Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

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Southern Pictures and Pencillings


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ' "1 ft) > > 3 .w o- •• • ft J^F DR. C. P. AMBLER, SecTand Treas. ©he Appalachian gtational $?artg $,##aaatton ||. ®. &&X 384. i 3Uheville, |l. ©., There has been little canvasim acne en tne paper ana the Chances *rr< favorable for the v.crk tc be self supporting. sn sales i ... ubscr.i 11 on; are reserved to the ma azine. This is expected tc. '■ . retjern in some deg,ree for the editorial services which are not otherwise Charged for. A 11„ adverti snei> whatsoever character i to the pacer after this agreement or similar agreement may be signed will accrue to the credit of I e Park Association. This arrangement however tc v inf force for net. i- < two month . If the Boa'rd of Directors p to submit a formal counter prcsiticn or fo-trra cf agreement may seen tc then tc ve nc re. specific and exact than this rather hurried estinato, I shall give the same >rompt conside rat i en ana set about tne wcr- at once. It will be understood that all canvassing for advertising shall be in the hands of tne Asscciaticn. Fesoectifiul 1 v submitted. P <S i »-sJ • It is unaerstcca that the abo^e i.i incluae addressing, wrap- pi ng and li n~ . Mr. Collins ncved that the Secretary v- nutliiori zed tc secure encu-ih copies of the next issue of Pictures and Penci lings to send one to each of the Senatcrs ana Fee resebfcatl ves East of the Mississippi, tc each of our regal air mailing list, 100 tc the Southern P.(R. and 100 extras. And further? that tne Secretary have these sane distributed as per ccn- ract with McOuilkin. Carried. The questior i I stickers was again brought up, and after some No2.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).