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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 07

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN SS EUR VT NG THE CULE OW HEE AREA SION CE Volume 77, Issue 7 Visit us at gi Ne , Remember true meaning of Memerial Day y) Read more on Page 4-A WCU holds commencements for undergrads, honors outgoing chancellor Bardo | Forest City resident graduates _from WCU at age 18 Read more on Page 6-A ) Outgoing Chancellor John W. Bardo was surrounded in confetti after having his service to WCU recognized during the afternoon undergraduate commencement ceremony on May 7. ) Concert Series at WCU _ Read more on Page 6-B : From Staff Reports Western Carolina University held a pair of commencement ceremonies at Ramsey Re- gional Activity Center on Saturday, May 7 to honor the academic accomplishments of ap- proximately 925 undergraduate students, while also taking time out to recognize the service of outgoing Chancellor John W. Bardo, Commencement for the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education and Allied Professions, and Fine and Performing Arts was held at 10 a.m., and that event was followed by a 3:30 p.m. ceremony for the College of Business, College of Health and Human Sciences, and Kimmel School of Construction Management and Technology. A special guest at the afternoon c commence- ment was Thomas W. Ross, president of the University of North Carolina system, who brought greetings from the UNC Board of Governors. We are here today to pay tribute to you and your achievements, Ross said to the graduat- . ing students. All of us are very proud of you. Because of the knowledge, competencies and skills you have gained here, your minds are sharp and filled with ideas. '. You are prepared for the adventures, op- portunities and challenges that life will bring you, Ross said. I give each of you graduates our heartfelt congratulations on this your big day and I thank you for allowing-me to share it with you. Ross also read a Proclamation of Appreci- ation that lists many of the milestones of Bar- dos tenure, including new highs in enrollment and academic quality, a massive construction effort to better serve the educational and per- sonal needs of students, and work to establish WCU as a catalyst for sustainable economic development. The proclamation also takes | = ~=NAME: eee=> ADDRESS: Ss CITY: SSsS=< STATE: WOAAAHNG SHG EEE 0580 95 EF Join the Conversation: av note of WCUs Quality Enhancement Plan, which emphasizes strong connections between students academic and extracurricular activi- ties, and the Millennial Initiative, an ambitious economic development strategy designed to enable private business and industry to col- Jaborate with the university. Bardo will leave the chancellors post on July 1 after 16 years in that position. To summarize, what will be known as the Bardo years at WCU have been radical, remarkable and transformational for an institu- tion seeking to renew its role in education and service in the early years of the 21st century, Ross said, reading from the proclamation. Over the past 16 years, with you at the helm, this university has been changed for the better in many ways, and the beneficiaries of those changes are the students who have and will represent this institution in Western North Carolina, across the state and around the world. On behalf of Western Carolina Universitys students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends, and the citizens of Western North Carolina and the state of North Carolina, we submit to you, Dr. Jghn W. Bardo, our enduring thanks and appre- ciation for service extraordinarily well done. _ Responding to the proclamation, Bardo said advancements made by the university during his tenure are the result of the efforts of many people. Ive had the pleasure of serving as the spokesperson and cheerleader for this campus for 16 years, but theres a reality, and the real- ity is that one person doesnt do very much, he said. It takes an entire team of people, and this university is blessed with an outstanding faculty, a tremendous staff and with leadership on our board of trustees that is second to none in the state of North Carolina. Ross tasks during the afternoon ceremony also included presenting the UNC systems highest teaching honor, the Board of Governors SS Lshalt Clea i Award for Excellence in Teaching, to Aaron K. Ball, professor of engineering and technology in WCUs Kimmel School of Construction Management and Technology. One award is given annually to:a faculty member on each Graduate School commencement. Bardo delivered the chancellors charge to . the graduating students at all three ceremonies. _ moving into the dormitory in the fall. commencement, he spoke of the great eco- | * dormitory is estimated to be around $500,000, arise from the original cost estimation due to is going to continue to change a lot and the old | _ LEED certification, Harris said, He added that : the added value is far greater for the environ- _ ment. leadership, and you are the people with the ' Planning, Design and Construction teanr will - use materials that have either already been re- _ cycled or can be recycled when they expire. Heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and _ other systems must work to save and cut back _ on energy and water usage. Solar panels will - be adorned to the roof to catch the suns rays : which will be used to heat water and reduce _ taking energy from the power grid. To reduce _ the taking water from the water plant, a rain - water collectbr will be installed. Water from ' there will be used in systems not requiring _ potable water, Harris explained. graduate students who are enrolled in the uni- During the Saturday morning undergraduate nomic and societal changes he has seen during his career in academics. We know the world ways of doing business arent the ways well be doing business in the future, he said. What that means is that we need great skills, he said to the graduating students. My charge to you is to use your education for good and to understand that using an education is. more than making a living, although you have to do that. Its also about giving back and being responsible. We all look forward to seeing what you do with your great Western Carolina University education. The undergraduate students who have been completing their degrees at WCU this semester are part of a graduating class that totals about 1,250 students. The class includes 111 under- versitys Honors College, which is the largest that program for high-achieving students. The class also includes the first graduate from the universitys new bachelors degree was launched in fall 2010. Acomplete list of all of WCUs new gradu- ates will be announced after grade posting. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $30 for North Carolina addresses $45 for other ei telusteer MAIL PAYMENT TO The Western Carolinian PO Box 66, Cullowhee NC 28723 Facebook: SQ Lineup set for 2011 Summer Harrill Hall SSNNNNNINN}N}NPNH Hy} yyyyg;d Dw May 27th, 2011 Campus construction to continue over summer, Harrill Hall project on hold RILE PHOTO Lex Menz, News Editor The majority of students and faculty/staff members have left Westerns campus, but one group still remains for the entirety of summer: the construction workers. Phase 3 of The Quad _ is now taking place as well as the completion of the Health and Human Sciences building. The expected project of making Harrill Hall green, however, might not happen. For Phase 3, Wiley Harris, director of fa- cilities planning, design and construction, and . his team are working to finish the walkways to connect Blue Ridge dorm hall, the Courtyard Dining Hall, and the surrounding courtyard areas. Due to this construction, pedestrian and vehicle traffic patterns around the area will be _ affected until the end of June. For the Health and Human Sciences build- ing, also dubbed the Nursing building, the building is approximately 85 percent com- ylete at this time, said Harris. We continue o emphasize the completing this project with anticipation of full ea 2a Spring se- mester 2012. 0} ct has not gone over budget nor do is. team expect. construction. costs | to g the provided budget. | __ The other major construction project that was supposed to happen was making Harrill Hall eco-friendly. However, the project may t not happen due to budget issues. The original plan was to have it completed for fall semester 2012, but bids were received _ on Thursday, May 12, and they exceeded the : budget, Harris said. We are working with the _ designer and contractor to value engineer the _ project to see if we can bring it within the avail- _ able funding and still be an acceptable project. UNC campus to recognize superior teaching. Ball was the featured speaker at WCUs May 6 _ will determine whether they can move forward : or have to wait. If the project is cancelled for _ the time being, Residential Living will make Based on the results, Harris and his staff the call by June of whether students will be The cost to update Harrill Hall into a green the options we chose for sustainability and To make a dormitory green, the Facilities While it is unsure of whether Harrill Hall . will get its environmentally friendly transfor- group of graduates in the 13-year history of mation this summer, the future plan is to not _ only use green thinking with residential halls _ but also all future building projects. This does "not mean a complete transformation of every program in international studies. The program building on campus, but to use recyclable and sustainable materials in the building projects _ that will arise down the road. When families return to move their students _ in on Moving Day, Harris announced that PE ee r

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