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Letters supporting Appalachian National Park movement


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • GEO. S. POWELL, ,.,.*, ,. —Ppesident. DR. C. P. AMBLER, 0 ,Sec.,.an4 Treas. ©to ■ ■■ ■ %ppmk<tti^mh Rational \$wct% &&&o&cdbm $T. ©. $o* 384. &*Jm»UU, $♦ ©♦jDec. 14th, 1899. : ■ Mr, H, S, VanBeman, Parksley, Va,, lly dear Sin* Your letter of the 12th inst. With enclosure of an article on 9A Plea for more national Parks" has "been received. I wish to thank yen-for 'your kindness in . referring this article to us and assure you w* will make good use of it, I will refer th* same to the Executive Committee will »• pXfto'M! "by them \tiere they feel it -will have the.-widest circular tion. Your article is good and to the point and wf would he glad to hav* more lika it, I hm%> also referred your letter to the Membership Commit tea and told their Chairman that you were greatly interested in the movement* You no doubt will hear from them in the course t of a few, days. are to-day mailing you "Manic petitions sand circulars and have placed your name on our mailing-list. "'Thanking you again for your interest and assistance, I am, Yours very truly, '■'""' . ■ '■ —r , „ --Ssc.-Treas. Die. M.l.M.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).