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Letter to Dan Tompkins, August 27, 1941

  • wcu_highlights-1782.jp2
  • In this letter of August 27, 1941, a sender possibly named Marvin A. Gerald sends Dan Tompkins ten dollars as credit towards a school loan from the Knights Templar Educational Fund. Mr. Gerald asks Mr. Tompkins if he could be a reference on his promissory note.
  • 7300 [Hampton] Blvd. Norfolk, Va. August 27, 1941 Dear Mr. Tompkins, Enclosed you will find $10.00 for which please credit it to the bill of the N.C.P. Mr. Tompkins, in order for me to return to school I have had to make an application to the Knights Templar Educational [Loan Fund] for $75.00. They will grant it to me if I can get 2 friends to go on my note. I wonder if you would be one. I promise you faithfully that you wont have to make it good. If you will do this for me, let me know immediately so I can send your name in. I hope to hear from you soon. Also send me the receipt for the $10.00. a friend, Marvin [A Gerald]