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Western Carolinian Volume 73 Number 01

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  • Page 3 Western Carolinian Febuary 21, 2007 World News Events Top 10 Countdown By Rachel Mitchell staff writer photo credit: 10 In an effort to keep up with competition, EBay Inc. announced that it will be cutting its charging fees by up to 50 percent. The cut will affect those who wish to sell their items online. To make up for this large cut, the commission on sold items will be increased. The new cut will begin Feb. 20 in the US but price changes will also be put in effect for the United Kingdom and Germany. Wal-Marts walk-in clinic CheckUps, has shut down nearly 23 of its stores in Florida along with three other states because of late payments to nurses and vendors. In the previous year CheckUps, in New York, ran into a similar problem because they did not have the money to pay the bills. The total amount owed to nurse employees is around $108,000. 8 Many colleges are beginning to offer pre-college summer programs for high school students who wish to get a head start on college courses and the college experience. The students go through the normal process that they would if they _ were attending college like doing laundry,picking courses and being taught by university professersy Somestudents:are also able to attend schools overseas. The experience can cost from $2,795 to $6,795 depending on the number of weeks they wish to attend. ( Though talks continue between Hollywood writers and production companies, an agreement could be within a few weeks. The major breakthrough came on February 1st when issues of pay for internet distribution were negotiated. The writers strike is now within its fourth month and has financially hurt networks. However, even if the broad members of the writers guide approves, it must also be approved by more than 10,000 guild members. 6 Several workers at a Minnesota Quality Pork Processors have developed what could be a new syndrome. Though the disease is not spread person to person, several workers had the same symptoms of fatigue, pain and numbness. The dis- ease has no resemblance to mad cow disease and it is uncertain how many people could be affected. D The Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) is being threatened with decreasing inspection forces, old technology systems, less funds and lack of scientist. With an increase in imported food products and medical devices, the Government Ac- countability Office is worried that there is not enough staff or technology to deal with the current situation. 4 Wounded Marines have new career opportunity when they return to the US. Mostly through the Department of Veterans Affairs, Marines are being taught by film and media production schools. Many go on to become union crew members and producers are beginning to ask for their services. 3 In order to be more competitive with Google, Microsoft has made a $44.6 billion bid for Yahoo. For the past few years Microsoft has been struggling against the rapid fame of Google and its growing lead in advertising. Google has become so large that many believe that no one company could compete and that it will take the combination of two companies. Thougtilthe deal is not finalized, Yahoo ex- ecutive Jerry Yang arid Microsoft chairyyan Bill Gates. are still in negotiations. Z Bushs FutureGen project, which would be a coal-fire plant that emitted no car- bon dioxide, was shot down. Though the Energy Department said it would pay for the technology for the plant, the industry would have to pay for actual build- ing. However, other energy experts say the plan would have taken more plan- ning and money than thought by the Energy Department. The Natural Resources Defense Council believes that Bush was just using a bait-and-switch when the project was pulled. 1 A new $3-trillion federal budget could bring more deficit in the coming year. Though in the past two years the deficit has been cut by about $250 billion, it could begin to rise again and reach, as much as another $400 billion. The reason is a slowing economy, the Iraq war and a new tax cut that is expected to be worth $150 billion. By the end of Bushs second term the national debt is estimated to be around $9.6 trillion. Microsofts Possible Purchase of Yahoo By Rachel Mitchell staff writer In order to be a better fighting force against the increasing power of Google, Microsoft is currently in the works to purchase Yahoo. With Ya- hoo and Microsoft a distant second to Google, Microsoft hopes that the merg- er will help to close the gap and create new competition.Currently Microsoft is in negotiations to buy Yahoo for around $45 billion. Executives from Microsoft and Yahoo believe that Google has be- come so dominant over audiences that the only way for any company to be a competitor, is to merge. The main lead that Google has over Microsoft is in on-line advertising revenue. Without the merger Accord- ing to comScore even with the merger, Microsoft-Yahoo would have about 33 percent of the market, still trailing Googles 58 percent. Yahoo and Micro- soft also rank No. 1 and 2 in financial news, and No. 2 and No. 1 in instant messaging. With the merger, new competi- tion between the Microsoft- Yahoo and Google would be created with new products and services but it would also mean less customer variation. Accord- ing to comScore, Yahoo ranks 256 million visi- tors worldwide in December, and Mi- -crosoft, with 255 million, as the top two providers. While there is bound to be overlap among users of the compa- nies e-mail services, a combined Mi- crosoft- Yahoo would command a much larger share than Google, which ranks third place with 90 million visitors in December. The possibility of a new merg- er has Google on the offensive with lobbyist action in Congress and legal briefs to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and Yahoo Chairman Bill Gates are still in negotiation about the next step in merger. However, if the two do decide to join they will be hit with legal proceedings from Google. According to TheNew, As they are gearing up now, a legal fight, if at all, is months away. Federal regulators will not begin to consider any deal until it is completed and formally presented. It is not certain whether the deal would be considered by the Justice Department, which has overseen previous antitrust proceedings against Microsoft, or the Federal Trade Commission, which reviewed and ap-. proved Googles purchase of Double- Click. When Google was in the works to purchase DoubleClick, Yahoo filed similar briefs to stop or delay the merg- er. According to TheNew YorkTimes. com said, In addition to the fight over DoubleClick, Google lodged a com- plaint in antitrust proceedings against plans for Vista, Microsofts new operat- ing system. Google said these were an- ticompetitive because they unfairly dis- couraged the use of Googles desktop search program. By lobbying in state capitals, Google persuaded prosecutors to intervene on its behalf. Ultimately, Microsoft agreed to modify the operat- ing system to make it easier for users to decide which search application they wanted. The Microsoft- Yahoo deal could also create heavy competition between AOL and Time Warner. Time Warner is expected to release a new AOL unit that could be hit heavily by the new deal. Before Time Warner bought AOL, Ya- hoo and Microsoft were other possible bidders.

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