdenta, and to whom paid, This the 12th day of V.18rch1 1896. we · aooeJ)t service of the within order, March 24th, 189&. J'. c., correll M. s • .Allison John s. Ferguson All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F Page------------~-~~-­NQRTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be se t forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. vVhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to. be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must ,.appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. I. CourL_,._,n==. .:r~':\'Q------- County u..--v.--. ·~ 1'1--- ------ wu.;: i!IL~ .LV.l'- ,Qt.l...L \·.f·V\./.1,/ 2. Kind of ac tion--epoe-±a'l-rroe-eeding--------- :- -- VS 3. Date of filing ____ z-0v-.i-B9-Q----------------------- +. Date of filing lis pendens_ _____ ·---- - -------- ·--------- STA'l$ 01-"' NORTH CiiROJJ:W • UAYWOOD OOUNTY • 5. Judgment recorded in Book_ __ ~ ----- - PROCEEDINGS "'ie, t he ltnde:r s i gnc c1 C or:m1i:H~ i on €ru f\.ppotnted by yo1.1., having been du1;v S>'!Drn, :proc er:tled Ol'l t'he 27th clay of March• 1896• to di vl do ann mftJ{!J ,part i t ion be t wocn fUld t'ltfion.g Pelitba Carpenter • .B i:rdi no C:ar >enter ., Kar gtn-e t Ot bson , UP..:rah Ct:tldwe ll11 Rsehel Caele,. Thomas J~ •. f:'almc r,. ~>l i r.abe t h :i,- &~ lmarJ. M. . u. Leather• wood P.nd JUla Pfi lmE'll'• tc::nants ill eom1non o:t: t he l e..nda descended to then as c;lilc:t:rtm and ht:. tr.·s ~L t l Hw of J . h . ? tt..l..met·., deoeasea.. Where:n:pon. Vt'G have Fade p.nd do her e by ttJfike the follow• i~l £5 appropl' i ations azn onc~ t he r espective claimants ill. severalty; "'.;hr4 t is to sn~r • the; JJot .?i<h l :i.s E'~ s s1. gn.ed t• apJ10l'tioaed to Thor~t s L • .Palmar in sevralty • bour1ded as follovrt:H• Bl~G IN!f!NG on H Zll:t'llC e pine on the ~~ or t'h be.nk of In c11 E~ l'l Creek ; thenar'! N. 36 :r:, 24i· poles to e. white oak stump on point of · a ridge a bove a cliff of rocks·; thence N. ll :F': .. ~ 11-1 ·z p(llas to a YFhi te oak on top of' ~l. :ric1ge; t henae n .• 20 1?. •· l~i- poles to e black oak bush on tore· o:f a r idge; th€!nee F • 3'1 E. 10-l/3 poles to a s t ano. p ointers on top of c. ridgel thence ~r. 25 w. 34-2/5 ;pol@S w;!. th the top of the r'i.dge to a B:rnt:tlJ. r,,aple on tor of the ri(1ge .t 'thence .N . l8 w. 26· 4/5 poles t-o a pine on top the ridge; thence N .. 15 w. 12 ;roles to a spanish oalt on the ridge; thence N• Z6 w.. 53 poles to a. ch.~stnu.t on tOJ> of the; toonoe 11'-. 14 :m. Z poles to a C'heetnut on to11 of . t he TitlE~ in the old Mull linea thence s. 70 w. 2&-l./3 poles to a sta.kat thenoe s. 36 po:les to a epe.nish oak nea.r a r.ook, eorner to Home tract; t henos s. 62 W• 128 poles to a stake on a ridge; thenae s. 49 E ... 12-t to s stf\lr..e on top of shanty' ridge; th.,nee down the tO)) of the ,;oidge 1 as 1 t meende:rs, 126 poles to e hl•tto·ry on top of said All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short exce·rpts made therefrom. Sheet F .. 2 ... ridge: thenoe s • 152 Ih 8 poles to a stake: thenoe s. i'f6 E. 12•2/5 poles 'to a staka on the point of said ridge; thence s. 86 E t- 28 poles to a. stake in the edge of !ndian Ol'EH~kt D. L 4 Caldwell •s corner; thence up t he Cl'eek as 1 t me£.ndera, 5 4-2/3 poles to the beginning, conte.ining &cres more or less. Valued at $225.oo. 445 Lot No• 2 to :Fai za.beth J?al:t~"Ier ; and bounded as follow•a ll110 l iL:tnm on a sp:n.wa pine on thG North bank of IzHlis.n Creek• and corner to Lot :t:ro. 1; the.noe N• 56 J<; . 24-l/4 poles to H white oalt stllllll"> corner to r.ot no. l; thenae ;;_ 11 :r.. ll-l/5 p oles to a. -;thite oak, corner to J~ vt :ro . l; tru1n<Je :tT. 20 :E~ . 1St p oles to F-- bl aok bush , eoruel' to J:.ot .N o~ 1; thenoe l.f • '1>7 R .- 1 0-l/~~ p oloa to a ~~ ta7te tmt1 p oi n tars on t he top of a r:ld£1e , conH;r to Lot ~·To • 1; thenae N' • 25 w • 3 4•2/5 IJOle a. ~rith top of :ri d.g>e • t o a smHll :rr.a.ple O!l to11 of said Ti ; thence .rr ~ ·la w • 26·4/6 poles t o a pinE': on t op of the r t dge ; thenoe N '- 15 J •• 12 J)OlE4s to::;; f>:pen tsh o< on to;J c:f s I:itigc ; the:noa n ~ Z5 w. :?~1 polss tn :-;_ r;hestr~u:t on tor, of a ridge; thf!nOA l'' . 44 x. ~; r; olos to a chast nut en top of s . no:rner· to Lot :ro ., 1 in rni.t 1''\l.ll line; 'thenoe ' 1" 70 ... 2g_ . <; /~)· ·<" ]oo·'t: Q ... n h'-' "' tnu~ ,-; n., .,_e· r· ' "' J ~ .. ~..- .. V ... i;,, ot, 1)-u .,..,. \,.o~ v 1 (.o 'w,.t iQU _ · ~ . \"1 a " "" • _.....t.--:tt .J,.J!J - Q co:rner ; ·th f'Jnoe ~ ~ 35 L . 30 l1olcs to hoa.d of' ·b7.'l'.l.nch, w.. ~\ . l1 ~j.lmer ' ~; eorner; dotV£1 ttc branch to th~ ~~' ork , 22 ll <>le s; then.Jo d011i'!l the br~c h , J:) ' e line, as 1 t lTl*'Hmd.e:rs , 112 p..olee to a syasl'llOre at t he mouth of the brtomch • v: . J · . • l'rJ. l.roer ' .~ corner: t hence 17.!) C?, 'C~1 loot·h~:, e Greek s.- 78 \-1 , 16 ,poles to e. I.~~rm ,. c o:rnn:t tc olct stoad t-.::·a.e t; thanoe • up Cntaloooheo C:t•eek S . 71 n. ~16 poles to the mouth of :(no1.9n Creek; t ll(')nce up said ereek, as 1 t mtH.l.nders , 7{j poles to the begiru1.1nfi' containing s.eres. Valuect at $176.-00 . . Lot :No. 3, asa i gnefl t o .Birdine Carpenter. :s:mnUJ!NG on a _steJte • the Sot4theru>t C"orner of John Caldwell's 100 acl"e t raet ::-nd r'W"l a s. 43 F •• 82 poles to a spanish oak on side o:!' . ridge • Boy 1d eo:rnerr of 50 sore; thenoe, with Boyd's lins s. 40 w. 98 pole9 to a steke on side of ~t ridge, and. _t)o:mters; thenoe N. 43 w. 81 poles to a stake in Jo~~ Caldwell'& Home truot; thenoe , v1ith his line N. 40 :m. 98 :po-les to the be g ill~ing . Containing 50 acres mor.e or less. Valued at $)oo.oc tot No. 4 assi gned to !ll~gare t Gibson. .. 5 - :BJ')GI!imilfG on a double ehE:stnut and maplfj., I{. J • . J?almer's eorne:r; and rur1s s. U w. 35 poles to a stake tmd pointers on ~ est nide of Svr~; then l'f . 74 W. 1E6 poles to a. etake pointe1•s ne~'tr a l aurel; thence ~. ll E. 9fJ :poles to t-• s taY.£: in Swrtg b:l'l'$1.:ncb below e. ama.ll sprme pine i.n said brrutoh; thenoe up said hrenoh, as it,ere, 127 poles to e Jql"..n, R.J .PalrtJEJr's corner; ·thence :1<1. 24 :poles to tiw bogin.ning, Containing 58 acres , mo:re o1· less. Valued at $125,00, 446 Lot no. H, assigned to lh iJ • !J~ather,rooa. . end bounded a.s follows .:- :m;GIN1HHC'· on a srt>-.n of\k on top of a. ridge, DJack ll!:U1tlab.' s col"I'.~r·, l!l1.d T.lms s .. 21 w. 20 pQles to a spe111 ish oa1t, then s , 33 W. 6 poles to a chet1tnttt on top of mdd ~ l~i(l~re ; thence B. ~~fi- poles tp a ch~stnut o~Jt on ~). r:H\ge ; 1;hf'nc (. s. &e w. lCY1· polee; to a. .PQI•l c,r or1 to·p of a rir'.e;.c~; thtmco s . 8D ~1. 10~- :poles t J a e i't~ s t11 ut 011 to1~ uf s a.i(\ r i. <1gE: ; . ~ h e:nc e S • 42 w. 7 _t1 oJ.~1 ~ to t)hE:stnu:t on toi; c-.f tho J'ie\ g;(q t ~. ance "" 7b~ "' ?\O~~ ~-. 01 """ +o !0 ~- + ., ,, . .,. ._, ,.., ,. """' '~ .'"t""'r~· O· n· ton - .,;. • . i.~ • v :d !' ..~~o 'n ,._~ 1.1 ......... · _)u4;.' .v ~44. -lU. _pv .... ~-t. v l..ll · · llr 0 .• 0 ] "n>:o h ,,,,~ •"1" ~~ ; -\~{ '-~- • -; ·,.. .. " n,... iC' 11 ~. ~- ' z (1 "t' 1 0 ~'-. "' '!!T '7 A.-1,. ,J& ~-v - 'i t;J JJ -ll.o~__,.'"l.._ , .... - ,.. . }.. 't.)T-•, T '- ... - • • ,io.V ... (...,! , - ,.. j, ~ . ~ -··u"" .LJ . "'•11 w. };l ~· :poles to ::1. hicko:rjr on to11 of !t " ; thGnGe li . 6 7. w. Dk 1) ol'' :?\ t o .a.. l s: r g·· c hestn nJu on t ~'l' of. e. ·; ~~hen C ~?. l'i . ':> '7 w. 34~~ lH'lles tor. olu;:stnut Ol\ to1~ o.f a :·; t hence if . ;;o Yf. f-4/H p_oles t o a_ chestnut. G. L . Yalr:::tn"s oo:r.ncr , on to:p ot said rir1ge; tl:enca r.. ?.~0 I~ .. l02 pole s to ~- sotU''r.Ood , G .L. l?ali~J" ' r::; oo:rnor; t h~n ce s . ZO :F •• 60 pal-es to th& beg i un ine; ; o on. t rdh int; 40B ~'- 0-:..' e s mor(?. 0'1' le ae. -v"r~lm~{~ at ~oo .oo. Lot No. 6 allotted to Telith~ Carpenter and bounded e.e follot'ls :- BF~GIJlN:UifG s.t a spanish ocl~ on tor1 of a, fM:tornar to lot No . 5 and l'tms s .. 10 poles to E\. stake , Jolm. Hannah ' s tH.>rttflr ; Sfuno conl:"Be, co ~l­tirnliri. g with sRit1. H<>-n na!h' s line 70 p oles to n stake: thonce ~To:rthwest :3C p olos to a chestnut on top of J!iL.11Ck :mountain; theneie N. 77 w. 26 :poles to •.rhoma.a He.nna'h'a co:rner; thenaa u. 65 w. 82 poles t o a clwatnut; thenoo lf. 25 E. 44 poles to e. map.le on , top ot the :mountain.; thenoe s. 60 E • . 4 _poles to a chestnut , G·. 1.;. ;pelmer's oorne:r. and e .o:rner to , Let No, 5; thenee down the mountain s. 20 .E. 5"'t4/1J polE-iS to a chastntr~ • oornar to :tot ID'o. 5; thence . s. 3'11<~ . 3 ~1/6 poles to a lnrga chestnut on top of the; "chenoa s. 67 E. l3i to. a hiako:r;,r 0:n top ot a ridge ; theno~ s. 34i J.ih 2li poles to a stake and pointers on top of t be r ilige • corner to Lot No . 5; thenoe If. 76 E. 30i poles to e. oheatnut on tov of a ridge; then N. 42 E. '1 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridgea corner to Lot No. 5; thenos N. :13 :&';. 6 poles to the beg1Dning f ol l ows :- BI~:.a nurnrG on a chestnut . a. c o:rno:r of the Joba Conrad t:r.m} ·~ &.nt\ s . -1-B t . 14 n olt2!s t o a a'hest• nut ali t't. ,;: i H:~ sttHlt (h tk o.n t ho sir1~ of the. mount sJ.,".1J too nee S • au \"i • 1.50 p 0l8 S to tt in the J.:ast bom-:.aary l ine of J . H. Pa.J.mcr 's 50 &er e tract; thoneH) l:f . 17 vt. Vf'i th sei d line e.nc1: crossing t he L 1. t t l~~ navi.dson ' s hr!u:tOh 69 r~ oles t o a hioko:ry corner t o said 'ergot ; t r&l!Oc lf . 25 E. 132 poles to a. whi te on [:-<. r i &£;8 , C onr::H\ 1 s o:riginal corner: t:t,~: nc e Uf · bJ: i~~ -;L r i -7._(:,6 to f• £< t ::?.Y..S • ~ • A .• .Pal)ner 1s c orn~:; :r.; thon.ce . ~'i i "ch r: . A • .l?f'J.v,or ' s l i ne down a r1 and eros s ing li t t;l e DavU.aon •s - h:r.att(}h t o a h ie Jtory on t he s i ne of .Piner m o1mt ~ i n 1 w. A. ;pa1Jner 1s co:rn~ :r ; thenoB t o t he hee;i nnine; c ontaining 64 r.v:l re.t~ rr.o:re o:r· l nss - v al~l(1 d at $375.oo. Lot No. 9 allotted t o 1\aehG l Osgl e end bounded as follow-a ~· :BI~GINN IITG at tv;o l::ixobhu on th~ North sHI.e of I ndi an c.reek and in the 1lotmd:sry line of G .!.f. :Pslrner's 75 aara t:rno t : and t han r unn ing lh 62 R. wi th t he me antlers of sai cl C:reelt ae poles to & box e l der · on t he I>To:rth Br.nlt of. s a itl Cr eek; s. 29 E t 12 pol es t o a. spruce pine .on t lle ·s bank of sa id creek near t he mouth o:f' DHVi dson' s brs.noh; t henoe w. 82 E. 20 pol as to a. chestnut ; thence N. 1'1 w. oroaa ing tho li t t l e J)i~V iclso.n brtu"lch 86 poles to a hiekory stump, . n€;1al' a N;th; thenoe s . 5& w. cross ing the :B ig Da.,idson•a braneh; 87 }~ olea t o n s t ake in east boundary line of 'the. sai d G. ll . J?alnler l and ancl c orner to Lot No. '1; t hence with said l ine 102 p oles to t he bog innin~ . Conta in~ng 60 a o:res more or less . 'Valut:ld at $200.oo. 447 '"' . - 6- we :turtber charge the more valuable di'fidents with auah sums of mono7 J'espeetivel.y to be paid to those of infe:rioJ' Talll$ rospaotively ~s will make an equitable diYteiona tbat 1s to S8':f :• Th~ Lot Ro. 3 appJ'opriate(\ to Bi:tdine Ce.rpenta~ ia to 1"'33 to the ;r..ot r{o. 4 appropriated to !aer garet Gibson the sura ot $75.oo • . Tho ;_.ot Ho • 9 aripropriated to Uaehel Ct!gl.e i a to pq to the Lot iio. 4 a.1mropri ~:t ted to ~srg~et Gibson the sum of $25.oo. ~he Lot No. 5 B.I'Propriated to l~ . c . 1jeatb.el:wood is to pay to the .Lot lio. 6 aJ?1ll'Op:t• i ated to Telttha Carpenter the am of $76.oo. 448 ~he Lot ·"! c . f3 r-..:ppropr it1"!ied to 1'1 11~ Pal mer is t o p eg to the Lot ;:~ o. 7 ap;1l"O_pri::d;;;,u to Sarah C H ld~·e ll thE: tmm of $100• 00, The Lot lTo, 8 app :r OJ! ri t~.ted t o NllH J-'alrncr i s to pay to tho r~ot !-J'O • 1?. l"J'!l 7' 0'Jl l"i~1 tC i1 t o JUiz abeth J?H lmf':r. thH Stll:fl Of $60.00 • 1;.11 o:f ~· is r oopoc tf.ullJ' ~ubmi t te<t. unaer oUT lu-tnds m:te. seal;; t h i s the 28th Clrw of Ms.reh, 1896. AT ~ST:• wm. Ledbetter. J Olt.\ :r,, ?F.HCW~·. ON J. e: • (JO:i•m: rJt }~, s. A4f,!SON (SEAL) {SEAL) {S~) on l~~trgin OlJ:Posi te pt~ragrap hs ref&l·ring to Lots 9 nnd 61• Feid Eln tt n eceipt filed 1•25-tgg, Page __ ___ ____4__4__9__ __ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceeding,; in all co urts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in ..:hronolou-ical order and in such detail as "·ill show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to' bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointmcn t and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirrments have heen complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. W. A. Palmer • €hfi .Palmer Toll thn Carpenter t and others vs Ella Palmer 1. CourL-&tpet>-:1~--- - - -- County --·:Ja-ywooe}-- ---- 2. Kind of action ___ j_jJ_..f,J_..Q _.M-:& - :iJ.. -T-------------- 3. Date of filing ___ __ __ ),'b-Y--~l.,--JJ}9{}- ---------- - · -- 4. Date of filing lis pendens _____________________________ _ 5. f~:el~.J~!S~~~~~---2-- Page--BOB---- --- PROCEEDINGS The above$e eomtng on to be heard upon t he report of .rohn I .• Ferguson, ;;,. c. correll. and ~ . s. A111son. oonmtissioners heretofore appointed by the oourt to at vide t he l ams specified 1n the pe1l1 tion, and 1 t appearing from the report filed by them that t he division Of S&id lrulda iS just and 0<i:Ua.l; 11;. is tbere­for. e ordered, Qdjudge4 a.nd deoreed t hat said report be in all re­Sl) f)Ots oon1'1t1ntld; and it is further that said ra-port be enrolled ln this of'tiOe, and tha. t it. be o.lSJO ri)giatsred :tn t he Registe:r'a office ot' H.nywod County; And 1 t appenri.ns 'tlHlt t he said oomzn1ss1oners in their .s ~1d re"J,"JOl~ hnve ch-arged the l!lOl"e valuable dividends v;1 tb certain sums to be paid to the dividends o:r 1111'er1or value •. respeoti vely tor e quality or parti t1 on as follows, that is to say: The ahare nllote~ . to . D1rd1ne ct~,rpenter 1 s oparged w 1 th the aum. or seven't')t'-five · { :$75.00) Dollars in favol' Cff the share allot ad to ~:argaret Gibson! the share alloted to F.achel Cagle is charged with Twenty-ti ve { ~25.00) Dollal's in favor of the share alloted to Margaret Gib.son; the shn:re alloted to M. c. teatherwood is charged v.' seventrtiv-e ( ~'75.00} Dollars in. favor o:f' tl1e share allotcd to Tel1 the Car.P"$nter; the share . alloted to Ella Pal mer .!~ i~:r~!z-!1 !~. 1~:d S: ~~Jrq1~~ift; {f !go h~$1fifotBo.fi6°Ella :Palmer 18 onarsea wfth fitty ( .$00} in favor of t he sllara allotea to Elise.ooth Palmer. It is t'urtOO.r ordered and adjudged that said several su_.·m··. s· with 1ntel:$St thex-eon from the '28th dey or }PArch t 18~6, be oWi of the said share upon uhiah they are respe.otively charged ln std,.d report, and tba.t the SfUJle be paid to t lte part fa s respectively ent1t.lod as aforesaid. It is further ordered tl" writs of venditioni be issued acoordingly as to said sums of money; 1 t: is furthere ordered and adjudged that the costs of t 't' suit be taxed by the Clerk to be bJ the J!artie.s e q.u$lly1 and thatoxeoution be i .saued aooord1~qJ Y• 1nie 21 day of May • · 1896. 1. K. Boone; c. s.c ... Of Haywood county All cases and authorities r elied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F -" \ Page ___________4__5__0__ __ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS l. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. VS w. J~,. _ .P~~m. , G. tt . il>.!it.W~ , J . F • l?l>li!IG:~l!t • R • J • ~JI..lJ,:£R • ~HOS • L . I! A :QliBR • TEL! TlLA C JIR:PJ~N .. ~ a.nd.. husband. c .. :M ., CJllU~J*'JE('l'rn and othel'S 1. CourL -~'G'~l'.l\I V!t- _____ CountY)l.ty-y:e([JT ________ _ 2. Kind of action ___ -5J?OOi-tt-l--Pfi)&e&tling- ----- --- 3. Date of filing ___ £-• 2'i• -ia%------------------------ 4. Date of filing lis pendens _____ -- ---'- -------- ---------- 5. Judgment recorded in Book---2 - ----- - Page-559- ------ PROCEEDINGS You :;,,1•e 6 ornmande<l t o S'Wr!li'!Oll W • . J\ . :P a lmer~ G • lT • ?a.lmt1r ,. J . ~· . J?alme:r , Xi. ,. J " ?al.Jjcn·w ThCJlr~~.a 1~ . l'allner. Teliths c erpenter anu 0 • :M .. \.~ al"lH~l1tt:;:r . her. huG;nm. <1 , \} a.rp o:nte~ s.nil Jolm Oi'l:l'l)ento:r , he:r.~ hUt1i:H9r.:rl ; I:s<;hel Ct;.c l e nn<1 'tusbwtl Johll Cagl e ; l':. 'J . Letlthervooct m:.d ~s- . H. J..J{~f~ tn. ~:r-r. o o & , her f'ntsbend. S ar ~h C e.lc1t,<e ll alJ.d hv.sbent'l • I.; . 14 .. l: c.lciw~ 11; l:a:rh,>aret G i'beon and """'<:>' · . .II !"': ' · ' ,·-,:~. , Q.!. i b . . ·• 1·'1. · ~ h '-'·h -;;._ ": ,..,. (, .. , 1,' "1"1. '; , _ ; ,.. - t··'l..­~~ u. ... Oa.l'lu • J. uCIJ,.._.;s - SO.u .- L l. . · aw€1 v •• ,_t.< .. I'h:: - • . r.a -• ...... a ,. S..;I.Wv l', .f.u:; de:f'ene;1ai'lts ..:~ n ove ntiif.lf;d • J.:f they i·e f 01ll1d lt'ithin y otU' Co·un:by , t o f.P""' pe~ a.t t hv offi ce of t he (~lc:r Jr e:f: trw Btl.l1&T. i cr Gou.rt :fo1· tb9 Couv of l!a,ywood on ·tho 1 2th day of ~,ar a h . 1896, .:md a.nSV~S r the o ompla1.J1t e OO"J!7 of which wi l l be depo~S itact i n the of:!:'i ce of th~ Clerk of the super t or o O'l:tt't ef ~! ai d C ou."l.t y withi n te.n d!.WS f :rov1 tl1e date of thia summons •. s.ud l et trw d ef 9n ila.~t s ·li o not;iee that i f t hey fail to ~41.awe;r tn.~ said compl.ainJ' at ths, t t 1.rfle • t he ;pl mnt1.ff will appl.J to the Cou~t for t he r elief de rt~R!lt1 ed in the c oliJPla int . Hereof f a i l not a.tH1 of thts atunmons make due return. G iVAll 1l..."ldfl l~ my hand t his 17th dP.y o:f ]"eb+ru;/;ry, 1991. J . K. n·oom .• c. s. c. lt~rwoo~ Ooun'tl• FJi'.O lUVHD: F eb:ru~ 22• l89 ~h Sel."'iTtHl Feb:rum•y 22, 1096 • by r e e.dirlg the within 61ll'!Wl<>ns to ·Ella l?allner e:' All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F . I .. 2 .. Februarr 22, 1896• service accepted. '• L. Palmer, w • A • l?nlmeli' • 'Raoha l 0 eg le • J. lt. 0 agl• 1 I!:, :r; • Pall!lel" • G. N. Palmer • R • J • .Palmer • lh L. Caldwell, sarah Qaldwell, J. T. Carpenter. c. M. Carpenter, N. B. Carpenter• J. w. Carpenter, M,. c. Lentherwooa. w. H,. r.e e:tha:rwooa. ~'\RI A. l?iUilF.J\.11 Widow1 etc. f vs~ > ( W • 1. . P AJ,l\iiF..R t G • N • l?AJR.R t } J. F. :P.AL:M.Tm t R • J • J?A1J{Ill{ t ( TROS., L. l?ALM'SRt MJ\RGAltNT } GIBSON and husband, THOS • ( GIBSON ~.nd others., ) The s t a te of. No:rtll Carolinfl.·• SUDONS FOH Rl'~LIBF :BEFOR.E THE CU'iRKt ~o ~ he s heriff of Randolph 0 ounty Greeting :- 451 You nre h.M"eby <H.>rnroe.nuea. , to summon -Margare$ Gi bsan and hllsbantl , Thomes u ibs .on, two o:f t he defend en ts above named,. lf they }:le £ound wi.thi-."1. your c om1 t y, t o appear t>ot the office ~:r the Clerk superior Court for the County of Haywood on the Q.2t.h day ot M~eh,. l696t- end Mflwe:r t he complaint-. .a copy of vrhiah will be cl•posited in th~ off ioe of the Clark bnp ari~r c ourt ot _s aid Ooun.ty w1:th1n tarl d::::.y e f r om the date of this s u.wnons.,. and let t he defenttea"ta t ake noti~ e that -, i t they fail to ansY?el' the said complaint at that time • _ tl1a pJ.ain tif f will apply to the Court f or the relief demanl­ed in the compl aint. Hereof f ail not end o:f this summons make due :!return. Given under my hwld this 17th aaw of Fel.t.:. 189&-. J • K • :somrn; • fS • s • c • l!aywo oa 0 oun 'tf• service of this SlJl!ln):ons acoeptea_ this 19th da~ of February. 1996.. ll. L-. GIBSON • ~ .. F • GIBSON~ \ I ,., Page ___________ ~;)~-- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands a:bstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. , 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. MARY A. J?.l,L'MJ<'lt t Widow o~ JESSI:H R . l?ALMF.:,R 1t Deoeased. VS 1. Court_ __ str.rERroR __ ___ County liAYW'OOJr ________ _ 2. Kind of action ____ Slfee~a.~- 1-'TOllOedtng" __ ___ ___ _ 3. Date of filing __ z-.,;; 2 ,_,. 1890 ________________________ _ .J.. Date of filing lis pe11dens------ - ------------- -- ------- - Vl • A-. .P.Am:F:R a nd wUe, MILA l'J!.~R ; G • llT . Pll..LM• ER and wife ALICE P. ALMiil\ • J. F . l'AJ'J.I!ER ; RO'BT • J • PAiiMx'Jt and wife RAC Hl~L .PAJ,liFat; THOS. L,. PAW~; RAO BEL C At'r ll1 and bus band 5. Judgment recorded in Book_ _____ ____ _ Page ___ ________ _ JOliN CAGLE; TAL! T1IA C.AR.P-EN! ER and husband, c. 1J1. C.AR.Pi'1IrTER; BIRDINB CARP ... ENTER tmd husband JOHN O .AR PEN~..R ; M. C • LBATI!b~ · PROCEEDINGS WOOD t!.Dd husband W • H,. LEAmf;}{WOOD; SARAli CALD FJ:.L and husband, D. L . C.ALDWEL..L; MAliG.ARE~ G,IBSON and husband, THOMAS GIBSON; ELI ZABEfll iAIMBR and ELLA .PALl!ER • Heirs-at-Law o:f Jesse R • .Palmer, deooased. PETITION FOR DOWF~. To The· superior Court of said County:- The pot 1 t ion of lr. ,. I\ • .Falmer • 't'd. dow of Jessie R • Palmer, deoeased, respectively ehowetb tbat her late htteband died, intestate, tn H~ywood County, during the month of September, 1891• leaving him sur'ri.vina the following ohildren, to-wit: w.A.Palmera G ,.! .Palmer; J .F . P-almer: Robert J. Palmer; Thomas 1J. Palmer; Raohe 1 Ongle, mfe of John C;; Talitha Car:Penter, wife of C • lll.Ca:rpen• ter; Birdine Ca:rpenter, wife of John Carpenter; :~ .o .Leatherwood, wife of w.H.Leatherwood; s arah Caliwell, wife of D.L.UaldweU; M~gsret Gibson, wife of Thomas Gibson, Elizabeth :Palmer and Ella Palmer • who ere his only heirs at law and of whom, t he said Ella Palmer is an infant, under twent~-on e years of age end without snr Gll$J'd1811.- • Your petitioner further showeth that her said husband, during his coverture with the I;etitioner, was seized in ~ee simple and possession of the following real eats~ • to-wit:- All cases and authorities r elied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F 453 - 2 .. one tract of le.nt't lying in Raywood County on the Welters of Ce.ta.looebee Creek, deeded by . J • T:. LQVe to Jessie R • J?tllrner on the 8th dey of Jtme, 185'1 ~d known as the Home tract, origi~uilly containing 150 e.cres and ~\bout 60 aares ot ' $aid he.v,;.. ing been aold and deeded to D. :t. Oaldwoll; reference for more J.>a.l"ticul~r description is hereby made to aaid. deed as recorded in nook R. page 2e7 in office of Register of Deeds for Haywood County • .also; about 18 s crres of. wba.t is lmown as the Mull tract of land. 1 adjoining above tract, deeded. by 1-iull to J. R. J? almer and G. J... Palmer • and afterwards deeded by J. R • .Palmer to w. A. I'alrae:t.", t3xOO}?t aJJount above me-ntioned, ttl.'\d for more partiou• l~ description rererenee is hereby made to said deed as recorded in nook page in tho offiee ot Register ot needs for Haywood c ou.nty • . Also 79 ~~res of land 11ing on the waters of Little Cataloochee Creelt, <1eeclecl by R. n " Gilmer • Trt1stee and 1\tlminiatratOJ" de . bonis :non of Jes • R. ;Love, decH.lased 1 to J. E . Palmer on lOth ;..:pril, 1894, :recorcled i11 .Book rTo. 5, pag~ 495 of Register of Deeda office for Heywood Qounty: end, also . 50 acres of l c:.nd en Caldwell P'ork o£ Ca.talooohee Creek• deeded by R. :v. GilJrtOr • Trustee E>.n<t Acl.ministrator de bonis non of .J ~ 11 .. Love, deoeased • to J" R. 1Ja).rt'Ell' • on lOth of April, 18941 recorc1ec1 in of fiee of Heg ister o:f ~eds t.•ox• Rt\Y"i'?OOil C otmty • in ]3ooJc no. 5 , }!age 493; also, 50 aores o:f' land l y ine on tha vmtera of Indian Creek near the mouth of DE•Vidao.nts branch. d~(rt<1ed by the e:xeeutors of J. 1: 10 Love to J. h . l;' ~ lwer o.a 2Bth of october• 1875 and :recorded in of fice c:f h6g i s ter of Deeds for<i OOCi. County in nook m'Ch pege 101; , One othel.* 50 aore tract of l lying on. Davidson nranch, d.eeded by exeoutors of J. R. Lo'1Te to J. H. Palmer on 9th of Uaroh. 1883. For n1ore pa--rticular desori,Iltion reference is hereby made to said deed. Also t~~o tra,otB of land, one for 54 aore s ano_ ·the other for 10 p..c:res• cteeded by John Heli s.nd 'f.r1:£e to J. R . on 7th December • 1891, for mo:re p &~tioulgr (1esoript1on referenoe is hereby made to said deeds; also. Tract of land. known as 'the Logan Hannah paee .. lybg on swags :Sraneh• on waters of Oate.loochee Cl"eelt, m:"igina.lly c ontatn.- 1ng 200 acres and 150 acres of sait1 tre.ct has been. b2' consent ot ell parties to this a.etion, allotted to R. J .,. J?8,J.mer; deeded by . executors o£ J. n . LoYe to J. H • .FalJner on the 23rd day o:f septem­ber, 1886; and for more particular description :reference is made to said deed. · 454 Your petitioner desires that her dow•r in said lands allotted to 11$1' • ~d to that end she prays rour Honor to is.aue f1 writ to tllEl sheriff• oonunentltng hiln to SUimlOA three tree boldera1 oonneetea with. the p&lJ'ti~e neithe:r ·br c:tortsanquiaity or . affinity, entirely disinterested sad quali:tiea to e.ot as jnrora, to Yiew .. tbe eeid .land . and to allot bel" oae-third part tbereo:t • tnaluding the home 8lld all ottt-houaes. buildines and btproTementa appe:ttai.ning thereto, for the ta~m of he:r natural life• e.nd report their prooeedir!.gs in · due fonn o.f le.w. . . · . . ·.May it p16ase y our Honox· to issue oopiea ot summons • with coplee of this petition, to said defendants, hei:ra -at•law and to appoint a proper guardian ad litem tor the tnfent defendaat. requixoing them to appear before fOU and show cause, 1:f a.ny they oq• why the prayer ot this petition should not be granted. 'rhia 27th day of February, l(l96. :MOO l1i & WE1J..Ui, Attorne~rs for .Petitioner. Filed February 27th 1896. J • K. BOOlt-t, , C • 5 • G • Page _________ ~!)i} _ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail illi wil\ show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. ! 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirement~ have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. r~l. A• Palmer, Wid OW or .r. R. Palmer, t'leoea~Sed · vs w. A-. Palmer, et al, Helrs o.t lJlw 'in tne matte~ -of' Petition tor Dower 1. CourL.Supe.rlor _______ County --li~d------ 2. Kind of action __ AJ;lP.O.intmen.t _ __ _ 3. Date of filing _____ __ __ ___ _____ __ _____________ __ _ ____ +. Date of filing lis pendens_ ___________________ _________ _ 5. }SbMeo~:J.'al -P1~" .0..Q. eBoeodk:i __~_s__ ~_.,~._ _ Page_3_52_ ______ _ PROCEEDINGS It appearing from the sworn pe~ition for Partition appl1• oattoa ·therein made in this oause, that EllatPa.J.mer. intant d,e• rendent. is wi thout general o~ testrunentaey guardian• and ~r ,. H.­Leath erwood_, her ne:rt triendt ha ~ 1ng into court and signified his w1ll1ngn$ss to represent s aid monor; It is t herefore, ~ motion of.' Moody &. Weloh, Attorney• 1n above ent:t tled oause, ordered that w. u .. Leatherwood be and he 1s hereby EI:Ppointed gUEU:'dina a<l 11 tem or t he infant d .. ~endant, EUm. Palmer 1n this action, and is authortze.d and direoted to appeaJ:' and def'end the .same- on her behalf as $uc,h guardian_. This the 12th day ot: Jrmroh, -1896. 1. x. Boone. c. s. o. service or Notice or t hia order accepted, this Varch 12th, l89·e. w. a.. Leatherwoo-d, Guardian ad litem All cases and authorities r elied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F Page ___________4__5__6__ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the I ands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto m chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. 'Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such lilce are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown ; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. lWlY A. PAI.JBEI{ • ·widow of J. R. PAUmR, Deoease vs Vi. A • .PALMER 8lld others, Heirs-at-Law; in the matter of Petition for Dower. 1. CourL - - -8-tJPER-IGR--- -- County --H.AH"OOD- ------- 2. Kind of action---Spee-ia-1--P:rOOeedi-ng---------- 3. Date of filing--3.,.12-ai-89-6--------------------- - - -- +. Date of filing lis pwdens ______ ____ __________ _____ _____ _ 5. Judgment recorded in Book_ ____ 2---- Page---34&------ PROCEEDINGS -AN.- 5- W-E- -R. Ella Palmer, one of the defendants above named, by he:r Gl1~dian ad litem, w. H. Leatherwood, answering the petition for dower of this plaintiff, sayss• · That she is a m~nor under twenty-one years ot e.s• ao alleged 1n plaintiff 'a petition ana_ that W. H. IA3atherwood bae been appointed as her guerdiaa ad litem, by a Court of eompetent j"t.U"iadiotion. and therefore answers by her said guardi(l.D. ad litem, W. H. Leatherwood. · 11. That the facts set forth 1n th' plaintiff's petition are true and this affiant,. by her said guardian ad litem, w. H. Le~therwbod, makes no objection to the granting of the requests and pJ'ayer therein mentioned, 1f done in e.ooorde.noe v.ri th law and equity. W~EFOHE ., the defendant, Ella Palmer-, by her guardian ad litem, W. H, lBatherwood, enter no obj actions to tbe granting of said petition for dower.. · This the 12th d9l' of March. 1896. Er~r...A PALMER • by her Guardian ad 11 tem i W • H. LEATHER WOOD • All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F '':;{.i. 'J•: Page ____________ ~!}-~-- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. VS W • A, ~~ • G -.N ,.J? A!J:U•:l{ J. F. PAtW•m and. ot hers, lJfJirs•a:t•Le.w. 1. CourL-S~I~------- County JU..."f"'..J.OOI)- - ------- 2. Kind of action---iP-$C-lal--!>-¥OC-ee4fA&-- -------- 3. Date of filing ___ -3..._12-418-96-------------- - --------- 4. Date of filing lis pendens ______ . 7 ------------- - -------- 5. Judgment recorded in BooL __ Ja_ ______ Page_ _ ~-4-4-- - -- PROCEEDINGS Up-0n t b.e he nring of t hie pEl·tition. it is ordered that a Wri t he i asua{l_ to th{l Sheriff •- co-mrnana.tng him to eummozui a Jury of not lees -t han t hree nor more th$11 t welve hee•b.oldere to allot to t be peti tio:ner, accordi ng t o l aw , her dowel" in the l ands ot her l a t e ll11S b ~d . Jes~o R. Fall!'.er, whi oh Slre deeeribei in hGr peti ti o.n-. and r eport to this 0 ou:r t . "This 12th day of Ma:reh, 1896 .. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Slzeet F Page ____ _____ ___ ~5_8 __ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS / \...__/ 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in \ _) chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. 1. Court__-:'it.r.!?ERICit------ County 1UYWOOD _______ _ 2. Kind of action-zspectta-1-Proc-ee-di-ngs------- ---- vs 3. Date of filing---~24.-18%------------------------ W .A • .PlUJ.&El't 1G .N .PALMF.R J .F • .PADlEl\ end others Heirs-at-Law. 4. Date of filing lis pendens------ --- -, -- ---------·-------- 5. Judgment recorded in BooL---2------ Page_Z-44------- PROCEEDINGS RAYWOOD COU.JTY 1 S'ate of North Carolina. ~o The Sheriff of Haywood county-Greeting:- Wbereas, l'lory A., Palmar, widow of Jesse R,.Pal.mer, lately filed her petition in this Court, against w. 1~ . Palmer, G .N .Palmer 1 J .»• .Palmer • R. J .Palmer • !home.e L.. Palmer, Eliza­beth Palmer, Ella Palmer • Talitha C8l"penter husband, c .14. Carpenter; Birdine Carpenter and husband, John carpenter, Raohel Cagle and buebnnd, John c agle, 11. 0. 1,eathenrooa. and husbt).nd w. H. Leatherwood, sarah Caldwell and huabend, D. L. Caldwell: Margaret Gibson e.nd husband, Thomas Gibson, heirs-at-law of hel' said husband, and it was ordered that a writ of Dower be issued to the sheriff ill her behalf as to the fallowing lands,, to-wit :• 1st., . The Rome tract of about 150 acres • eltoept what has been deeded to D. L. Caldwell; 2nd. Tl:'(;l.Ot of about 18 acres known as the J:lull traot and adjoinine; the home tract: 3rd. Tract, on Little Cataloochee, of '1'9 acres. known as the Martin traot; 4th. Tract of 50 acres on Caldwell Fork of Cs.taloo­obee Ol"eek. a0,30ining John Caldwell and lf.novm as tbe. Groom traot, 5tb. Traot, conta1n1ng 50 acres on Indian Creek, near the ~outh of Davidson's branch; 6th. Traot • containing 60 acres, on J)avidson •s Branoh of Indian Creek; also two tracts deeded by John Hall to Jesse R, lalmer and kno~ as the Hall plaoe, containing 64 acres and also 50 acres of a 200 aore "tract on Sw&g :Brsnoh and known as the LOgan Hannah plsoe. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F 459 - 2 - YOU ARE THERF.FOR:B oontnanded to csu:rnmon not less thtm three • unless the p~ties demand a greate1' !lUJnbe1' sna then not mere tl'um twelVe :tl"ee holders, 'WlOonnected with the pa.:rt1ea b7 ooa­SMSU. 1nity or affinity and entirelY disinterested w'b.o, ba11ng beeza dul.r s·worn b7 you are to allot BAd set off to the ~aid mary A. Felmer, 'by proper metes and. bounde• cme•thi.rd ot the said la.nda ia· olnding the:rein the dwelling house and all oi'ficee, Ollt•houses. buildingo arul impro-vements thereon belonging or appertaining, · duririg the term ~ her natu:ral life. and -to p.ut her into p ossession ot the same, Mel the allotment of dower tnade by the said Jury • being re<h:toed into writing and signed by- them, you are to re­turn into this Com·t. :tleoording to law. Thie 12th day o.f March, 1896, March 24. 1896.. s erved as to Jo'P.n L. Ferguson,,. rr • . J • Haynes. Sheriff• .fe;- J .. ~' • C.:.tven,. D. s • .' :March 24. lS~G. served as to Correll. I tJccept so1·v ice of thls sttrr!l!lcns, 1.1areh 24• l89G. M-. s • Allis1>n• Page ____________ 4jifi_-' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show ail jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring ~11 necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. 1. CourL_l3Ul"E!\IOR ____ __ County 1!A.YWOOD" _______ _ 2. · Kind of action __ ___ --speci-al--.Froove-d-tng--- -__ _ vs 3. Date of filing- - -3-..50.1-896- -- --------------------- - VI .A • .P.AliMER 1 G ,.N • PAOO~ 1 J .F i.PA.Dilt~ end · others, · Heirs · at Law. 4. Date of filing lis pendens_ __ ___ ---------------- -- -------- 5. Judgment recorded in BooL---2----- - Page ___ ________ _ PROCEEDINGS I, w. J. Haynes, Sheriff of' Haywood County, attend• ed by the following Jury of' good and lawful Jl6n, viz :• Jobn Lw Ferguson, M. s. Allison and J. o. Correll, who. having been du..Q' sworn according to law proceeded, on the 27th day of Maroh,l896, 1n obedienae to the annexed writ, to lay off e.nd sJ.lot to M, A • .Palmer her dower in the lands of J. R • .Falme:r • (laoeaeed, deeorib· ed in s·ald writ, aceordine to the following metes and bounds:• BI«tiNNIN'G at a Iqnn1 the original corner of · the 160 QQre Rome tract, on thP. Northwest bank ot Catalooohee Creek; thence N. - 78 E., with the Creek 16 poles to e sycamore 1n the mouth of a branch,. w, A,.Palmer corner; thence up · the meanders O'f' the branch 112 poletJ., with w 41.A ;.Palmer line to the · forks of said branch; then, up the left Jll'Ong ot said branch. 62 poles to ita head; thenee N.,36 w, so poles to William Palmer's corner; thence s., 70 w. 63 poles to a chestnut; thenoe s. 36' poles to a spanish oak near a rook, corner of home tract; tr..enoe s. 62 w., 128 poles to a s' on side of a mountain: thence s. 49 E. l2i poles to a stake on top of a r i dge; tbenoe down the meanders of said ridge, 126 poles to a hickory on top of said ridgea thfmOe S, 62 E. S poles; thenoe S, 76 E., 12-2/6 poles to a stake on top of. said ridge; thence s, 86 :F~ . 28 poles to a stake in the edge of Inti. ian Oreek; tb.enoe dovm the Creek. as it meanders, 41 poles to Catalooohee Creek# thence clown the creek :N., 71 · E. 36 poles to the beginning, containing 140 acres more or leas , ' including the dwelling house in 1"rhioh the said deaeased was accus­tomed to dwell, together with tbe 011t-houeee._ mill and. other buildings and il!lprovements thereon belonging or appertaininth and, All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F .;.. 2 - prooe•t•l to plaee her in poaaeaeloa ot the eame •. GlTen unde~ our banda end seale of the ea14 Jurors 'before me 'this tbe 2'1th' ~ of JAar,oh1 1896. JOJm L. FERGUSON »• s. ALLISON J • C •• CQUUU..t (SEAL) (S~) (SEAl:.) 461 ) Page _______ _____ 4_fi 2 _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands a:bstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Giv~ names of all plaintiffs and defendants. 1. CourL_Su-£]lRTOR ____ ___ County -ll:AY-\'10-0lf ______ _ 2. Kind of action __ _ Sjfecfia"l--Pioeeedlng _______ __ __ _ VS 3. Date of filing __ -5-•2-l .. -18-g-6------- ----------- -- ----- w. A • .l?Al..Mmt nnd others., Heirs at Law 4. Date of filing lis pendens _____ _ --- ------------ -- -------- 5. Judgment recorded in Book_ ___ -! _____ Pag~46 ____ __ _ PROCEEDINGS J U D G M B N T. _____ ..,..,..._..., The above cause coming on to be heard before J .;K. Boonei Clerk of Haywood County Superior Court, upon the report of John L. Ferguson. M. s . Allison end J. C. Correll, the Jury sUIIJ!!loned to lay off the dower o:f. the said M. A. :Palmer; and, It appet.aine to the satici'ft.otion of the c ovt thet the said J'Ul7, after being sworn accordi..TI.g to law, allotted to the said 11. A. l'almer the follo?;ine lands J.;r:tng on Cats.looobee Ct.•eek .. 13l~GI!iNING on a. Lynn. the original corner of , the 150 aore Home tract, on the northwest bank of' said Creek. ana runs thenoe N. 78 E. with the oreek• 15 poles to a sycamore at the mo11th ·of n b,. w. A. l?almf):r 's oorner; thenoe • up the :meanders of the branc'hll2 poles with w. A • .Palmer's line to the forks of said branoh; thence up the left prong of said branch 62 poles to its head; tbenae N. 35 w. ZO poles to William PtU.mer's corner; thence s. 70 N. 53 poles to a chestnut: thence 8. 36 poles to a spanish near a rock, corner to aome tract; thenoe s, 62 w. 128 poles to a sta:ite on side of the mountain; thence s. 49 E. l2i' poles to a stt'LR:e on t op of a ridge and dcwn tlle mea.n.Jors of srdcl r i dge 126 poles to e. hickory on top of s ~ i d ridge; thence s • . 53 E. poles: thenoo s. 76 r~ 12·2/5 poles to a stake on top of said ridge; thence s .. 86 :;~ . 28 poles to a stake in the edge of Ind i an Creek; thence dewn the Creek, ae it meanders,. 41 p oles to Oatalooohee Creek; the.noe down Catalooohee Creek N. 71 E • 36 poles to the beginning, conte.inine; 140 sores more or less. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this insb·ument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet F • 2 - inal~t\ the dtielling house, together with the llll'b•b.ouses, mill and other \H11ltliags., wbera the said J- R .. :t>&llni!J" lived• It furt}ler appearing to the eatiafao-tion of the Cf?Ut tbat said re)!ort is, in (Ul thiaae. fair ll1.1d reg1l].u: It f.Q 1 therefore, ad#llllged and a.eoreecJ by tbe ceur't that tlle aaid :r:epprt be and the same ia h&stebr e onfirm-e4 and la erd&l'ei to be reeorded. It is further ordered that tlW eos-1us of this suit 'be paid by the de.tendatlta,. to be taxed by the Clerk• This May 21st, 1896. 463 . ~·. 464 p!.g.(:f ~Lazer- .• bet~~C <~lllll "tl'Ol'n• '""!><>""" and says tSano~ s (co reru.•s 9t ~e. a:nd hoa been a ottla~n and rea1dGnt of !r.tlp<>o_ a r;oun.'y r.orJe..Q_yous; tb.ot he is wall. _a_ eqwl1.nte4 \11 tb ·tho ttwnars.'llp and poovess!on~of a tract Qf . land now owno4 by v . A• Campbell., more partiOt!l arl y 4esorib0d ns tollow• r .ll~O!rl~Jru At Qorn0.r ·1, a point on top of Int\it\n . oorner 4 or t he n. n. Bnr:rtss Traot _(238) ana corner 2 of the ooo., r~. Pol.mer t:raot ( 289) set a 5n onastnut post tn a mound of atonea1 ser1bo<i f)• n. oornor 4 A lO" mple1 blazed and scr1bEi>d n.T.n. :o. OOl"nor 4, bee1•s r~ . 3u-~5 l} •• oo ohe1n distant 1 tbonoe Wi'tll tllo D.. • ~u:rts t-:reot {238) ;f• 81•1'/ E• 14,03 Corner 2 a d'0oa~d poplar otump shown . as corner by JD. H. rturt·ist .oo eha1n Enst of t-¥1V1dson branoh set a 4" ohest-nu~ post 1n a mound or stones scribed v.c. oornor 11 tbe.noe lenv111B t llo D. n. lJun·is trsot (238) up ~vidaon bre.noll with ito tooallaQrs, 1!• 14•48 w. 2. se A l'olnt; t-J. 19-16 :e. e.oo A J oint: 1• oo-13 w. 5*46 t.\ Point! _ ~t . 51•00 _w• 1t64 _A P. oint; l•_· ls_. -oo_ r~. 4.97 corner ~. a ae•t benU.oolt stt1..'TtP on East mar gin ot road aud • 00 chain Eas.t of Davidson branoh1 ba1ns a corner of the c • :r • Palmer nact ( 241) i thence leav­ing the 'brsn oh tii th the c • J • PnL'"llOl" Trsot ( 241} N • 69-18 . • • 20 navidson bl"UCh f10tY1ng Soutb . 1? ~ '15 Cor­ner 4, a 10 ~ red oat iJtump on top Indinn R1og• ble.z$4 end sor1 bed v-• c • Corner 3t being comer 3 ot the George N• tre.ot ( 23~ ) and a corner ot the o. ;r. ?almer trne·t ( 241 ) ; thent}$ leaving t he C. :r • Pelmer tMot ( 241 ) , _ vt1 th the GeorgG N. Pall'ner traot ( 239) and i!own Indtan ! 1 dp;~ tJith its ~~antlers . f1• 9-0S N .. 4t·OO A r:>oint; Gt 56-45 w. lt9S A Point ; &. 2•5S w. 2t3"1 A Po:lntt s. 24•2& E• 4 . 32 A Point; Ct 2()-23 11 • 2,89 A .Point; s . 24• 35 N. 2.90 A !Joint; s ~ 11•17 E., 1 151 A I'o1nta s . U•3'7 E. 4.19 A Point; St 0<>-65 w. 3•53 A litolnta n. 39•SS w, 1.91 The plnoo ot beginning, oonta1nlns 36t3l .t\Cros. iU.":fi€lllt :f\Jl"ther stetoa tbat V • A• Cempb~ll an6 t hOS$ under w11om ht\) ol ai ma • _to \'11 t : w • A. Palmor ana neirs of D. t . Caldwell 8114 J • . n, Pel!!lal" Qnd his Heirs have bae.n. tn the open, oont tnuQUt~• a4"fVM e.nd notori()Ua ponaeesion or enid l und under lmO\Vfl and visible met•• . or.u!l bound~, 1'or a poriod oct 50 yeQl's and more; (.mlt!vat1114; came1 •t­ina tlmoor flUd firewood t h$refrom1. pasturing sa.":l10 6 and :maklnl$ auob other uf.J6s of oa1d l end a s thef aro susceptible of; attlnnt t"Urtbor states toot h0 baa neve:e h-eard of any eon~rov0rsy as t o the t1~1e or to tJw po.eua~a aion or any- pol~t ton or tbe obo~esor 1bG.4 land, ~~'JJ.~w~ . wrJxp~ ·a r 4 -~ 1 ~. f ant sworn to and subsor1bad before me tbis~a.~y -uf St9ptomber, 1929 c.J~ ~-:,,"""·'.>' .. t.Xnire~ {v'~y T ;e. c"h_a ~ t8 _ _/_/·~ ,.. ... "~ "" ,..., 1 .l~~J;_ / --~v-~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA .HAYWOOD COUNTY 465 ~~ Coar-qc( , being duly sworn• deposes and says that he:s~years of age, and haa been a o1 tizen and r~sident of Haywood county for~years;. t hat he is well eoque.1nte4 with the ownership and possessiOii"""" of a certain traot ot land now owned by v._ A. Cam;pbell., more particularly described as follows: _BEGI NNING At oorner 1; a _point on top of Indian Ridge corner 4 or t he n. It •. Burrios Tract (238) and corner 2 ot the George :fiT. Palmer Tract (239 ) S~t a 5" chestnut post in a mound ot stones, scribed n.n •.. Corner 4 A 10" maple, blazed nnd sor1be4 B.T.D.B. Corner 4, bears N. 30 .. 45 E. •09 Chain d1stant; thence with the n. n. Burris tract ( 238) N .• 81•17 Et 14-.03 Corner 2, a: decayed poplar stu<·np shovm as corner by D", H. Burris;. •. 60 cl' East of Davidson branch Set a 4" chestnut post .in a mound of stones scribed v •. c. Corner 1; thenoe leaving the D, H-., Burris Traot (238) · up Davidson branch with its me.ande:rs N., 14-48 w., · 2.56 A Point; N• 19•16· E. · 6 t-OO A Point; H., 00-13 W •. 5 .. 46 A Point; N-. 31-00· W. - l-.54.A Point; N• 13•00 E. 4.97 Corner 5 , a 36" hemlock stump on East II.Ial'gin of raad and . 20 chain East of Davidson branch, being a corner of t he c. :r., Palmer . Treat (241); . thence, leav­ing the bra..TlOh with the c. J ·., Palmer Trao t ( 241) N. 69-18 w • • 20 Davi d·son branch fl-owing south 17 • 75 Cor­ner 4 t a 10" red oak stump on top Indian Ridge blazed . · and sori bed v, c. corner 3, being csrner 5 of the G. !{. Palmer Tract ·125!) EUJ.d a -- cornor . o:t t he c. J. Palmer Tract (241); · thence-; leaving the c. J'. Palmer traot (241) with the Geo. N. Palmer. 'ITact ( 259) and down India.Tl Hidge with 1 ts meanders, 8 ~ 9-08 E.- 4 ;58 A Point; s. 35•45 w,_ 1.9-8 A Point; s • . 2-53 w. 2.37 A Pointt s. ·24-26 E .. 4.32 A Point; S t .20-23 w. 2-.89 A Point; s. 24•35 E. 2.90 A Point; s. 11•17 E., 1,31 A Point; s. 9•37 E. 4tl9 A Point; s .- 00•55 W. · 5•53 A Point; s. 38-28 w. 1.91 The plaoe o:f beginning• containing 35•31 Acres. ·Affiant further states that V. A. Campbell and those under whom he cla1lns, to w:tt: · w. ·A. Pa.l..mer and the ·Ireb·s of D, L. Caldwell, and J• ·P. .- ·almer and his Heirs. have been in the open, continuous · adverse ·and notorious possession ot said l and under kno·wn and 1rislble metes and bounds for a period ·of ·30 years and more; cultivating sa."!le; taking timber and firewood therefrom, pasturing same, and mak- · i,ng .such other uses ot said l and as they nre susoept1ble of; affian-t :further states that he has never heard of any controversy as to the title or to the possession of any portion or the above described land• ~~ .. t-J_ C!.'-"~ T:2z1~~d yn p- Affiant sworn to and subscribed before me this.:?da.y ·or September, 1929 )t: (!_c:J~ My Commission Expir~s Ma/27, 1931 Notery :Public · ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY 466 v • .A• ,Campbell, being duly s;worn, deposes and says' tbe:t he 1$~~-years of_age~ .arid has been a oi tizen and resident of Hay­wood O'Oiiiity tor~ ~ea.~s; .that he is well acquainted with the owner- . ship and possession of a tr.aot ot land purchased by him from :r~ R~ Mo:rgan, trustee, described as foll€1Ws: · · · :rw:arm·rn;ro at earner 1, .a point on top of Indian Ridge corner 4 of t he D. :a. Burriss tract (258) e.nd corner 2 of t he C-eo.. 1! •... Palmer trao t ( 239) set a 5" chest-nut post in a mout1d of ~to~es t sor:l.bed c ~. B •. Corner ,4 1\ 10" mple, blazed and ·soribec.l B, T. D,.)3• Corner 4, be~rs N,. 30~45 E • . i.09 ohain distant; t hence with ~he . D-.. II. Burrts tract (2~ } N• 81•1'1 E;o 14«03 Corner 2 a. decayed J,')Oplar .ert Ull'l.p ~holffi as . corner by D•. R~. Burris, ,60 chain 7Saat of Davidson branoh set a 4" chestnut post in a n1ound of s~ones ser i bed v,. c, Cornel;" 1 J . t henee leaving the D• H ... 1'3U:'ris tract ( 238) up David­son. branch with its 'meanders, N .. 14•48 w., 2~5& A Point; n• 19 ... 16 E. e.oo A Point; .N. oo-13 w. 5•46 A P~in~; . N. 31 ... 00 w. 1•54 A Point; r.r., 13-00 E., 4 -.9'7 Corner 3 1 a , 36" hemlock stu.'!'Jlp on East ma:rgin of road and .. 20 chain East of Davidson branch; being . a corner of the c~ .r. ' Palmer Tract (241) thence leaving the branch with the c. J. Pal mer tract (241} N, tn ... le V'• .,20 Davidson branch flowing s outh 17.75 Corner 4; a 10" red oak stump on top Indian Ridge b~SZEHl a nd scribed v .. c, Corner 31 being corner 3 of t he George N. Pal mer tract (239) and a corner of t he o. J ~ !Jal~er _.tract ( 241); thence, ~eav~ ing the o. J. Palmer Tract ( 241), w1 th the George J·t. Pa~mer Tract ( 239 ) . and doiiyn +nd1an Hidge w1 th ·.1 ts . mso.nders, s. 9""08 F.• 4•56 s . 35•45 TN. 1.98 A :PC? in~; S. 2•55 W • 2.37 A Point; .s. 24-26 E. ~!. 52 A Po!:q.t; .S. 20 ... 25 YiJ . ~hS9 A Point; S., 24•35 E. 2.90 A Point; s. 11•17 E. 1.51 A Point; s . 9•37 Et 4tl9 A Point; s. 38•28 w. !.91 1':Q.e place of beginning , cont~in1ng 35.31 Acres. Affiant further states that he and those under whom he claims, to w1 t ; w" A• Pa lmar, . D. L. Ca l dwell a:cd Eeb•a, .r. R• Pal­mer and Heirs, have been in t he open, continuous, adverse and no­torious :possession of said l and under kno"m and 'i:'1s1ble metes an4 bounds, for a period of' 30 years and more; cultivating same, tak• i ng timber and firewood t he:r.~ef:L"om, pasturing same , and :making such other uses of s ai d l and as t hey are su.<J oept1ble of; affiant further states t hat he has never heard of any controversy as to the title or to t he possession of any portion of the above descr ibed land. VR~ sworn to end subscribed before me this_k_d~y oJ 8e~tember • 1929 467 Page .. .............. .............. ..... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, --~~9_QP. _______________ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ___Y._ ,_!!:~QM~~g,---~---~-t;-~--~~T!'.~----------------- ___q A\itW.Jim_~,b. ___ p~-~~"~~~-~-4. ..± ~---§-~_~_y __________ _ AFFIDAVIT. -----------------------------~~~--_Q_! ____ y~_Y?!:~-~----------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds oLI~~-~-~-------------------County, in Book ____ ~~----------------• Page ____ ~~----------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ___3__0__ ____ day of_ __S___e__p___t_e__m___b__e___l_'__ ____, 19 __2___9__ . Notary Public. My commission expires.!:~~-!---~~-~~~30 . 468 Page .......... .... ..................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name ... ................................................................. and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 192tJ.... ····················:····Bo····:P•SJ································· 19 .................................. Je.ta. ............................................. . 19M .... ................. ...... ... laS.,4 ............................................... . 19.8... . .......................... P-&1.4 .............................................. . 192f.... . ........ ................. P.alt ........................................: .. ..... . 19..... .. .............................! .all.. .................... :. .................... 19 ... at. .......................... P.U4. ............................................... . 19:0 .. .................................. P.alt ...................................... . 19 ... 80. . ......................... Pe,1,t ............................................... . 19.20 .. . .......... ....................... Pa.14 ........................................ . ASSESSMENTS tfOI'B LES PENDENS MECHANICS LIENS NONE JUDGMENTS NOM I • Shut G Page. .... .......... ....4.....6... .9..... .. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instrum ents and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : V • A. CAMPBm.L !.tRACT llO~ .840 .......... ...... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES 1. COPY This ..... ~ ............ day of ..... ~l)t~llber ................................ , 19 ... 29 Attorney. Address ....................... ................................ : ............ ................... . SMOKYMTN.PARK V.A.CAMP8£LL TR"''CT ~..£..3/ ACRES SCAL £ / 11=20CHA/HS 8 SURVEY OF /928 BY W. N . .SI.OAN