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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 15

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  • November 22nd, 2011 WESTERN CAROLINIAN : NEWS Students discuss budget cuts, other campus concerns at private forum Caleb Gray, Staff Writer Student Government As- sociation President T.J. Eaves held a private student forum last Thursday: after a meeting with The Leadership Institute | to get a sense of the student bodys opinions on major campus issues. The forum was only open to students, and it offered a secure setting where students could voice their opinions on subjects concerning Western Carolina University. No ad- ministrators were allowed to this forum, but Eaves will take back the information given by. the students to the universitys administrators. The forum ~ revolved around the new proposed - budget for the 2012-13 aca- demic year. SGA handed out, _a proposed, budget with per- centages showing increases in neat every area, and stu- dents went through the budget to discuss the risen fees. The Tuition and Fees Committee has proposed for most meal plan prices to be increased by almost 4 per- cent. However, Eaves noted that this increase would pay for the upstairs dining hall and one downstairs dining area to remain open till 2 a.m. - on Thursdays, Fridays, Satur- days, and Sundays. Students, in general, felt this was a good idea, except most disagreed with the proposed Burger Studio being the downstairs choice. They noted that be- cause Burger Studio remained open late now it would not make sense to keep it open and pay more. Eaves asked | which option they would like _ to see open, and most said | McAlisters.. This. discussion. transi- tioned into the students un- happiness with the. current state. of Westerns dining ser- vices. Most felt that the service was not up to par, and were not excited for dining services fees to go up $891 for in-state students next year if such ser- vice continued. Many sdid the upstairs dining hall has served mediocre food; one student commenting about uncooked bacon being served. Another student expressed how he was upset that many times he has been forced to, wait for food to come out because the dining - hall staff refused to serve until a certain time. Many students also voiced that they did not feel as though WCUs dining services really cared about - their comments and concerns because after filling out com- ment cards, nothing ' was ever. done, Students pomenied that they did not like Zoca, and that it should be replaced with: a hew dining option. Also, TUITION INCREASE...Continued from Front Page versity, and in the hands of the Board of Governors and the _ N.C. General Assembly. . Miller told attendees that. the State of North Carolina has shifted strategies in fund- ing the WCU over the past years, moving from a fund- enrollment and growth to one that focuses on performance. From 2008 to 2011, WCU. saw a total reduction of $32.7 million to its budget, with the largest reduction coming dur- ing the 2011-2012 year, with a_ reduction of $14.2 million. Student concerns centered -. on the jump from a 6.5 per- cent increase to a 17.3 percent increase in thre-weeks time. Some students, like Randall Hunt, felt that the budget - shortfalls could be remedied . _in other ways, such as fund re- appropriation and elimination of redundant administrative ing model that focused on | positions. TJ understand an increase its made necessary by infla- tion and the state of the econ- omy, said Hunt. I just dont want the money to go where its currently going. I support an increase to maintain the in- tegrity of the school, but if the increase is simply to maintain. a status quo ee these peer institutions, dont do it. Hunt also ~ expressed frustration with the metrics revolving around the com- parisons to peer. institutions (different states and funding). The remaining categories in the Tuition and Fees in- crease proposal stay the same as what was presented from Oct. 24-26. The increases in. tuition, coypled with increases | in mandatory fees, residence . hall costs, and meal plan costs, mean a minimum increase of $891 for N.C undergraduates and $951 for N.C. graduate students for the 2012-2013 peadeinie yea students desired to be able to use their declining balance at restaurants like Rolling Stone Burrito, Cats Nip Caf, and The Mad Batter. As the forum. continued along the budget, students learned that parking fees are being proposed to be raised $12. Eaves informed the stu- dents that he has remained adamant that if administration wanted to raise parking fees, then they would have to build a new parking lot. The stu- dents agreed that in order to raise parking fees, Westerns administrators would have to - do something to fix the uni- versitys parking problem. The students learned that a new. gravel parking lot could possibly be built across. the street next to WCWs new Health. Sciences building. This-lot would be for: fresh- men parking, and the students at the forum were ok with the idea. However, the stu- dents showed concern about transportation to and from the parking lot, and the safety of the proposed lot. However, they did not agree with the idea to fence in the lot and. lock it at.night. Many students felt that WCUs Cat Tran service was not as efficient as it could be, and they did not agree with the increased budget to buy a new Cat Tran. Many. students felt that it would be more cost efficient to repair one of the broken Cat Trans, or run more Cat Trans at the same time. They also wanted tosee the Cat Tran running longer hours, and some suggested creating a smart phone appli- cation to show students where the Cat Tran was on campus. The last conversation held by the students, after reading and discussing all the budget increases and their causes, Lve nation ticketmaster OUR NEXT GALAXY OF STARS PRESENTATION. was what are WCUs admin- , istrators doing to save money? Students realized that because of inflation and rising student acceptances, certain items in a budget would need fo be increased. One student sug- oe gested having a student proj- ect proposal where students constructed projects suggest- ing ways to save money. Eaves and the rest of SGA left the forum pleased. Tonight was very ben- eficial for the Student Goy- ernment Association. received .a lot of valuable feedback about students con- cerns, issues, and thoughts on the current and future state of our university, Eaves said after We look for- ward to taking all of the infor- mation we received tonight to upper administration. I would like to thank everyone who came out tonight. A COMMEMORATION OF THE 70 ANNIVERSARY OF WORLD WAR II A production including all of the songs which topped the Hit Parade during the World War II years, sung by one of the best known and most popular groups of the era - The Pied Pipers. Americas Hits On Parade features The Pied Pipers backed by one the 20th Centurys most popular big bands, The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra. The program is filled with song classics, recognizable, and to be enjoyed by all ages, and especially revered by your older audiences. Enjoy an evening of Americas Hits that inspired many of the greatest } Friday, December John W. Bardo Fine & Performing recordings ever made. Americas Hits On Parade is a songbook of legendary songs from the most thrilling era of music that captured our hearts during an amazing ten years of music and history. Also, everyone's favorite Holiday songs will be performed in the style . and tradition of the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra and the Pied Pipers -- their greatest hits of the era will take your audience back to a special time. A time of remembrance of the holidays spent with family and friends -- and an era of great anee's from the War Years. 7:30pm 9. 9 0 rts Center $20 Adults/Seniors | $15 Faculty/Staff $5 Student/Children RESERVATIONS HIGHLY SUGGESTED: 828.227.2479 Page2 We 3 7 %

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