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Western Carolinian Volume 78 Number 12

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  • eae Ae aap a Foe Ri anlar a a aan Racal ae oe Sane eR eR SE SS % tiamactoeaeNeisas The Western Carolinian FEATURES December 7, 2012 Susan Belcher - the woman beside The Chancellor By Jamie North Staff Writer From cheerleading to working for the United. Nations, Susan Belcher has done a lot. Now be- ing the essential First Lady of Western Caro- lina University, there is surprisingly still a lot she still wants to do. Tm a jack of all trades and a master of ~ none, said Belcher. Belcher is an avid sup- porter of bringing the Cullowhee community and Western Carolina community together as friends. The Chancellors Residence, where Chan- cellor David Belcher and wife reside, is host to all manner of parties. We host parties here for faculty and students, donors, and as a thank you, said Belcher. The house is also its own art gallery with col- lections from WCUs per- manent art collection. Both Belchers wanted their home to be a WCU treasure. Thursday, Nov. 29; the house hosted a party for the WCU Art: community and was the grand opening of the Chancellors Hall where pictures of the past WCU chancellors with their families hang. -Recently, Belcher also performed at the HART Theater in Waynesville alongside some WCU students in the musical theater department. Tt was really great working with these stu- By Jessie Swink Contributing Writer Many students, upon hearing about a nearby center where people are not only allowed but encouraged to play with - cats for hours at a time, are skeptical. After all, who does not love the idea of a purring cat curled up on the lap? However, just. afew miles up the road from Western Carolina, there is a place where you can do just that. CatMan2 Inc. is a no-kill cat shelter . that was founded back in 1996 by Dr. Harold Sims or, as many know him, Catman. The shelter currently houses approximately 80 _ cats, and new cats ar- rive at the shelter every day. The way cats end up in the shelter vary, from cats being found on peoples doorsteps to people needing to move long distances and being unable to bring their pre- cious felines, too. People rely on the CatMan2 shel- ter to find homes for their beloved animals, with the comfort that the shelter will not put the animal down. unless for medical reasons. il ges Saige a Coal ee Fila wilec - amazed at the power the dents, said Belcher. Be- ing able to re-see student life through their eyes. Their lack of cadiness was wonderful. They were team players. Belcher is also an avid member of the Lily Ini- tiative. The initiative is geared towards bringing back the Cullowhee Lily, a water-loving flower that once covered the Cullowhee valley. Betty Allen, WCU alum and past president of the Alumni Asso- ciation, came to Belcher last year and made her aware of the lilys heri- tage. The initiative started Sept. 28, during Moun- tain Heritage Day, and news of the initiative reached all the way to Asheville. People started calling for bulbs of lilies. I was media had in getting this initiative started, said Belcher. The Alumni Scholar- ship fund was created through this initia- tive and currently has around $8,000, and any student related to WCU alumni is eligible for the scholarship. Before coming to West- ern Carolina, Belchers activities ranged from sports to culinary. She partook in a 13-day Photo by Jamie North/Staff Susan Belcher is the First Lady" of Western Carolina and has an array of talents. time and still plans to do more. Her goal is to bring the communities time we walked out feel- ing everyone there was a friend, said Belcher on _ trapped Dr. Belcher into trying Indian food on their first date. She has more, direct childrens opera or opera for-chil- dren, take some cooking race in New York where performed countless the recital they put on classes, teach voice les- of Cullowhee and WCU she would run from 6:30 recitals, one at WCUs " earlier this year. . . sons, andl wouldloveto tighter together. She a.m. to 10:30 p.m. She Fine and Performing Belcher stillhasalist takeupballroomdanc- sees the wonderin both was a short order cook Arts Center with her of things she wouldlike ingagain, said Belcher. communities and has ina vegetarian Indian husband. to do. The chancellors wife fallen in love with this restaurant where she That was the only T would love to travel has done a lotin her area. "Catman provides purr-fect shelter and love to felines When it comes to adop- tion, some cats will be adopted immediately and their new homes, while others willlive with the CatMan2 family for the rest of their lives. The shelter seeks to ac- - commodate the cats and | make them comfortable, no matter how long they stay. The adoption fee for the | cats is a flat rate of $80; this fee only barely cov- . ers most vet fees, as all cats while at the shelter are spayed and neutered and given any and all care needed. CatMan2 is a non-profit organization, and as such, oie SLabaus potentially other apart- ments will waive the fee if the cat is adopted from . the CatManz2 shelter. In this year alone, Cat- ' Man2 has taken in 91 cats, and they have adopted out 81. Often cats are rescued from the euthanasia list within days will havea home, whether it is at the warm shelter or in the arms of someone who wants to adopt it. When a cat comes -here, I tell the cat, you have a home here until someone else who will pee pe eee> MEO 12 | jo |m|z le [> Jo |e |m > Belle ole ae ae ofa | Ls O17 210 pane | |e 0 Peeo ose between the ears of a particularly affectionate orange tabby. Western Carolina stu- dents have a lot of ways they can help assist at the CatMan2 shelter. People are needed every day to help with routine clean- GIPIC EG) SICES @|~sfolols|=[ole SSO SOC oor aisfolal=[ololo[= ~ se to raise money for the shelter. Even donating an hour of time to play with the cats is helpful. This provides socialization, which is usually hard to get from the small staff who works hard to keep the shelter running. ce - they receive most of the help for their organiza- tion through donations. hieite eye! Pet service fees area One of the cats at the Catmanz2, Inc. shelter in Cullowhee. challenge for many stu- ; dents in adoption, with at the nearby Jackson love you gives you one. ing, such as wiping down Two larger projects of some fees ranging up- . County Animal Shelter You have a right to stay windows or scooping out. interest would be of help wards of $200ifastudent next to the Cullowhee here until you can get litter boxes, while bigger as well. One of the proj- would like to keep a pet, airstrip, ensuringthata out there and enjoy life projects alsohave poten- ects is building an area but Wade Propertiesand catthatmighthavedied said Sims while rubbing tial, such as car washes for cats that are unadopt- able and will not be leav- ing the shelter. The other is putting together an art showcase to raise money for the shelter. Call 828-293-0892 to fig-' ure out how you and your fellow Catamounts can assist these fellow felines. 3 {6

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