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Western Carolinian Volume 78 Number 12

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  • Our Take We couldn't do it alone Fall 2012 is ending. Dorm decorations will come down. Students will pack their cars and head out to Highway 107 to wherever home is. Snow will fall on a quiet campus. We at The Western Carolinian are excited to wrap up the season and prepare for January. As always, there will be more news, performances and Cata- mount fun when everyone returns. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season whether you are - spending it skiing down snowy slopes, tanning ona tropical island, caroling around the neighborhood, delivering a monologue, creating a chemical reac- tion or becoming the next YouTube sensation. While exam week is always stressful, do not fall off the wagon now. You are so close to walking out the door back to home and zero homework, so make sure you do so with a strong finish: While home will always be home, we hope you return to West- ern Carolina in January because you see it as your second home. Hopefully, you have stored up enough sleep to prepare for the weather antics of this Ap- palachian valley that always arrives in the spring. Know that you are not alone but struggling through . the snow, wind and rain like the rest of us with snapped umbrellas and soggy tennis shoes. We would like to take this opportunity in the last issue of the semester to thank a few amazing people. Dr. Brent Kinser, thank you for accepting the faculty adviser position. While we brought you in as a silent adviser, you have been anything but with your proud, never-ending support for each of us and this paper. We cannot thank you enough for being in our corner, cheering us on and picking us up. - Justin Caudell, what would we do without you? - Chancellor David Belcher and Susan Belcher, you are the most lovely couple. We hope that you feel as supported by us as we feel supported by you. Thank you for the countless interviews and giving us time to get to know you. Kim Corelli, Jeff Hughes and Wes Taylor, a huge thank you! There is not enough space in the New York Times to explain all that you have done for us. Sam Miller, your love for Western Carolina is un- rivaled and inspiring. Thank you for all your time and your listening ear. Paul Lormand, thank you your never-ending enthusiasm and love for the arts. Thank you for letting us take photos at events and letting us bring our friends along. _ While we cannot thank everyone, know that we are extremely grateful for any and all students, : faculty, staff and community members of Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, Sylva and Dills- boro who have taken the time to answer our never- ending questions. Happy Holidays! Ryan Alexander and Lex Menz, Co Editor-in-Chiefs 109-D Old Student Union Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 828-227-2694 Justin Caudell, Journalism Adviser 706-782-331 2 : Brent Kinser, Faculty Adviser Tyler Auffhammer, News Editor ek Michaud, Sports Editor Kaitlyn Connelly, Copy Editor Colby Murphy ; Pre-Press Editor _ Allison Adkins, Staff Writer Brandy Carl, Staff Writer Carvan Craft, Staff Writer Logan Porter, Staff Writer Laura Odom, Staff Writer Jamie North, Staff Writer Chris Ward, Photographer Ceillie Simkiss, Photographer Jeffery Wilson, Cartoonist Joseph Moon, Designer The Western Carolinian P.0. Box 66 ~ Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 CAMPUS VIEWS Cartoon Quotable Tt helps us sign better - artists. - Rotimi Ariyo, associate director - for programs at the University Center, on Last Minute Productions increased budget. a ( reasons T have An NFL review, Super Bowl predictions and more By Ryan Michaud sports Editor If you are heading this, you made a smart _ move in stopping what- ever you were doing and focusing on some more important things . in life, such as NFL _ football. Like every year, the 2012 NFL | season has had us all cheering, crying and groaning. As the season begins to wrap up, lam giving a semi-mid-sea- son review, as well as my top 10 teams and my Super Bowl prediction. First off, props to Mr. Roger Goodell and the NFL for responding to fan and player pressure about the replacement refs and bringing back the real referees. Second, I will admit - that the rookies sur- prise me this season. Though his team, the Washington Redskins, stands at 5-6 (as of week 12) and got outplayed by | the New York Giants, Pittsburg Steelers and Cincinnati Bengals, Robert Griffin III has . shown he can throw, run and lead a football team. Alongside Griffin III is the Indianapolis Colts Andrew Luck; who is leading his team into playoff contention with a 7-4 record and even chasing down a defensive back who picked him off. Howev- er, Lucks most impres- sive win was on week 5 when he beat the Green Bay Packers at home by three points. It will be interesting to see how Luck and the Colts handle the Houston Texans when they face _ off in the final weeks. Finally, the young, quiet, Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks. I still remember when he tore apart the New Eng- _land Patriots secondary and led a comeback win with a couple of deep ball passes. Winning . the NFC West is out of the picture and a wild- card spot is pretty un- likely considering they stand at 6-5, but Wilson proved to his team he can mature as a fran- chise quarterback. Alongside with those three mentioned, other rookies have certainly made a splash in the NFL, including Doug Martin and Chandler Jones, but I predict that Andrew Luck will win rookie of the year. - As of week 12, here - are my top three teams in the league. 1. New England Patriots (8-3) Many great minds often wonder how does a team beat New Eng- land. Answer: outscore Tom Brady. Easier said than done how- ever, considering the man embarrassed the ' defense of Indianapolis and New York, putting up 108 points in less than a week. New Eng- land will win the divi- - sion, and with a healthy Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez and an improving young defense led by the beast himself Vince Wilfork will be dangerous. 2. San Francisco 49ers (8-2-1) Ihave no idea what to think of coach Harbaughs decision to switch quarterbacks @(naybe Rex Ryan can _ learn something from. -him), but the team is winning. We will find out in the end if his decision is right or not. 3. Houston Texans (10-1) As it stands, Hous- ton will probably win the first seed in the AFC, giving them a first round bye and home field advantage throughout the play- offs. This is, of course, if they can beat New England at New Eng- land, and beat Luck and his rising Colts. Houston also allowed Jacksonville to score 37 on them and beat Detroit on Thanksgiv- - ing Day thanks toa very controversial call. Ultimately, I think Houstons real test comes up in the com- ing weeks when they play New England and Indy. AFC Championship: New England Patriots over Denver Broncos. _ They are the only teams in the AFC I can see making it this far. I think Houstons lack of playoff experi- ence willultimately hurt them and Flaccos inconsistency will hurt Baltimore. In the end, : it will be Manning and Brady, but Brady will prove too much for Denvers defense. NFC Championship: San Francisco 49ers over LETTERS POLICY We welcome letters from our readers. We urge brevity, both for the sake of effectiveness and the demands of space; letters should be no longer than 500:words, All letters are subject to the same editing for clarity applied to our staff contributions. We will not publish anonymous letters; letters praising or criticizing professors by name; letters mak- New York Giants A rematch of last years game, only this _ time San Francisco will not make stupid mistakes late in the game. \ Super Bowl: New England over San Francisco As long as the de- fense shows up to play and Brady throws the football (and Welker doesnt drop any pass- es), New England will win the Super Bowl. Heres why: 1. Tom Brady. That is all I have to say. 2. Bill Belichick. Again, no further com- mentary needed. 8. New England has a wide range of weapons. The receiving corps of Brandon Lloyd, Wes Welker, Julian Edel- man, Rob Gronkowski and Aaron Hernandez give Brady too many weapons for the de- fense to handle. 4. An improving defense. The signing of Aquib Talib seemed to have sparked some confidence growth in _ the young defense. 5. Again, Tom Brady. I remember a game the New York Jets should have won this season. You would think Rex Ryan knows better than to give Brady the ball with two minutes left in the game. Brady will find a way to pull through like he always does. These are my predic- tions. Time will tell what will happen. --| ing personal attacks or personally hurtful statements; endorsements of or letters from political candidates; or copies of letters to other publications. Because we want to provide access to a variety of viewpoints, each letter writer will be limited to one letter every four weeks. All letters should be signed, and writers should enclose their addresses and daytime phone numbers. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published but will be used to verify letters. We reserve the right not to print any letter. \

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