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Western Carolinian Volume 78 Number 12

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  • oe ~The Western Carolinian ee By Katie Marshall Contributing Writer ~ Are you a student con- : sidering graduate school? "Maybe you have, or maybe you have not, but here are - some excellent reasons why you should think t about staying at Western Carolina University for he graduate education. 1. You know you love s fine area. Right in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains, WCU is both beautiful and full of fun recreational activities. 2. With our small stu- dent-faculty ratio, where else can you get such per- sonalized attention? The Graduate School is home to over 450 professors, while the graduate student population is around 2,000. 3. WCU offers more than 19 masters degrees in over 50 different areas. For non-residents, you can also take part in these programs at Biltmore Park or through distance and online courses. 4, Graduate school can even be affordable. You can apply for graduate assistantships, Chancel- lors Fellowships, Gradu- _ate Student Study Grants, Invest in Teachers Awards and other financial pro- grams. - Still unsure? Interim Dean of the WCU Gradu- ate School Mimi Fenton gave an in-depth look at the graduate program to this reporter for any student who is curious for immediately after they graduate or later on in life. A lot of people dont FEATURES know how graduate educa- tion differs from under- graduate education, said Fenton. One of the big- gest differences is that you do more research. When you're an undergraduate, its about learning founda- tional ideas, skills, critical thinking and engagement, and doing some in-depth research in classes and with professors. When you're a graduate student, its a perpetuation of all of that. Youre not just a consumer of knowledge, but now youre more in the business of producing and creating knowledge. Fenton also noted, Its not just about continuing your education. Students need to make that internal attitudinal adjustment. Now lam a graduate student. Now there are different expectations. Now my professors are go- ing to treat me differently, because I am of a higher ranking. Fenton gave several criteria as a check list for if a student is ready to con- tinue their education in the graduate program. Fenton said students should consider gradu- . ate school if they like to explore; if they want to know deeper; if they have a passion, and they want to be innovative in their own thinkingto be able to go further into the ex- ploration of the ideas that matter to them. In addition to having that educational experi- ence, obtaining a masters degree can help you in the job market as well. Graduate education has the advantage of giv- Is graduate school ri ing you a leg up in em- ployment, Fenton said. Employers or anyone else expect that you have more abilities in working collaboratively, making connections across disci- plines and being able to find solutions and create information. According to the Coun- cil of Graduate Schools, there are several reasons why a masters degree is more important today than ever before. 1. In the last ten years, the number of masters degrees earned in the U.S. has increased by 45 percent. 2. Jobs requiring a mas- ters degree are expected to go up 22% by 2020. 8. You are also less - likely to be unemployed with a masters degree. In 2010, people of 25 years or older with a masters de- gree faced only a 4 percent unemployment rate. Those with bachelors degrees and high school diplomas saw a 5.4 percent and 10.3 percent rate respectively. 4, And as you might expect, getting your masters means that you make more money in your lifetime. In 2010, people with their masters made $12,000 more than the ones with just their bachelors. Also, the Council of Graduate Schools men- tions quite a few more sur- prising benefits. Did you know that people with an advanced degree are more likely to vote, to report being in good health and to have children who are better prepared for and more involved in school? So now you are think- December 7, 2012 B5 ght for you? Photo by Chris Ward/Staff Mimi Fenton is the new interim dean of the WCU Graduate School and explains how amazing WCU's graduate program is. ing about grad school. But what do you need to get in, besides the GPA and the GRE? If students are think- ing about graduate school, said Fenton, a good thing to do is to start looking at their activities and resumes and optimiz- ing those. Give a paper at the Undergraduate Expo. Its not just a re- sume builder. Its a great experience, and it shows commitment. Consider joining a professional or- ganization or an honorary society in your field. About WCU, Fenton added, Our graduate program directors here are excellent in every way, and when admitting students, they are really careful about seeing the whole student, what they have accomplished, what their recommenders say about their strengths and what their commitment is because graduate school really is a commitment. For students who are unsure whether to enter the job market directly after graduating, Fenton had more wise words of advice. Tts totally dependent upon the student, said Fenton. If youre tired or burnt out after finish- ing your undergraduate degree, then it might be good to stop and take care of things. Get a job, refuel, recommit, take time to apply and then come back. Some students need that break. Others dont. Even though graduate school is challenging, Fenton emphasized its personal and academic rewards. Tt can be a really trans- formative experience, Fenton concluded. Its exciting to make new find- ings, to write about things no ones ever thought about before, to have an original argument or make a discovery be- cause you've done all this research. Graduate school is both an intellectually exciting and personally gratifying experience. To find out more about the Graduate School, you can look on the WCU -home page or call them at 828-227-7398. _ SYLVA ( N THE WALM ART PLAZA) TELL US WHAT HURTS: MedWest Health System is pleased to provide the region with an urgent care center, conveniently located in the Walmart Plaza in Sylva. Urgent care provides a faster, less costly alternative to an emergency department visit, caring for illnesses like sore throats and upset stomachs, or injuries like sprains and cuts. The MedWest Urgent Care Center in Sylva is staffed with caring physicians, nurses, and techs to take care of what hurts. MedWest Urgent Care eae oe 96d ed Te es Sc for follow-up. can even help you become established with a primary care physician

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